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Help Appeal to Our Donors Abroad

March 31, 2014, 11:00 1819 Author: Albert Pavlov, translated by Daria Sukach deti.zp.ua The latest tragic events and current stressful situation in Ukraine have significantly decreased the number of Ukrainian donors. Your kind international support for Ukrainian children is truly vital today!

Dear Friends,

You all know Ukraine is facing tough times now. The threat of external aggression, war fear, instability – all these factors have dramatically decreased the number of donations from our Ukrainian benefactors.

What’s more, an incredible dollar rise and a sharp weakening of Ukraine’s currency (hryvnya) are making our charity projects such as children’s treatment, construction works and holiday trips far more expensive day by day. The US dollar exchange rate to Ukraine’s hryvnya has reached 45% during the last two months which in its turn raised the petrol price by 20-25% and construction materials costs by 15-30%.

Despite the current crisis in Ukraine we financially support 30-40 severely sick children and a couple of young people every month, purchase medical equipment for children’s hospitals, manage the wages of seven additional educators for the Children's Home in Kalinovka. Besides we’re completing the reconstruction of the second family-type Happy Home for nine children with special needs in Kalinovka and are starting to build our first home for orphans in the children’s village. The monthly expenses of the Happy Child charity foundation have reached 40,000 US dollars for the last two months.

Under the present unstable economic conditions in Ukraine more and more children need our help every day, so the role of international support has increased tremendously. If you donate 50-100 US dollars you will give us 45% of support in hryvnya equivalent.

We honestly hope that your kind donations from abroad will help us overcome this ordeal as well as save the lives and health of many Ukrainian children, find orphans their loving families and support children with special needs.

We believe Ukraine will stand and flourish and Ukrainian donors will again take an active part in caring for children.

Let the World help Ukraine and Ukraine will help the World!

You can change Ukraine for better right now!

Best regards,

Albert Pavlov

Director of the Happy Child charity foundation

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004

They need help:

You donated in 2024

$ 46 385

Our expenses in 2024
To 48 sick children $19 176
Medical equipment: $1 355
Humanitarian help: $18 764
To disabled children: $32 958
To children's village: $991
To orphans and poor children: $1 303
"Helpus" - help to adults: $10 868
Service expenses: $9 430
Total sum of expenses: $96 282

$6 811 983

donated since 2007