Waisen und kranke Kinder von Zaporoshye, Ukraine
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Artem Reznichenko, 5 years old — acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Fundraising is closed! Sincere thanks to our helpers! Fundraising suspended. Thanks to your help, we have Temko reserve funds for the immediate treatment

Author: Olga Vovk, translated by Vladimir Kaplun, deti.zp.ua
Published: 2016-05-27 14-00-00   Viewed, times: 4478

Artem Reznichenko, born 18 June 2010

Diagnosis: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

ATTENTION! AS AT 26/09/2016 city: Fundraising closed!!
Sincere thanks to our helpers! Fundraising suspended. Thanks to your help, we have Temko reserve funds for the immediate treatment

“Our family has suffered a misfortune we could neither predict nor prevent.

On Monday, April 18, 2016, little Artem’s temperature jumped to 38.5. We thought it was simply a virus, but had his blood tested just to be sure. The results were very bad. He was admitted to the oblast children’s hospital. They ran all the additional analyses there and made a puncture to get the full picture of his condition. The hematologist suspected a systemic blood disease. On Thursday, results of the puncture test confirmed diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. We were appalled, and we understood what kind of struggle was expecting us.

Artem has always been an active child, and even now, during the treatment, he is a real gadabout, he is very inquisitive. Our son is eager to get well and go home to his brother and sister as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, we cannot afford purchasing all the necessary medications and pay for the expensive chemotherapy. We have learnt that the hospital providing the treatment has almost none of the required medicines, and we need to pay for each examination and buy most of the expensive medicines.

We are keen to help our son to overcome all the hardship of his difficult and long treatment, so we welcome everyone who can help little Artem to live a full life by beating blood cancer”. The treatment will require about 420 USD. This amount is yet approximate, because the treatment will be adjusted based on the results of the chemotherapy and puncture tests.

The family leaves in the city of Zaporizhzhya

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     Kranke Kinder in der Ukraine        Die Ukraine    Vormalige Hilfsgesuche von kranken Kindern        Veroffentlichungen durch Gluckliches Kind    
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