Financial report on expenses for the period from January 01, 2012 to December 31, 2012

29.12.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
29.12.2012bank comission$13.64 Bank comissions
29.12.2012Office cleaning$70.06 Office rent
29.12.2012The accumulator to Nokia phone$4.38 Operational expenses of the foundation
29.12.2012Payment Coordinator tourism program Tangle $177.28 Tourist program
29.12.2012Salary to the fund s employee$273.24 Salary to fund s employees
29.12.2012Wages Manager sick children in December 2012$10.26 Wages Manager sick children
29.12.2012bank commission$3.75 Bank comissions
29.12.2012bank comission$3 Bank comissions
29.12.2012bank comission$11.59 Bank comissions
29.12.2012Salary to the fund s employee$213.31 Salary to fund s employees
29.12.2012Accounting expences$0.75 Salary to fund s employees
29.12.2012Salary to the fund s employee$36.91 Salary to fund s employees
29.12.2012Transport$25.77 Transport expenses
29.12.2012Postage, envelopes, stamps$66.86 Communication expenses and postage
29.12.2012Mobile communication$10.01 Communication expenses and postage
28.12.2012Fundraising expenses$289 Fundraising expenses
28.12.2012The holiday organization in a boarding school on Great Luga$18.77 Tourist program
28.12.2012design services for the site$418.24 Publications on the web sites
28.12.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$36.91 Helpus - fundation to help adults in need
28.12.2012Laboratory diagnostics$26.77 Astaryan Christina (bronchopulmonary dysplasia)
28.12.2012Synthesizer children 1pc; game Battleship -1pc.$63.81 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
28.12.2012bank comission$25.4 Bank comissions
27.12.2012Food, clothes, journey$31.28 Logvinenko Nikita (systemic sclerosis)
27.12.2012Personal PK$6.88 Parashchuk Vladislav (Retrogranulyarnaya invaginatsiya.Peritonit)
27.12.2012Taking out of money from boxes for donation$119.48 Fundraising expenses
27.12.2012Gifts to children in gematoligichesky office of ZOKDB$107.84 Sick children of Zaporizhzhia region
27.12.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$94.21 Publications on the web sites
27.12.2012The winter tire on a car$56.92 Operational expenses of the foundation
27.12.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$190.67 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
27.12.2012Wages Manager sick children in December 2012$80.7 Wages Manager sick children
27.12.2012On treatment$51.55 Grigreva Hope (hypothalamic syndrome)
27.12.2012Development of information system of fund$250.22 Operational expenses of the foundation
27.12.2012Fundraising expenses$7.01 Fundraising expenses
27.12.2012Coordination of the fund in Kalinovka (Mary S.) for December$158.89 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
27.12.2012bank comission$2.38 Bank comissions
27.12.2012Accounting expences$81.95 Salary to fund s employees
27.12.2012Taxes$307.14 Taxes from the salary
27.12.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$212.69 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
27.12.2012tomography$179.16 Krivoshey Alexander (lymphogranulomatosis
27.12.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$43.54 Publications on the web sites
27.12.2012Acquisition of medicines$125.11 Pyshnyak Valeria Eduardovna (Artogripoz, displaziya of coxofemoral joints)
27.12.2012bank comission$2.63 Bank comissions
27.12.2012Taxes$252.97 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
27.12.2012Treatment and medical care$125.11 Malinovsky Lyubomir (Coma 2)
26.12.2012Examination and treatment at the heart of Pediatric Oncology, Hematology$375.33 Khimenko Catherine (hybrid leukemia)
26.12.2012bank comission$20.64 Bank comissions
26.12.2012Work on social networks$50.04 Publications on the web sites
26.12.2012bank comission$2.5 Bank comissions
26.12.2012Handling Content Online Helpus$79.69 Publications on the web sites
26.12.2012Acquisition of drug amino-Infante 5fl., Intralipid - 5 fl.$78.82 Parashchuk Vladislav (Retrogranulyarnaya invaginatsiya.Peritonit)
26.12.2012Drug Purchase Kolomitsin, Gentomitsin$127.74 Butenko Victoria (cystic fibrosis)
26.12.2012Medical examination and treatment$75.07 Chumachkov Michael (viral infection)
26.12.2012Acquisition of amine drugs Infante - 5upak., Glucose-20fl., Sodium chloride 24fl$132.12 Parashchuk Vladislav (Retrogranulyarnaya invaginatsiya.Peritonit)
26.12.2012patient Monitor (pulmanology department)$253.97 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
25.12.2012Repair of old office$362.82 Office rent
25.12.2012The state duty on recovery of documents Goncharuk$8.13 Charitable donation
24.12.2012Food Peptamen (banks) 96sht$1125.99 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
24.12.2012bank comission$1 Bank comissions
24.12.2012Pozedka 20detey to Chernihiv obscheorazovatelnuyu boarding school$125.11 Chernihiv Boarding School
21.12.2012Salary for fund s employee (orphan s program)$162.64 Program Family care for orphans
21.12.2012Wallpaper, Water Filter Barrier Grand Neo$174.9 Poor families
21.12.2012Wallpaper, Water Filter Barrier Grand Neo$68.31 Bugay A. (Large Family)
21.12.2012Wallpaper$319.78 Duryagin Oksana (Large Family)
20.12.2012tomography$57.55 Metelyuk Valentine (head injury)
20.12.2012tomography$57.55 Andryushin Kiril (epilepsy)
20.12.2012tomography$188.92 Usachev Dmitry (brain tumor)
20.12.2012tomography$88.83 Solovyov Sergei (the brain tumor, medulloblastoma)
20.12.2012tomography$75.07 Isayenko Sergey (brain tumor)
20.12.2012Fundraising expenses$329.54 Fundraising expenses
20.12.2012bank comission$4.25 Bank comissions
20.12.2012tomography$150.13 Alexander Logvinenko (brain tumor)
20.12.2012Course of treatment$187.66 Batyuta Eugene (organic lesion of the central system)
20.12.2012tomography$126.36 Usachev Dmitry (brain tumor)
20.12.2012tomography$57.55 Cheeses Artem (a craniocereberal trauma)
20.12.2012Course of treatment$187.66 Zuevo Anna (CP)
20.12.2012Payment Coordinator tourism program Tangle $189.04 Tourist program
20.12.2012office rent$429.88 Office rent
20.12.2012stationery Office$25.9 Operational expenses of the foundation
20.12.2012tomography$100.09 Ivanyuk Marina (ostr.limfoblastomny leukemia)
20.12.2012Delivery of parcels$2.5 Operational expenses of the foundation
20.12.2012ххх$20.64 Operational expenses of the foundation
20.12.2012Rekormon r-r for infection-1 pack$149.26 Dermendzhiev Constantine (acute glomerulonephritis)
20.12.2012tomography$101.34 Yvanchyn Daniel (hemofylyya A)
20.12.2012Test strips 8 pack$171.4 Sokolovsky Ruslan (type 1 diabetes)
20.12.2012Pulsoksimetrichesky sensor neonalny-6 pcs., Cable adapter - 3 pcs$569 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
20.12.2012New Year s gifts to large families$53.8 Poor families
19.12.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
19.12.2012Fundraising expenses$48.92 Fundraising expenses
18.12.2012Pulsoksimetra ЮТАСОКСІ 200 1 pieces$889.53 Melitopol City Children s Hospital
18.12.2012Pulsoksimetra ЮТАСОКСІ 200 1 pieces$889.53 Gulyaypolsky central regional hospital
18.12.2012Pulsoksimetra ЮТАСОКСІ 200 1 pieces$889.53 Vasilyevsky central regional hospital
18.12.2012Pulsoksimetra ЮТАСОКСІ 200 2 pieces$1779.06 Berdyansk Territorial Medical Association
18.12.2012bank comission$17.14 Bank comissions
18.12.2012Pulsoksimetra ЮТАСОКСІ 200 1 pieces$889.53 Pologovsky central regional hospital
18.12.2012Acquisition of medicines$250.22 Voitovich Christina (non-Hodgkin s lymphoma)
18.12.2012For treatment at the clinic of the Belarusian$156.51 Khimenko Catherine (hybrid leukemia)
18.12.2012Revmoksikam, Metipred, Trental, Kuprenil$50.04 Logvinenko Nikita (systemic sclerosis)
18.12.2012bank commission$2 Bank comissions
18.12.2012Technical supervision services$750.66 Home - 2 for disabled orphans in Kalinovka (repair)
18.12.2012Acquisition of medicines$125.11 Verteletsky Rostislav
18.12.2012Acquisition of medicines$300.26 Nechiporenko Maria (Brain tumor)
17.12.2012Taking out of money from boxes for donation$104.22 Fundraising expenses
17.12.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$69.06 Publications on the web sites
17.12.2012Locks for boxes of donations$1.5 Fundraising expenses
17.12.2012Medical examination of Chernigov orphanage caregivers (s.Kalinovka)$12.64 Help for children with disabilities (Maya Hope)
17.12.2012bank commission$3.5 Bank comissions
17.12.2012Payment of New Year s gifts to tutors in Kalinovka$36.28 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
15.12.2012Foods. Transport, excursions fro 22 children in the hike to Carpathians Dece3mber 10-16, 2012$309.27 Camping trips
14.12.2012Rolls for sterilization of 8 pieces.$281.5 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
14.12.2012Maintenance of an incubator of FANEM$628.05 Zaporozhye children s hospital #1
14.12.2012Acquisition donation box 34 pcs$663.96 Operational expenses of the foundation
14.12.2012Purchase of drugs$69.69 Nemchenko Irina (Retinal detachment in both eyes, retinopathy of prematurity 5st.)
14.12.2012Purchase of drugs$125.11 Ivanyuk Marina (ostr.limfoblastomny leukemia)
13.12.2012Excursion on Zaporozhye on limousines, IKK Zaporozhye сечь 35 children of a boarding school the Great Meadow$31.28 Tourist program
13.12.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$37.53 Helpus - fundation to help adults in need
13.12.2012Wages Manager sick children in December 2012$80.7 Wages Manager sick children
13.12.2012Taxes$200.8 Taxes from the salary
13.12.2012bank comission$1.88 Bank comissions
13.12.2012Accounting expences$81.95 Salary to fund s employees
13.12.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$43.54 Publications on the web sites
13.12.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
12.12.2012Paperwork for Goncharuk Alyona Vitalyevna (large family)$22.14 Charitable donation
12.12.2012L-lysine for the orphan Kasyan V. I.$12.76 Sick children of Zaporizhzhia region
12.12.2012Purchase of drugs$87.58 Tkachenko Alexander (острый лимфобластный лейкоз)
12.12.2012On a food, clothes$18.77 Logvinenko Nikita (systemic sclerosis)
11.12.2012Medicines for Petrin Vladimir$187.66 Petrin Vladimir (abducens paresis)
11.12.2012Tsisplatin 4 упак.$169.27 Sushko Nikolay (liver tumor)
10.12.2012Foods for the hike to Carp-athians mountains (Dec 10-16, 2012)$139.75 Camping trips
10.12.2012design services for the site$364.44 Publications on the web sites
10.12.2012On a food, clothes$18.77 Logvinenko Nikita (systemic sclerosis)
10.12.2012Coordination of the fund in Kalinovka (Mary S.) for December$5 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
07.12.2012Acquisition of an orthopedic mattress$415.36 Alexander Kulik
07.12.2012bank commission$0.13 Bank comissions
07.12.2012Refilling a print cartridge$8.13 Operational expenses of the foundation
07.12.2012tomography$146.38 Bazhan Veronica (a new growth in an abdominal cavity)
07.12.2012consultations of a child psychologist in the Hematology Department of in November$225.2 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
07.12.2012Construction works$6005.25 Home - 2 for disabled orphans in Kalinovka (repair)
07.12.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
07.12.2012tomography$146.38 Leusov Daniel (bladder tumor)
07.12.2012bank commission$2.13 Bank comissions
07.12.2012tomography$146.38 Mysenko Olesya (симпатобластома left adrenal gland)
07.12.2012tomography$146.38 Sushko Nikolay (liver tumor)
07.12.2012tomography$146.38 Yamchuk Kirill (нефробластома)
06.12.2012bank commission$4.5 Bank comissions
06.12.2012Insurance on a trip to the Carpathians 19 children$19.27 Tourist program
06.12.2012Repair of a lodge of social rehabilitation$332.79 Rzhavetsky psychoneurological boarding school
06.12.2012Revmoksikam, Metipred, Trental, Kuprenil$43.79 Logvinenko Nikita (systemic sclerosis)
06.12.2012Grid, titanic bone miniscrews of 12 pieces$446.64 Koshel Julia (brain contusion)
06.12.2012Press of outdoor advertizing$60.05 Printing expenses
06.12.2012On treatment$49.92 Grigreva Hope (hypothalamic syndrome)
06.12.2012Railway tickets the Carpathians on December 10-16$469.66 Tourist program
06.12.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
06.12.2012Excursion to Dnepropetrovsk 11 children of the Zaporozhye Region.$130.11 Tourist program
06.12.2012Trip to the Mikhaylovsky boarding school$30.53 Transport expenses
05.12.2012Acquisition of drugs$125.11 Usachev Dmitry (brain tumor)
05.12.2012Repair of the first office$143.88 Office rent
05.12.2012Goods of a household purpose for Page P Pochtaryova s family$187.66 Charitable donation
05.12.2012Internet$12.51 Communication expenses and postage
05.12.2012Carrying out rehabilitation$62.55 Kasimov Ivan (episyndrome)
05.12.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$130.11 Additional staff for orphanages (Furute Youth)
05.12.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$187.66 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
05.12.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$203.93 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
05.12.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$81.32 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
05.12.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$62.55 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
05.12.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$187.66 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
04.12.2012Fundraising expenses$8.76 Fundraising expenses
04.12.2012Salary to the fund s employee$34.15 Salary to fund s employees
04.12.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$38.16 Publications on the web sites
04.12.2012Fundraising expenses$100.09 Fundraising expenses
04.12.2012Food, journey$12.51 Logvinenko Nikita (systemic sclerosis)
04.12.2012Organizational expenses$48.17 Tourist program
04.12.2012Salary to the fund s employee$197.3 Salary to fund s employees
03.12.2012Camcorder Sony MHS-TS22$187.66 Tourist program
03.12.2012bank commission$4 Bank comissions
03.12.2012Multifunction Canon i-SENSYS MF4570DN$312.77 Operational expenses of the foundation
03.12.2012Taking out of money from boxes for donation$86.83 Fundraising expenses
03.12.2012Cookware: glasses, cups, teapot, plates$87.45 Poor families
30.11.2012Organizational expenses$25.02 Tourist program
30.11.2012Excursion water Museum Kiev$22.52 Tourist program
30.11.2012A food and journey around the city Excursion Kiev on November 30 - on December 02$253.97 Tourist program
30.11.2012Office cleaning$56.3 Office rent
30.11.2012therapy$52.67 Kunitsky Eugene (hepatoblastoma of the right lobe of the liver grade 2)
30.11.2012Expenses from perosnal card$81.57 Gordenko Valeriy (non-Hodgkin s dicease)
30.11.2012Support the library of Hematology$37.53 Department of Oncohematology ZOKDB (equipment)
30.11.2012Donation to the personal card$61.8 Priymachuk Bogdan (Miyelodisplastichesky syndrome)
30.11.2012Railway tickets Excursion Kiev on November 30 - on December 02$234.96 Tourist program
30.11.2012samazin$31.28 Sick children of Zaporizhzhia region
30.11.2012Taxes$125.49 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
30.11.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$200.18 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
30.11.2012Provedeniye обследования функции почек$87.58 Valentina Nikolaenko (portal hypertension)
30.11.2012bank comission$13.64 Bank comissions
30.11.2012Salary to the fund s employee$18.77 Salary to fund s employees
30.11.2012Kolomitsin$127.74 Butenko Victoria (cystic fibrosis)
30.11.2012Carrying out the rehabilitation program (physiotherapy exercises, massage)$312.77 Maxim Shevchenko (cerebral palsy)
30.11.2012The rehabilitation program$187.66 Sapalev Artem (autism)
30.11.2012bank comission$1.38 Bank comissions
30.11.2012The rehabilitation program$187.66 Shvets Rostislav (CP)
29.11.2012bank commission$14.76 Bank comissions
29.11.2012Coordination of the fund in Kalinovka (Mary S.) for September 2012$30.03 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
29.11.2012Production of printed materials on a banner$14.51 Printing expenses
29.11.2012Wages Manager sick children in November 2012$79.44 Wages Manager sick children
29.11.2012Coordination of the fund in Kalinovka (Mary S.) for October 2012$50.04 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
29.11.2012Production of euroflyers 5000 pieces$56.3 Printing expenses
29.11.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$48.79 Publications on the web sites
29.11.2012bank comission$1.88 Bank comissions
29.11.2012Production of business cards 2000шт.$22.52 Printing expenses
29.11.2012Taxes$209.93 Taxes from the salary
29.11.2012Accounting expences$81.95 Salary to fund s employees
28.11.2012Rehabilitation after treatment$163.27 Khodakovsky Vlad (support U-shaped ureterokutaneostomy)
28.11.2012Revmoksikam, Metipred, Omez$50.04 Logvinenko Nikita (systemic sclerosis)
28.11.2012Treatment in the Center of microsurgery of an eye Kiev$190.29 Samoilenko Lyudmila (Amblyopia high, aphakia, nystagmus in both eyes)
28.11.2012Postage, envelopes, stamps$24.9 Communication expenses and postage
27.11.2012bank comission$2.5 Bank comissions
27.11.2012Rolls for sterilization of 6 pieces.$210.94 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
27.11.2012Acquisition of medicines$464.53 Nemchenko Irina (Retinal detachment in both eyes, retinopathy of prematurity 5st.)
27.11.2012Acquisition of medicines$525.46 Horlikova Olga (cystic fibrosis)
26.11.2012bank comission$18.77 Bank comissions
26.11.2012Accounting expences$193.54 Salary to fund s employees
26.11.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$125.11 Publications on the web sites
26.11.2012stationery Office$5.63 Operational expenses of the foundation
23.11.2012Procedure of artificial clarification of kidneys$1226.07 Eugene Chudnovsky (chronic kidney disease - IV grade)
23.11.2012Laboratory tests$42.66 Kabischanova Maria (acute leukemia)
23.11.2012Acquisition of medicines$187.66 Kotlyar Veronica (illness gealinovyh membranes)
23.11.2012Dressings, means of hygiene, postoperative rehabilitation$37.53 Nikitenko Alina Sergeevna (Baker s cyst)
23.11.2012Laboratory tests$35.28 Asatryan Christine (bronchopulmonary dysplasia)
23.11.2012Acquisition of medicines$137.62 Arina Lukashova (mucoviscidosis (cystic fibrosis)
23.11.2012bank comission$9.63 Bank comissions
23.11.2012Laboratory tests$152.51 Oneshko Olga
23.11.2012Accounting expences$5 Salary to fund s employees
23.11.2012Mobile communication$38.16 Communication expenses and postage
23.11.2012Laboratory tests$108.85 Ivanyuk Marina (ostr.limfoblastomny leukemia)
23.11.2012Fundraising expenses$24.02 Fundraising expenses
22.11.2012Carrying out repeated operation$1251.09 Aaron Keyan (ROP fifth degree, blindness)
22.11.2012Fundraising expenses$221.57 Fundraising expenses
22.11.2012bank comission$4.25 Bank comissions
22.11.2012Trental, Revmoksikam$50.04 Logvinenko Nikita (systemic sclerosis)
21.11.2012Construction works$2752.41 Home - 2 for disabled orphans in Kalinovka (repair)
21.11.2012Visit a group of children (24 people) in Chernigov orphanage$125.11 Orphanages of Zaporozhye region
21.11.2012Handling Content Online Helpus$62.05 Publications on the web sites
21.11.2012Passage 10 orphans on basketball games in Zhytomyr$62.55 Molochansл orphanage - boarding school
21.11.2012Fundraising expenses$25.02 Fundraising expenses
20.11.2012tomography$106.97 Voitovich Christina (non-Hodgkin s lymphoma)
20.11.2012tomography$146.38 Dmitrenko Ilya (yolk sac tumor with lesions of the abdominal cavity)
20.11.2012tomography$146.38 Averinа Elena (alveolar sarkoma of the pelvis)
20.11.2012Analysis, blood sampling$83.2 Kulichenko Alexandera (red volchanka)
20.11.2012tomography$117.1 Bulipop Dmitry (histiocytosis, eosinophilic granuloma)
20.11.2012Fundraising expenses$139.25 Fundraising expenses
20.11.2012blood samples$10.76 Oneshko Olga
20.11.2012tomography$170.02 Tsaritsina Catherine (pelvic tumor)
20.11.2012Purchase of drugs$125.11 Genova Karina (keratitis, sinusitis, gastritis)
20.11.2012tomography$201.55 Sychova Vladislav (osteo sa left tibia, doubling the right kidney)
20.11.2012tomography$170.02 Stratiy Daniel (sarcoma)
19.11.2012Computer repair, memory replacement$22.52 Operational expenses of the foundation
19.11.2012Database replenishment$31.28 Operational expenses of the foundation
19.11.2012Treatment in a German clinic in Essen$533.97 Rudenko Daniella (retinoblastoma (cancer of the retina))
19.11.2012Accounting expences$75.44 Salary to fund s employees
19.11.2012Transport$1.88 Transport expenses
19.11.2012postoperative rehabilitation$150.13 Petukhov Catherine (heart disease and brain tumor)
19.11.2012bank commission$4.88 Bank comissions
19.11.2012Travel to the treatment of Germany$500.44 Solop Bogdan (follicular lymphoma, testicular)
19.11.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$32.65 Publications on the web sites
19.11.2012Medical examination of Chernigov orphanage caregivers (s.Kalinovka)$125.11 Help for children with disabilities (Maya Hope)
16.11.2012Taking out of money from boxes for donation$124.61 Fundraising expenses
16.11.2012Paints, canvases for a vyskavka of portraits of children of orphans$100.09 Program Family care for orphans
16.11.2012Payment of work of the driver$12.51 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
16.11.2012Payment of fuel for a trip to Chernihiv orphanage (Kalinovka village) of the project coordinator$39.03 Help for children with disabilities (Maya Hope)
16.11.2012design services for the site$376.08 Publications on the web sites
16.11.2012Database replenishment$37.53 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
16.11.2012Work of doctors in the Chernihiv orphanage (Kalinovka village)$100.09 Help for children with disabilities (Maya Hope)
16.11.2012bank commission$0.38 Bank comissions
16.11.2012CVCs Tsertofiks mono 320 12 pcs (Department of Hematology)$215.81 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
16.11.2012to tomography$179.16 Krivoshey Alexander (lymphogranulomatosis
15.11.2012Bleomycin, vincristine 2 pack, Doxorubicin, Medrol, Procarbazine$233.2 Novikovа Anna (Hodgkin s lymphoma)
15.11.2012bank commission$2.5 Bank comissions
15.11.2012Journey$34.41 Transport expenses
15.11.2012office rent$414.49 Office rent
15.11.2012Treatment in a German clinic in Essen$309.65 Rudenko Daniella (retinoblastoma (cancer of the retina))
15.11.2012Cartridge filling$18.77 Operational expenses of the foundation
15.11.2012For treatment at the clinic of the Belarusian$1044.41 Khimenko Catherine (hybrid leukemia)
15.11.2012Salary for fund s employee (orphan s program)$162.64 Program Family care for orphans
15.11.20122 books on the family device$11.26 Program Family care for orphans
15.11.2012Conference Ukraine without orphans Kiev$24.77 Program Family care for orphans
15.11.2012Travel, meals$25.02 Logvinenko Nikita (systemic sclerosis)
14.11.2012For acquisition of medicines$248.59 Arina Lukashova (mucoviscidosis (cystic fibrosis)
14.11.2012Payment of an artificial limb of a hip and foot$1251.09 Ignatenko B. (multiple injuries)
13.11.2012Installation of glasses in old office$23.15 Operational expenses of the foundation
13.11.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$38.28 Publications on the web sites
13.11.2012Accounting expences$81.95 Salary to fund s employees
13.11.2012bank comission$1.88 Bank comissions
13.11.2012Taxes$202.93 Taxes from the salary
12.11.2012Dropper$18.77 Logvinenko Nikita (systemic sclerosis)
12.11.2012ointment Tirozur, Sudokrem, a plaster of Betafiks for Herman Alexander$25.9 Sick children of Zaporizhzhia region
12.11.2012Journey of students on practice$41.66 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
12.11.2012Service equipment for September$62.55 Tourist program
09.11.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$200.18 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
09.11.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$113.85 Additional staff for orphanages (Furute Youth)
09.11.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$187.66 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
09.11.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$187.66 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
09.11.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$81.32 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
09.11.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$62.55 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
08.11.2012Glucose 20 pack, 25 pack Sodium chloride, syringes, 120 pack, the PC system 20 bag, 20 bag Eksipim$236.71 Lukyanchenkov D (gemaliticheskaya hereditary anemia)
07.11.2012examination and treatment$187.66 Kurnos Andrew (fractured right hand)
06.11.2012consultations of a child psychologist in the Hematology Department of in September$130.11 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
06.11.2012consultations of a child psychologist in the Hematology Department of in October$56.3 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
06.11.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$49.79 Publications on the web sites
06.11.2012Work of doctors in the Chernihiv orphanage (Kalinovka village)$75.07 Help for children with disabilities (Maya Hope)
06.11.2012Peptamen to Kalinovka$-10.63 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
06.11.2012Journey of children of employees of the Kalinovsky boarding school on a NDAY group concert$37.53 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
06.11.2012Passage of the Chernihiv NDAY boarding concert for 200 children$75.07 I want to be - excursions to the companies and meetings with interesting people
06.11.2012Conference Ukraine without orphans Kiev$20.02 Program Family care for orphans
06.11.2012Internet$12.51 Communication expenses and postage
06.11.2012Coordination of the fund in Kalinovka (Mary S.) for October 2012$350.31 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
06.11.2012Treatment, food$62.55 Logvinenko Nikita (systemic sclerosis)
06.11.2012bank commission$0.13 Bank comissions
06.11.2012Monitoring hospital needs, communication with patients$53.42 Medical equipment for children s hospitals
06.11.2012Adhesive plaster 20 bag, Somazin 3 Pack, 8 olazol pack$103.34 Mirchenko Kyril (Burkitt s limphoma)
06.11.2012Frezubin 9 pack.$120.73 Mirchenko Kyril (Burkitt s limphoma)
05.11.2012to tomography$141.87 Azanova Elizaveta (Burkitt s lymphoma)
05.11.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
05.11.2012Spa treatment$1010.01 Kolbin Nikita Ivanovich (Apallichesky syndrome, ischemic-hypoxic CNS)
05.11.2012Treatment in a German clinic in Essen$79.19 Rudenko Daniella (retinoblastoma (cancer of the retina))
05.11.2012Peptamen to Kalinovka$375.33 Help for children with disabilities (Maya Hope)
05.11.2012Payment Coordinator tourism program Tangle $181.41 Tourist program
05.11.2012Fundraising expenses$389.72 Fundraising expenses
02.11.2012Organization of a meeting of volunteers$13.39 Operational expenses of the foundation
02.11.2012Kolomitsin$104.59 Shkurenkova Margarita (cystic fibrosis)
02.11.2012bank commission$6.26 Bank comissions
01.11.2012Taking out of money from boxes for donation$125.49 Fundraising expenses
01.11.2012Treatment in a German clinic in Essen$121.48 Rudenko Daniella (retinoblastoma (cancer of the retina))
01.11.2012Travel, meals$102.21 Logvinenko Nikita (systemic sclerosis)
01.11.2012o travel to the hospital$25.02 Logvinenko Nikita (systemic sclerosis)
01.11.2012Movalis, Systems PR, metipred, Sodium Chloride, omez, Syringe$40.41 Logvinenko Nikita (systemic sclerosis)
31.10.2012Treatment in a German clinic in Essen$688.6 Rudenko Daniella (retinoblastoma (cancer of the retina))
31.10.2012Taxes$22.9 Operational expenses of the foundation
31.10.2012Mobile communication$15.01 Communication expenses and postage
31.10.2012Excursion by boat trip to the Crimea on 27-31 October$43.79 Tourist program
31.10.2012Delivery refrigerator for Zaporozhye regional children s hospital$18.64 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
31.10.2012Transportation costs going to the Crimea on 27-31 October$102.34 Tourist program
31.10.2012bank comission$12.39 Bank comissions
31.10.2012Transport$13.14 Transport expenses
31.10.2012bank commission$0.63 Bank comissions
31.10.2012Food campaign in the Crimea on 27-31 October$175.78 Tourist program
31.10.2012Vazaprostan 1 pack$186.54 Logvinenko Nikita (systemic sclerosis)
31.10.2012Payment organizer campaign in the Crimea on 27-31 October$75.07 Tourist program
30.10.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$26.77 Publications on the web sites
30.10.2012Accounting expences$82.07 Salary to fund s employees
30.10.2012bank comission$3 Bank comissions
30.10.2012bank commission$1.38 Bank comissions
30.10.2012Taxes$195.8 Taxes from the salary
30.10.2012Accounting expences$130.11 Salary to fund s employees
30.10.2012Fundraising expenses$52.17 Fundraising expenses
30.10.2012Printed$81.32 Printing expenses
30.10.2012Salary to the fund s employee$54.42 Salary to fund s employees
30.10.2012Postage, envelopes, stamps$109.72 Communication expenses and postage
30.10.2012Wages Manager sick children in October 2012$79.44 Wages Manager sick children
30.10.2012Bank comission$28.78 Bank comissions
30.10.2012Salary to the fund s employee$159.52 Salary to fund s employees
30.10.2012Accounting expences$141.75 Salary to fund s employees
30.10.2012diploma$4.5 Printing expenses
30.10.2012The treatment for the Institute of Eye Diseases im.Filatova$88.2 Savelenko Andrey (traumatic cataracts)
30.10.2012bank comission$9.76 Bank comissions
30.10.2012Treatment after surgery$187.66 Onishchenko Aleksandr (cysts foreskin, umbilical hernia)
30.10.2012laboratory diagnosis$68.31 Zubenko Andrey (Osteosarcoma into remission, hepatitis B)
30.10.2012laboratory diagnosis$47.04 Titarev Yuri (hemangioma lumbar region)
30.10.2012laboratory diagnosis$46.79 Kachaeva Margarita (acute leukemia)
30.10.2012laboratory diagnosis$25.02 Astaryan Christina (bronchopulmonary dysplasia)
29.10.2012Placement of materials on a site$31.28 Helpus, the Fund for help to adult sick people
29.10.2012Ipaton$8.38 Dermendzhiev Constantine (acute glomerulonephritis)
29.10.2012bank comission$0.25 Bank comissions
29.10.2012Treatment in a German clinic in Essen$225.57 Rudenko Daniella (retinoblastoma (cancer of the retina))
29.10.2012bank comission$2.5 Bank comissions
29.10.2012Delivery of diapers$13.26 Alexander Kulik
29.10.2012Database development Travel program Tangle $187.66 Tourist program
29.10.2012Treatment in a German clinic in Essen$2040.91 Rudenko Daniella (retinoblastoma (cancer of the retina))
29.10.2012Travel expenses coordinator$7.51 Help for children with disabilities (Maya Hope)
29.10.2012On treatment in Kiev-tse to Okhmatda$187.66 Voloshinа Cyrа (Hirschsprung s disease, a form of total)
29.10.2012bank comission$1.25 Bank comissions
29.10.2012Kolomitsin 1upak.$112.97 Butenko Victoria (cystic fibrosis)
29.10.2012Neyrorubin Pack 2, 7 Leflotsin pack, Timalin 2 pack, 3 pack Essentiale$137.75 Mikitchkuk Victoria (diabetes type 1)
27.10.2012Office cleaning$56.3 Office rent
26.10.2012bank comission$19.39 Bank comissions
26.10.2012NORTH refrigerator (oncology department)$322.53 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
26.10.2012Salary to the fund s employee$11.26 Salary to fund s employees
26.10.2012Heparin NeoRecormon, Ferrolek 3 Pack$198.05 Dermendzhiev Constantine (acute glomerulonephritis)
26.10.2012Vickrey Dioksidin, Dicynone, gloves, saline, syringes, filters, catheter$187.66 Chugush Anna (hemolytic anemia)
26.10.2012Accounting expences$2 Salary to fund s employees
26.10.2012ACC-Long 2 pack, Berodual, Supradin, Ursolfak, Fluimutsil 5 Pack, Hofitol, Tsedeks Pack 2, Enap 2 pack.$161.77 Arina Lukashova (mucoviscidosis (cystic fibrosis)
25.10.2012Mucosolvan 2 pack, 12 pack Maxipime, Desktop PC 20 pcs Syringe 330sht$187.16 Orlov Ruslan (lymphoma)
25.10.2012Bleonko lyophilized. 1 pack, 2pak Vincristine, Doxorubicin-TEVA 1 pack.$60.55 Novikovа Anna (Hodgkin s lymphoma)
25.10.20127 pack diapers, diaper 6 pack.$168.15 Alexander Kulik
25.10.2012Mobile communication$15.01 Communication expenses and postage
25.10.2012beads$27.77 Help for children with disabilities (Maya Hope)
25.10.2012Almagel two packs, two packs kontrikala, Neyrokson 1upak, Cerebrolysin 1 pack, Solcoseryl 2upak, Tivortin 5upak.$234.96 Mikitchkuk Victoria (diabetes type 1)
25.10.2012Receipts from electronic purses$230.83 Andrievsky Artem (CP)
25.10.2012Receipts from electronic purses$29.4 Geiko Sofia (acute lymphoblastic leukemia)
25.10.2012Additional food Peptamen$186.54 Help for children with disabilities (Maya Hope)
25.10.2012Transport$15.14 Transport expenses
25.10.2012Computer repair accountant (HDD, fan + work)$108.85 Operational expenses of the foundation
25.10.2012Container Gemasin for blood to Mikitchuk V.$25.02 Sick children of Zaporizhzhia region
24.10.2012Train tickets going to the Crimea 27-30 October Gulyai-Pole orphanage and foster families$259.23 Tourist program
24.10.2012Salary to the fund s employee$25.02 Salary to fund s employees
24.10.2012Kosmegen for the Department of Oncology$191.17 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
24.10.2012to Solop Bogdan$4711 Solop Bogdan (follicular lymphoma, testicular)
24.10.2012to Voitovich Christina$1005 Voitovich Christina (non-Hodgkin s lymphoma)
23.10.2012For treatment in Belarussky clinic$1251.09 Khimenko Catherine (hybrid leukemia)
23.10.2012 treatment in KU ZOKDL reanimation$187.66 Oneshko Juliana (monomieloblastny leukemia)
23.10.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
23.10.2012Cups 30шт, T-shirts 20шт, magnets 150шт$173.78 Printing expenses
23.10.2012Limo ride to the center of the boarding pupils Landmark $18.77 Tourist program
22.10.2012bank comission$3.13 Bank comissions
22.10.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$50.04 Publications on the web sites
22.10.2012Fundraising expenses$204.18 Fundraising expenses
20.10.2012Transport$47.54 I want to be - excursions to the companies and meetings with interesting people
19.10.2012For rehab$187.66 Sick children of Zaporizhzhia region
19.10.2012For rehab$187.66 Shubkin Akim (autism)
19.10.2012For rehab$62.55 Kasimov Ivan (episyndrome)
17.10.2012Hearing aids hearing aid Chili SP 5 Oticon $2056.05 Yartymik David (bilateral sensory deafness)
17.10.2012to tomography$146.38 Titarev Yuri (hemangioma lumbar region)
17.10.2012Investigation, treatment and the purchase of special lenses$68.81 Samoilenko Lyudmila (Amblyopia high, aphakia, nystagmus in both eyes)
17.10.2012Taking out of money from boxes for donation$85.07 Fundraising expenses
17.10.2012Fortum 30 pack$91.58 Shkurenkova Margarita (cystic fibrosis)
17.10.2012Maxipime 38 pack, Mucosolvan 4 pack, 15 pack Frezubin, Infezol 4 Pack$675.84 Korotenko Carolina (three-dimensional formation of the brain stem)
17.10.2012to tomography$106.97 Andrew Sosnowski (gisteotsitoz with lung lesion)
17.10.2012Analysis, blood sampling$42.16 Grigreva Hope (hypothalamic syndrome)
17.10.2012Transport$4.13 Transport expenses
17.10.2012to tomography$170.02 Paraschak Catherine (Hodgkin)
17.10.2012to tomography$170.02 Gvozdev Vladislavlimvoma small intestine
17.10.2012Cap of children s 6 pieces, scarf, jacket, jeans$51.29 Poor families
17.10.2012to tomography$229.7 Zubenko Andrey (Osteosarcoma into remission, hepatitis B)
17.10.2012to tomography$170.02 Kozak Maxim (right testicular cancer 4 tbsp.)
16.10.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$187.66 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
16.10.2012Children s clothes, books of 7 pieces.$43.16 Poor families
16.10.2012Surgery and treatment in Simferopol$75.07 Zaitsev Svyatoslav (Cerebral Palsy)
16.10.2012Transportation costs going to the Crimea on 10-14 October$6.26 Tourist program
16.10.2012office rent$412.36 Office rent
16.10.2012Transfer trip to the Crimea, October 10-14$38.78 Tourist program
16.10.2012Food campaign in the Crimea, October 10-14$81.32 Tourist program
16.10.2012A survey Ekvoral, Sandimun$187.66 Sleptsov Alexander (portal hypertension)
16.10.2012survey$136.37 Solop Bogdan (follicular lymphoma, testicular)
16.10.2012For accessories of the newborn child$187.66 Sick children of Zaporizhzhia region
16.10.2012Railway Equipment tickets going to the Crimea, October 10-14 Molochansk boarding children, large families and foster families$123.11 Tourist program
15.10.2012Monitoring hospital needs, communication with patients$61.18 Medical equipment for children s hospitals
15.10.2012Accounting expences$81.95 Salary to fund s employees
15.10.2012Wages Manager sick children in October 2012$79.44 Wages Manager sick children
15.10.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$43.41 Publications on the web sites
15.10.2012bank comission$1.13 Bank comissions
15.10.2012design services for the site$389.72 Publications on the web sites
15.10.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
15.10.2012Karniel 2 packs, 2 packs Betaine, Linex$70.06 Daniel Kozak (hydrocephalus)
15.10.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$25.65 Publications on the web sites
13.10.2012Printer paper 17 pcs., stationery Office$97.34 Operational expenses of the foundation
12.10.2012bank comission$0.75 Bank comissions
12.10.2012Taxes$206.93 Taxes from the salary
12.10.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$32.53 Additional staff for orphanages (Furute Youth)
12.10.2012Valprokom 2up, 1up Heparin, Detralex 1up, 2up Neyrorubin$63.18 Dermendzhiev Constantine (acute glomerulonephritis)
12.10.2012Household needs$375.33 Zakatyansky Vyacheslav (large family)
12.10.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
12.10.2012Potassium chloride 40 fl.$41.66 Sick children of Zaporizhzhia region
12.10.2012bank comission$1 Bank comissions
11.10.2012Fundraising expenses$277.99 Fundraising expenses
11.10.201220 pcs posters, diplomas 32 ??units, insert 300 pieces$26.65 Printing expenses
11.10.2012Tranexam, lidazu for Melnichenko Artem$25.02 Sick children of Zaporizhzhia region
11.10.2012Boxes with drawing 15 pieces, magnets 50 pcs.$37.53 Printing expenses
11.10.2012Travel by training teachers Chernigov orphanage$37.53 Help for children with disabilities (Maya Hope)
10.10.2012Meronem 2 pack$328.16 Holopyataya Lilia (Mukovystsydoz)
10.10.2012Refilling a print cartridge$8.13 Operational expenses of the foundation
10.10.2012Surgery and treatment in Simferopol$187.66 Zaitsev Svyatoslav (Cerebral Palsy)
10.10.2012bank comission$0.88 Bank comissions
10.10.2012Coordination of the fund in Kalinovka (Mary S.) for September 2012$210.18 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
10.10.2012Ridazin, Hofitol, Lazolvan, Detralex, Latsidofil, puncture needle$187.66 Oneshko Juliana (monomieloblastny leukemia)
10.10.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$100.71 Publications on the web sites
09.10.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$62.55 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
09.10.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$187.66 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
09.10.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$81.32 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
09.10.2012Depakine$42.16 Vertegel Galina (family caregivers)
09.10.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$200.18 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
09.10.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$187.66 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
09.10.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$130.11 Additional staff for orphanages (Furute Youth)
09.10.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$187.66 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
08.10.2012Urological catheter, antibiotics, boat, antibiotics, bandages$187.66 Khodakovsky Vlad (support U-shaped ureterokutaneostomy)
08.10.2012Acquisition of school accessories$187.66 Shepel Tatiana (large family)
08.10.2012Surgery and treatment in Simferopol$187.66 Zaitsev Svyatoslav (Cerebral Palsy)
08.10.2012Construction works$3753.28 Home - 2 for disabled orphans in Kalinovka (repair)
08.10.2012Elena Orlova (mother of many children) d / s: tuberculosis of bones$25.02 Sick children of Zaporizhzhia region
08.10.2012special training data for doctor$62.55 Sick children of Zaporizhzhia region
08.10.2012Mobile communications$17.52 Communication expenses and postage
08.10.2012Fundraising expenses$62.55 Fundraising expenses
06.10.2012Internet$12.51 Communication expenses and postage
05.10.2012Berodual 2upak, Vancomycin 10upak, Creon 2upak, Reosorbilakt 5fl, Systems PR 20pcs, Fluimutsil 2upak$241.09 Horlikova Olga (cystic fibrosis)
05.10.2012PROLENE monofilament thread 3 pieces$53.42 Dermendzhiev Constantine (acute glomerulonephritis)
05.10.2012Internet$12.51 Communication expenses and postage
05.10.2012computer Repair$10.01 Operational expenses of the foundation
05.10.2012consultations of a child psychologist in the Hematology Department of in August$243.96 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
04.10.2012Travel by training teachers Chernigov orphanage$37.53 Help for children with disabilities (Maya Hope)
04.10.2012Meronem 1 pack$164.02 Holopyataya Lilia (Mukovystsydoz)
04.10.2012Print votes$8.38 Printing expenses
03.10.2012Taking out of money from boxes for donation$115.35 Fundraising expenses
03.10.2012Vancomycin 2 Pack$184.79 Horlikova Olga (cystic fibrosis)
02.10.2012Payment of power audit$456.02 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
02.10.2012for energy audits$200.18 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
30.09.2012to Dermendzhiev Constantine$45.29 Dermendzhiev Constantine (acute glomerulonephritis)
30.09.2012to Arina Lukashova$575.88 Arina Lukashova (mucoviscidosis (cystic fibrosis)
30.09.2012Office cleaning$70.06 Office rent
30.09.2012Salary to the fund s employee$150.13 Salary to fund s employees
28.09.2012Mobile communication$0.63 Communication expenses and postage
28.09.2012bank comission$13.64 Bank comissions
28.09.2012writing materials to office$9.51 Operational expenses of the foundation
28.09.2012Computer repair in office$25.02 Operational expenses of the foundation
28.09.2012bank comission$2.5 Bank comissions
28.09.2012Tour for 19 children boarding the Great Meadow at Khortitsa island$32.53 Tourist program
27.09.2012bank comission$11.39 Bank comissions
27.09.2012Accounting expences$175.15 Salary to fund s employees
27.09.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$62.55 Publications on the web sites
27.09.2012Transport$7.38 Transport expenses
27.09.2012Wages Manager sick children in September 2012$44.79 Wages Manager sick children
27.09.2012Bifiform, Cetirizine, Groprinozin, Herpevir, Kanefron, askorutin$92.33 Babich Ekaterina (tonzillofaringit submandibular limfodenit)
27.09.2012Bleonko, vincristine, doxorubicin, TEVA, Medrol tab., Procarbazine caps.$134.87 Novikovа Anna (Hodgkin s lymphoma)
27.09.2012Children s clothes: trousers 115шт, shorts 2шт, jackets of 5 pieces$509.2 Poor families
27.09.2012Surveying the land$87.58 Children s Eco Village
27.09.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$43.54 Publications on the web sites
27.09.2012 Procarbazine caps., Etoposide, 5 fl.$157.76 Novikovа Anna (Hodgkin s lymphoma)
27.09.2012Accounting expences$33.65 Salary to fund s employees
27.09.2012bank comission$18.77 Bank comissions
27.09.2012bank comission$3 Bank comissions
27.09.2012Valprokom, Vancomycin-Teva 10upak., Invanz liof.5upak, Ferrolek amp., Ferrolek amp.3upak, Emla cream 2upak$459.78 Zaporozhye children s hospital #5
27.09.2012to tomography$179.16 Krivoshey Alexander (lymphogranulomatosis
27.09.2012bank comission$1.63 Bank comissions
27.09.2012Accounting expences$82.07 Salary to fund s employees
27.09.2012Taxes$119.98 Taxes from the salary
26.09.2012Service equipment for September$62.55 Tourist program
26.09.20126 sewing covers for sleeping$60.05 Tourist program
26.09.2012Disposable diapers to Herman Alexander Tirozur Nitatsid$21.39 Sick children of Zaporizhzhia region
26.09.2012storage premises$2.13 Operational expenses of the foundation
26.09.2012bank comission$18.77 Bank comissions
26.09.2012Fundraising expenses$87.58 Fundraising expenses
26.09.2012Tickets for the trolley Yalta - Simferopol for the participants tourist trip to the Crimea on 27-30 September$60.3 Camping trips
26.09.2012Food for camping trip to the Crimea on 27-30 September$108.72 Camping trips
26.09.2012Travel Simferopol - Falcon (minibus) participants tourist trip to the Crimea on 27-30 September$91.33 Camping trips
26.09.2012Delivery of equipment for camping trip to the Crimea on 27-30 September$5.63 Camping trips
26.09.2012Insurance camping trip to the Crimea on 27-30 September$15.01 Camping trips
26.09.2012Dining in Yalta participants tourist trip to the Crimea on 27-30 September$75.07 Camping trips
25.09.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
25.09.2012Registered groups in the QRS and insurance group$19.39 Camping trips
24.09.2012bank comission$3 Bank comissions
24.09.2012Delivery of clothing and Peptamena$50.04 Help for children with disabilities (Maya Hope)
24.09.2012Fundraising expenses$159.64 Fundraising expenses
24.09.2012reparing and cleaning of the travel outfit$111.35 Camping trips
24.09.2012Fundraising expenses$68.81 Fundraising expenses
24.09.2012for treatment of Shkurenkova Margarita$10.01 Sick children of Zaporizhzhia region
24.09.2012Social advertizing of$1.13 Printing expenses
21.09.2012Transport$21.89 Transport expenses
21.09.2012to Herman Alexander Tirozur Nitatsid$38.91 Sick children of Zaporizhzhia region
21.09.2012Fundraising expenses$62.55 Fundraising expenses
21.09.2012Train tickets going to the Crimea 27-30.09 Gulyai-Pole orphanage and foster families$198.67 Camping trips
21.09.2012Social advertizing of$46.92 Printing expenses
21.09.2012Social advertizing of$173.78 Printing expenses
21.09.2012Central venous catheters, 6 pcs (Department of Onkohematology)$107.84 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
21.09.2012Cefazolin, Bioparox, Brom Sipret, kardiket, Latsidofil, Loratadine$187.66 Zabolotnaya Karina (pneumonia)
20.09.2012Cerebrolysin Oktovegin, Neiromidin, Tserebrum-compositum, Traumeel, Neurovitan, Flyuzitek, Tsefodoks$250.22 Nikolai Yakovlev (spinal amiotrafiya type 2)
20.09.2012Peptamen$198.92 Help for children with disabilities (Maya Hope)
20.09.2012Salary for fund s employee (orphan s program)$162.64 Program Family care for orphans
20.09.2012Positron emission tomography examination$394.1 Voitovich Christina (non-Hodgkin s lymphoma)
20.09.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
20.09.2012to Inga for preparation and publication the articles on$112.6 Publications on the web sites
20.09.2012Salary for fund s employee (orphan s program)$162.64 Program Family care for orphans
20.09.2012Payment of land s.Ukrainka$312.77 Children s Eco Village
19.09.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
19.09.2012for treatment of Orlova Helen, the mother of 4 children$25.02 Charitable donation
19.09.2012payment to the organizer of the hike on the Khortitsa Island$50.04 Camping trips
19.09.2012bank comission$0.38 Bank comissions
19.09.2012foodstuffs for week-end hike for big families and fosters families on the Khortitsa Island$47.42 Camping trips
19.09.2012Monitoring hospital needs, communication with patients$187.66 Medical equipment for children s hospitals
19.09.2012Syringe pump SN-50C6$738.15 Chernihiv Central Regional Hospital
19.09.2012Patient Monitor G2A$763.17 Orekhovskaya Central Hospital
19.09.2012Syringe pump SN-50C6$738.15 Orekhovskaya Central Hospital
19.09.2012Postage$67.06 Communication expenses and postage
19.09.2012Patient Monitor G2A$763.17 Chernihiv Central Regional Hospital
18.09.2012Mobile communication$4.38 Communication expenses and postage
18.09.2012to treatment Aaron Keyan$250.22 Sick children of Zaporizhzhia region
18.09.2012to treatment$101.59 Zaitsev Svyatoslav (Cerebral Palsy)
18.09.2012Warm jackets 18шт, warm trousers 19шт$231.45 Poor families
18.09.2012repair coverage$4 Office rent
18.09.2012Children s clothes: trousers velveteen 71шт$888.28 Poor families
18.09.2012Jackets 15шт, toothbrush 1шт, toothpaste 102шт$100.84 Poor families
18.09.2012Accounting expences$2.5 Salary to fund s employees
18.09.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
18.09.2012office rent$412.24 Office rent
18.09.2012bank comission$17.77 Bank comissions
18.09.2012Social advertizing of$9.38 Printing expenses
18.09.2012design services for the site$393.09 Publications on the web sites
18.09.2012Social advertizing of$6.88 Printing expenses
18.09.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$98.71 Publications on the web sites
17.09.2012bank comission$0.88 Bank comissions
17.09.2012bank comission$0.25 Bank comissions
17.09.2012bank comission$1.63 Bank comissions
14.09.2012Taking out of money from boxes for donation$103.09 Fundraising expenses
14.09.2012Taking out of money from boxes for donation$52.55 Fundraising expenses
14.09.2012Revmoksikam, Methylprednisolone$112.6 Sick children of Zaporizhzhia region
14.09.2012Salary to the fund s employee$174.53 Salary to fund s employees
14.09.2012to treatment$3 Mirchenko Kyril (Burkitt s limphoma)
14.09.2012to treatment Pilyaeva Anastasia$3 Sick children of Zaporizhzhia region
14.09.2012Mobile communication$4.38 Communication expenses and postage
14.09.2012Kolomitsin$115.35 Moklyan Oleg (polysegmental pneumonia)
14.09.2012to treatment$3 Ignatenko B. (multiple injuries)
13.09.2012Internet to office$12.51 Communication expenses and postage
13.09.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$43.41 Publications on the web sites
13.09.2012On Grigoryeva Nadejda s treatment$187.66 Sick children of Zaporizhzhia region
13.09.2012Salary to the fund s employee$79.44 Salary to fund s employees
13.09.2012Accounting expences$81.95 Salary to fund s employees
13.09.2012bank comission$2.14 Bank comissions
13.09.2012Taxes$229.58 Taxes from the salary
12.09.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$187.66 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
12.09.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$146.38 Additional staff for orphanages (Furute Youth)
12.09.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$25.02 Publications on the web sites
12.09.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$81.32 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
12.09.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$62.55 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
12.09.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$200.18 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
11.09.2012meropenem$187.66 Dermendzhiev Constantine (acute glomerulonephritis)
11.09.2012repair plumbing$4.38 Office rent
11.09.2012Social advertizing of$15.01 Printing expenses
10.09.2012to tomography$146.38 Porohnya Daria (histiocytosis of cells Longergansa)
10.09.2012to tomography$146.38 Nikita Petrov (kidney tumor )
10.09.2012blood test$32.03 Skoda Nazar (subsepsis Wiesler-Fanconi)
10.09.2012Cortexin, Neiromidin, syringes, water for injections$62.55 Snigur Roman
10.09.2012blood test$24.15 Morgun Elena (aplastic anemia)
10.09.2012to treatment$25.02 Mirchenko Kyril (Burkitt s limphoma)
10.09.2012for treatment in the clinic by Filatov (Odessa)$187.66 Savelenko Andrey (traumatic cataracts)
10.09.2012blood test$32.65 Yemets Vladislavа (lymphoblastic leukemia)
10.09.2012to tomography$170.02 Matviyko Anastasia (lymphogranulomatosis)
10.09.2012fracture of the right hand and a crack on the left hand$37.53 Natalia Tryapitsina (Large Family)
10.09.2012Water for injection 13up, syringes 2960 pcs.$323.53 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
10.09.2012to tomography$170.02 Baygushov Basil
10.09.2012blood test$32.15 Azanov Valeriy (idiopathic anemia)
10.09.2012to tomography$91.2 Gavrik Maxim (tumor of the abdominal cavity)
10.09.2012to tomography$106.97 Smooth Anastasia (osteogenic sarcoma in / s left tibia)
07.09.2012delivery and reparing сamping equipment$87.58 Tourist program
07.09.2012Positron emission tomography examination$375.33 Voitovich Christina (non-Hodgkin s lymphoma)
07.09.2012Support the library of Hematology$37.53 Department of Oncohematology ZOKDB (equipment)
06.09.2012bank comission$0.25 Bank comissions
06.09.2012aboratory diagnosis$38.16 Solop Bogdan (follicular lymphoma, testicular)
06.09.2012Micro-port POLYSITE 4pcs, Huber needles 50pcs$1908.54 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
06.09.2012to Andriyevsky Artem (CP)$200.18 Andrievsky Artem (CP)
06.09.2012School supplies for children$187.66 Volkovа Catherine (large family)
05.09.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$50.04 Publications on the web sites
05.09.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
04.09.2012Mobile communication$4.38 Communication expenses and postage
04.09.2012to tomography$141.87 Azanova Elizaveta (Burkitt s lymphoma)
03.09.2012Travel and examination in Moscow$375.33 Ekaterina Radeva (Neuroblastoma Stage 3)
03.09.2012Jackets 15шт, jackets 7шт, toothpastes 91шт, coat$343.18 Poor families
03.09.2012Children s suits 8шт, jackets 21шт, trousers 3шт$625.55 Poor families
03.09.2012Children s clothes: sundresses 66шт, gaiters 9шт, jackets$690.73 Poor families
03.09.2012Children s clothes: jackets 10шт, trousers 9шт, jackets 23шт$569.25 Poor families
31.08.2012School supplies for children$187.66 Pridatko Elena (Large Family)
31.08.2012writing materials to office$3.38 Operational expenses of the foundation
31.08.2012to Vladimir Besklepny$33.78 Vladimir Besklepny (lymphogranulomatosis)
31.08.2012School supplies for children$187.66 Enikeeva Svetlana (Large Family)
31.08.2012Transport$23.02 Transport expenses
31.08.2012Office cleaning$56.3 Office rent
31.08.2012to Myrchenko Kirill$100.09 Mirchenko Kyril (Burkitt s limphoma)
31.08.2012to Efimenko Artem$598.27 Efimenko Artem (rhabdomyosarcoma)
31.08.2012to Bondarenko Karina$515.45 Bondarenko Karina (the transformation of the portal vein cavernous)
31.08.2012to Kalenyuk Eugene$206.06 Kalenyuk Eugene (cystic fibrosis)
31.08.2012to Dermendzhiev Constantine$237.71 Holopyataya Lilia (Mukovystsydoz)
31.08.2012to Mark Beh$141.5 Mark Beh (acute leukemia)
31.08.2012to Zaitsev Svyatoslav$366.57 Zaitsev Svyatoslav (Cerebral Palsy)
31.08.2012to Isayenko Sergey$125.11 Isayenko Sergey (brain tumor)
30.08.2012Children s clothing and footwear, personal hygiene$507.94 Poor families
30.08.2012bank comission$12.39 Bank comissions
30.08.2012bank comission$17.77 Bank comissions
30.08.2012Wages Manager sick children in August 2012$79.44 Wages Manager sick children
30.08.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$76.44 Publications on the web sites
30.08.2012Salary to the fund s employee$75.32 Salary to fund s employees
30.08.2012Accounting expences$208.81 Salary to fund s employees
30.08.2012bank comission$18.77 Bank comissions
30.08.2012bank comission$2.25 Bank comissions
30.08.2012Taxes$264.48 Taxes from the salary
30.08.2012Accounting expences$81.95 Salary to fund s employees
29.08.2012Update 1C$12.51 Operational expenses of the foundation
29.08.2012Mobile communication$4.38 Communication expenses and postage
29.08.2012Kolomytsyn$187.66 Holopyataya Lilia (Mukovystsydoz)
29.08.2012bank comission$1.25 Bank comissions
29.08.2012Fundraising expenses$126.74 Fundraising expenses
29.08.2012presents students to 01 September$37.53 Sick children of Zaporizhzhia region
28.08.2012Accounting expences$2.5 Salary to fund s employees
28.08.2012bank comission$2.5 Bank comissions
28.08.2012bank comission$0.25 Bank comissions
27.08.2012bank comission$18.77 Bank comissions
27.08.2012Kolomytsyn$187.66 Holopyataya Lilia (Mukovystsydoz)
27.08.2012Postage$59.05 Communication expenses and postage
23.08.2012Zovyraks$187.66 Boyko Daria (meningoencephalitis, hydrocephalus)
23.08.2012Ursofalk, Enap, Multivitamins, Bifiform, Creon, Antibiotics Aviloks$604.15 Arina Lukashova (mucoviscidosis (cystic fibrosis)
23.08.2012The costs of organizing the campground (13-20 July)$375.33 Tent camps
23.08.2012Revmoksikam, Methylprednisolone medicines, food and transport$0 Logvinenko Nikita (systemic sclerosis)
23.08.2012Trekking in the Crimea August 23-29 adoptive families and families$375.33 Tourist program
22.08.2012to Voloshinа Cyrа$459.15 Voloshinа Cyrа (Hirschsprung s disease, a form of total)
22.08.2012to Krivoshey Alexander$106.34 Krivoshey Alexander (lymphogranulomatosis
22.08.2012special training data for doctor$87.58 Sick children of Zaporizhzhia region
22.08.2012Kvamatel 20 pcs., Kreon, Neostigmine, Smekta$62.55 Tkachenko Alexander (острый лимфобластный лейкоз)
22.08.2012lungmotor repair$750.66 Zaporozhye children s hospital #5
22.08.2012to Taran Vladislavа$1176.4 Taran Vladislavа (acute myeloid leukemia)
22.08.2012bank comission$3.25 Bank comissions
22.08.2012lungmotor repair$100.59 Zaporozhye children s hospital #5
21.08.2012bank comission$15.76 Bank comissions
21.08.2012Mobile communication$7.51 Communication expenses and postage
21.08.2012Transport for large family Yavisenko to sea$75.82 Poor families
21.08.2012Mobile communication$17.52 Communication expenses and postage
21.08.2012cerebrospinal fluid drainage system$250.22 Boyko Daria (meningoencephalitis, hydrocephalus)
20.08.2012Pulmozyme 19 pack.$4605.53 Program for children with cystic fibrosis
20.08.2012Mildronate, Gepadif medicines$37.41 Mark Beh (acute leukemia)
20.08.2012replacement of the left eye prosthetic, medications : Sandimmun, Ekvoral $187.66 Sleptsov Alexander (portal hypertension)
20.08.2012Pulmozyme 2 pack. to Arina Lukashova$484.8 Program for children with cystic fibrosis
20.08.2012Mobile communication$4.38 Communication expenses and postage
20.08.2012Pulmozyme 9 Holopyataya Lilia$2181.66 Program for children with cystic fibrosis
20.08.2012train tickets to Moscow for examination$187.66 Valentina Nikolaenko (portal hypertension)
20.08.2012Taxes$48.17 Operational expenses of the foundation
20.08.2012Fundraising expenses$98.34 Fundraising expenses
20.08.2012Pulmozyme 2 pack. to Kalenyuk Eugene$484.8 Program for children with cystic fibrosis
16.08.2012orthopedic shoes$187.66 Michael Kozak (CP)
15.08.2012Treatment in a German clinic in Essen$1894.16 Rudenko Daniella (retinoblastoma (cancer of the retina))
15.08.2012Coordination of the fund in Kalinovka (Mary S.) for August 2012$254.72 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
15.08.2012Salary for teacher (playroom)$60.55 Education program for orphans (orphanages of Zaporozhye area)
15.08.2012office rent$417.74 Office rent
15.08.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
15.08.2012Treatment in a German clinic in Essen$608.03 Rudenko Daniella (retinoblastoma (cancer of the retina))
15.08.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
15.08.2012ponds investigation in Ukrainka village$125.11 Children s Eco Village
15.08.2012Kvamatel 20 pcs., Kreon, Neostigmine, Smekta$125.11 Tkachenko Alexander (острый лимфобластный лейкоз)
15.08.2012Immunoglobulin, antiviral drugs$187.66 Morgun Elena (aplastic anemia)
15.08.2012Amikacin, cefoperazone medicines$125.11 Ognev Kirill (broke of the Interior organs)
14.08.2012Accounting expences$82.07 Salary to fund s employees
14.08.2012Wages Manager sick children in August 2012$79.44 Wages Manager sick children
14.08.2012Salary to the fund s employee$75.44 Salary to fund s employees
14.08.2012Detralex, Zeffiks$118.98 Voitovich Christina (non-Hodgkin s lymphoma)
14.08.2012Taxes$230.2 Taxes from the salary
14.08.2012bank comission$2 Bank comissions
13.08.2012design services for the site$376.58 Publications on the web sites
13.08.2012Excursion to Khortitsa island for children from the orphanage to V.Lug (30/07/2012)$75.82 Excursions within the city
13.08.2012bank comission$0.75 Bank comissions
13.08.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
13.08.2012rent a garage$22.52 Tourist program
13.08.2012Taking out of money from boxes for donation$90.08 Fundraising expenses
13.08.2012parcels$3.75 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
12.08.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$187.66 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
10.08.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$146.38 Additional staff for orphanages (Furute Youth)
10.08.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$62.55 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
10.08.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$81.32 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
10.08.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$187.66 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
10.08.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$375.33 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
10.08.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$140.5 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
10.08.2012to Inga for preparation and publication the articles on$102.34 Publications on the web sites
10.08.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$187.66 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
09.08.2012for treatment$379.08 Ognev Kirill (broke of the Interior organs)
09.08.2012air conditioner$300.26 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
09.08.2012to tomography$31.28 Viktor Zaitsev (intracerebral tumors of the 4th ventricle)
09.08.2012air conditioner installation$200.18 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
09.08.2012to tomography$179.16 Krivoshey Alexander (lymphogranulomatosis
09.08.2012bank comission$2.5 Bank comissions
09.08.2012bank comission$0.75 Bank comissions
09.08.2012for treatment$31.28 Ananyevа Oksana (CHRONIC vyrusnыy hepatitis C)
09.08.2012Peptamen to Kalinovka$162.64 Help for children with disabilities (Maya Hope)
08.08.2012bank comission$0.88 Bank comissions
08.08.2012Monitoring hospital needs, communication with patients$187.66 Medical equipment for children s hospitals
08.08.2012Depakine, Topiromat, Levitsitam, Tserakson, Cerebrolysin, Cortexin, Mydocalm$187.66 Batyuta Eugene (organic lesion of the central system)
08.08.2012vacuum cleaner repair$25.02 Office rent
08.08.2012Internet to office$13.14 Communication expenses and postage
08.08.2012Coordination of the fund in Kalinovka (Mary S.) for July 2012$350.31 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
08.08.2012Incontinence bag and Kaloplaster$187.66 Voloshinа Cyrа (Hirschsprung s disease, a form of total)
08.08.2012Neiromidin, Stomatidin, Lactobacterin, Tantum Verde, Stomatofit$187.66 Ivanyuk Marina (ostr.limfoblastomny leukemia)
08.08.2012Diflucan 2 pack.$100.09 Faschenko Timothy (acute lymphoblastic leukemia)
07.08.2012consultations of a child psychologist in the Hematology Department of in June-July$292.76 Department of Oncohematology ZOKDB (equipment)
07.08.2012aluminum spoons (52 pc.)$13.01 Help for children with disabilities (Maya Hope)
07.08.2012tickets and food for the camp in the Crimea$500.44 Tent camps
07.08.2012Pool, DVD Philips, air mattresses, balls 4 pcs$295.01 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
07.08.2012aluminum spoons$5.5 Help for children with disabilities (Maya Hope)
06.08.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$37.53 Publications on the web sites
06.08.2012Tienam 10 fl.$187.66 Asatryan Christine (bronchopulmonary dysplasia)
06.08.2012ponds investigation in Ukrainka village (prepaid)$125.11 Children s Eco Village
06.08.2012Organization and carrying out the tent camps in Ukrainka village and ??Azov Sea (01-08.07 and 13-20.07.2012g.)$375.33 Tent camps
06.08.2012Mobile communication$4.38 Communication expenses and postage
06.08.2012Fundraising expenses$81.32 Fundraising expenses
06.08.2012Hearing aid fitting$82.57 Olga Smola (bilateral sensorineural hearing loss of 4 degrees)
06.08.2012return for the hose& for the participation of Marya P. in the summer camp$-100.09 Tourist program
06.08.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$187.66 Publications on the web sites
06.08.2012paper$4.25 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
06.08.2012tickets and food for the camp in the Crimea$1088.45 Tent camps
04.08.2012Excursion by boat around the Khortitsa island for children of the Kirov orphanage$93.21 Excursions within the city
03.08.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
03.08.2012Trifas, Heparin, Refortan medicines$50.04 Dermendzhiev Constantine (acute glomerulonephritis)
03.08.2012Prosthesis with two hearing aids Acro Pro BTE (P)$875.77 Olga Smola (bilateral sensorineural hearing loss of 4 degrees)
03.08.2012Fundraising expenses$157.01 Fundraising expenses
03.08.2012Prosthesis with two hearing aids Acro Pro BTE (P)$2502.19 Olga Smola (bilateral sensorineural hearing loss of 4 degrees)
03.08.2012bank comission$0.25 Bank comissions
03.08.2012Fundraising expenses$62.55 Fundraising expenses
02.08.2012Irradiator phototherapeutic treatment of neonatal jaundice axions $875.77 Orekhovskaya Central Hospital
02.08.2012bank comission$35.41 Bank comissions
02.08.2012Irradiator phototherapeutic treatment of neonatal jaundice axions $250.22 Orekhovskaya Central Hospital
02.08.2012bank comission$0.25 Bank comissions
02.08.2012Salary for fund s employee (orphan s program)$162.64 Program Family care for orphans
02.08.2012Tserakson 12fl., Actovegin 10 amp., Cortexin 10 amp.$187.66 Jaworski Vitaly (CP)
01.08.2012bank comission$1.63 Bank comissions
01.08.2012Fundraising expenses$65.68 Fundraising expenses
01.08.2012to Mirchenko Cyril (swelling of the abdominal cavity)$5 Mirchenko Kyril (Burkitt s limphoma)
01.08.2012Preparation of material for fundraising, writing articles for the June$192.67 Fundraising expenses
01.08.2012bank comission$7.13 Bank comissions
01.08.2012bank comission$12.51 Bank comissions
01.08.2012to Sophia Geyko$31.03 Geiko Sofia (acute lymphoblastic leukemia)
01.08.2012 Ketosteril $127.11 Budlo Nicka (Chronic Renal Failure)
01.08.2012Excursion I want to be for children from large&poor families$56.3 I want to be - excursions to the companies and meetings with interesting people
01.08.2012Transport for a large family Polonnikovy$68.81 Poor families
01.08.2012Revmoksikam, Methylprednisolone$13.64 Alexander Logvinenko (brain tumor)
31.07.2012writing materials to office$17.14 Operational expenses of the foundation
31.07.2012to Olga Smola$466.28 Olga Smola (bilateral sensorineural hearing loss of 4 degrees)
31.07.2012to Morgun Elena$187.66 Morgun Elena (aplastic anemia)
31.07.2012Taking out of money from boxes for donation$131.99 Fundraising expenses
31.07.2012to Kalenyuk Eugene$555.24 Kalenyuk Eugene (cystic fibrosis)
31.07.2012to Mark Beh$65.06 Mark Beh (acute leukemia)
31.07.2012to Holopyataya Lilia$1588.89 Holopyataya Lilia (Mukovystsydoz)
31.07.2012Transport$24.9 Transport expenses
31.07.2012computer Repair$18.77 Operational expenses of the foundation
31.07.2012Coil for trimmer$11.26 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
31.07.2012to tomography$146.38 Dmitrenko Ilya (yolk sac tumor with lesions of the abdominal cavity)
31.07.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
31.07.2012to Voloshinа Cyrа$31.28 Voloshinа Cyrа (Hirschsprung s disease, a form of total)
31.07.2012bank comission$59.3 Bank comissions
31.07.2012bank comission$7.63 Bank comissions
31.07.2012laboratory tests$31.9 Morgun Elena (aplastic anemia)
31.07.2012transport of the donation boxes$8.76 Fundraising expenses
31.07.2012Rent a cell in the bank for on year$56.55 Operational expenses of the foundation
31.07.2012bank comission$2.5 Bank comissions
31.07.2012Pulseoxymeter, exsufflator$2335.79 Zaporozhye children s hospital #5
30.07.2012bank comission$18.77 Bank comissions
30.07.2012Salary to the fund s employee$78.32 Salary to fund s employees
30.07.2012Accounting expences$2.5 Salary to fund s employees
30.07.2012Accounting expences$216.19 Salary to fund s employees
30.07.2012bank comission$18.14 Bank comissions
30.07.2012Taxes$203.68 Taxes from the salary
30.07.2012Accounting expences$78.32 Salary to fund s employees
30.07.2012Office cleaning$56.3 Office rent
30.07.2012Wages Manager sick children in July 2012.$73.31 Wages Manager sick children
30.07.2012to Krivoshey Alexander$63.81 Krivoshey Alexander (lymphogranulomatosis
30.07.2012Salary to the fund s employee$168.65 Salary to fund s employees
30.07.2012bank comission$3.13 Bank comissions
30.07.2012bank comission$7.51 Bank comissions
30.07.2012pasting billboards$125.11 Printing expenses
30.07.2012to Jaworski Vitaly$81.32 Jaworski Vitaly (CP)
30.07.2012Hike to the Goverla mountain 27.07. - 08.04.2012$140.62 Tourist program
30.07.2012transport$33.4 Children s Eco Village
30.07.2012A trip of 22 children s.Elizavetovka in Berdyansk$37.53 Tourist program
30.07.2012Boat trip 16 children Kirov orphanage$62.55 Excursions within the city
30.07.2012to Holopyataya Lilia$568.25 Holopyataya Lilia (Mukovystsydoz)
30.07.2012For treatment of Shulga Elena and Mihail$50.04 Shulga Helen and Michael
30.07.2012Tour of gifted children in limousines Great Meadow$37.53 Excursions within the city
30.07.2012to Geiko Sofia$237.71 Geiko Sofia (acute lymphoblastic leukemia)
30.07.2012Taxes$63.81 Operational expenses of the foundation
30.07.2012to Myrchenko Kirill$989.74 Mirchenko Kyril (Burkitt s limphoma)
30.07.2012to Alexander Sleptsov (esophageal varices)$261.48 Sleptsov Alexander (portal hypertension)
30.07.2012Postage$54.05 Communication expenses and postage
30.07.2012to Arina Lukashova$304.52 Arina Lukashova (mucoviscidosis (cystic fibrosis)
27.07.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
27.07.2012bank comission$0.5 Bank comissions
27.07.2012Vancomycin, Lennox, Neiromidin, Lutset, Tserakson, Mitropa$187.66 Isayenko Sergey (brain tumor)
27.07.2012Rovamitsin, libeksin, ACC$37.53 Snigur Vadim (celiac disease)
27.07.2012Consumables for cataract surgery$187.66 Savelenko Andrey (traumatic cataracts)
27.07.2012Transport to the children s village$12.51 Children s Eco Village
27.07.2012writing materials to office$25.77 Operational expenses of the foundation
26.07.2012Consumables for cataract surgery$187.66 Savelenko Andrey (traumatic cataracts)
26.07.2012Social advertizing of$100.09 Printing expenses
26.07.2012Printing Services$37.53 Printing expenses
26.07.2012Dermofibraze$35.03 Pyndyk Veronica ([13:20:55] Inna: 3rd degree burn of 17% of the skin)
25.07.2012vaccinations$187.66 Voitovich Christina (non-Hodgkin s lymphoma)
25.07.2012Hike to the Gaverla mountain 27.07. - 08.04.2012$187.66 Tourist program
24.07.2012Meronем, Vancomycin$187.66 Valchenko Vitaly (multiple fractures)
24.07.2012Social advertizing of$112.6 Printing expenses
24.07.2012Bifiform, Ursohol, Preductal, Оmez$108.22 Mark Beh (acute leukemia)
24.07.2012to tomography$57.55 Solovyov Sergei (the brain tumor, medulloblastoma)
24.07.2012to tomography$101.34 Nikolai Yakovlev (spinal amiotrafiya type 2)
24.07.2012to tomography$83.32 Kornev Inna (congenital heart disease)
24.07.2012to tomography$170.02 Prikhodko Daria (embryonal sarcoma of the bladder, uterus, abdominal cavity)
24.07.2012to tomography$170.02 Stasilovich Rostislav (Burkitt lymphoma)
24.07.2012to tomography$146.38 Volik Ivan (neoplasm of the posterior mediastinum)
23.07.2012bank comission$1.25 Bank comissions
22.07.2012Xeloda 500 mg ampule$450.39 Lashina Natalya (C-and lower-middle-ampulyatornogo department rectum)
20.07.2012Refilling a print cartridge$8.01 Operational expenses of the foundation
20.07.2012medicines$112.6 Logvinenko Nikita (systemic sclerosis)
19.07.2012bank comission$2.38 Bank comissions
18.07.2012bank comission$7.13 Bank comissions
18.07.2012Enkorat medicines$6.63 Katya Marchenko (epilepsy)
18.07.2012Mobile communication$4.38 Communication expenses and postage
18.07.2012Fortum$120.98 Kalenyuk Eugene (cystic fibrosis)
18.07.2012bank comission$0.5 Bank comissions
18.07.2012Services Surveyors area for children s village$75.07 Children s Eco Village
18.07.2012to Sveta Papenko$978.11 Sick children of Zaporizhzhia region
18.07.2012bank comission$2.75 Bank comissions
17.07.2012Expenses for the camp$270.49 Tent camps
17.07.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
17.07.2012bank comission$2.75 Bank comissions
16.07.2012office rent$9.01 Office rent
16.07.2012Zefix$139 Voitovich Christina (non-Hodgkin s lymphoma)
16.07.2012office rent$405.86 Office rent
16.07.2012Transport for volunteers to the children s village$8.13 Children s Eco Village
16.07.2012writing materials to office$15.26 Operational expenses of the foundation
13.07.2012Food for the camp$187.66 Tent camps
13.07.2012Mobile communication$25.02 Communication expenses and postage
13.07.2012Wages Manager sick children in July 2012.$73.44 Wages Manager sick children
13.07.2012Salary to the fund s employee$78.32 Salary to fund s employees
13.07.2012bank comission$3.13 Bank comissions
13.07.2012Office cleaning$70.06 Office rent
13.07.2012Taxes$203.68 Taxes from the salary
13.07.2012Accounting expences$78.32 Salary to fund s employees
12.07.2012bank comission$0.25 Bank comissions
12.07.2012design services for the site$312.77 Publications on the web sites
12.07.2012Ekvoral$147.5 Morgun Elena (aplastic anemia)
11.07.2012Tent 2 pcs, 2 pcs backpack.$308.4 Tourist program
11.07.2012Evaluation and treatment , Institute of Neurosurgery Kiev$187.66 Korotenko Carolina (three-dimensional formation of the brain stem)
11.07.2012to Inga for preparation and publication the articles on$237.08 Publications on the web sites
10.07.2012The costs of organizing the campground (13-20 July)$536.22 Tent camps
10.07.2012The costs of organizing tourist activities on the program Klubok in June$375.33 Tourist program
10.07.2012Paperwork for the children s village$331.29 Children s Eco Village
10.07.2012Excursion I want to be for children from large&poor familes$37.53 I want to be - excursions to the companies and meetings with interesting people
10.07.2012for the treatment$187.66 Eve Vorobyova (Sensorineural hearing loss 2-3 degrees, autism, syndrome of portal hypertension)
10.07.2012The treatment (hearing program)$303.27 Olga Smola (bilateral sensorineural hearing loss of 4 degrees)
09.07.2012The costs of organizing the campground (13-20 July)$219.44 Tent camps
09.07.2012Monitoring hospital needs, communication with patients$187.66 Medical equipment for children s hospitals
09.07.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$250.22 Publications on the web sites
09.07.2012Expenses for the camp$80.32 Tent camps
09.07.2012Medicines for orphan-graduate Kristina Pavlova$31.28 Poor families
09.07.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$25.02 Publications on the web sites
09.07.2012to Bogdan Ignatenko (multiple injuries)$75.94 Ignatenko B. (multiple injuries)
09.07.2012Serum protivogangrenoznaya$267.98 Valchenko Vitaly (multiple fractures)
09.07.2012to Mirchenko Cyril (swelling of the abdominal cavity)$5 Mirchenko Kyril (Burkitt s limphoma)
09.07.2012to Sophia Geyko$15.76 Geiko Sofia (acute lymphoblastic leukemia)
09.07.2012Taking out of money from boxes for donation$130.11 Fundraising expenses
09.07.2012bank comission$0.38 Bank comissions
07.07.2012Medobiotin, Nazoneks, Latsidofil, Betaine$88.96 Daniel Kozak (hydrocephalus)
06.07.2012Coordination of the fund in Kalinovka (Mary S.) for June 2012$350.33 Additional staff in the orphanage for children with special needs (Maya Hope)
06.07.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
06.07.2012to tomography$146.39 Denis Boyko (alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma)
06.07.2012bank comission$0.5 Bank comissions
05.07.2012bank comission$1.25 Bank comissions
05.07.2012Transport for volunteers visit to Kalinovka$127.75 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
05.07.2012Internet to office$13.14 Communication expenses and postage
05.07.2012Meron, Myramystyn 5upak, Nytatsyd 5upak, Sudokrem 2upak, Tyrozur 10upak, Fortum 10upak$458.56 Zaporozhye children s hospital #5
05.07.2012Purchase of clothing, food nutritionfor family Tryapytsynа$62.56 Poor families
05.07.2012Analysis$28.65 Khokhlova Margarita (astrocytoma)
05.07.2012Purchase auditory apparatus Chili SP9$1564.09 Semenchuk Anastasia (censonevralnaya hearing loss)
05.07.2012to tomography$146.39 Melnikova Natalia (brain tumor)
04.07.2012Taking out of money from boxes for donation$226.34 Fundraising expenses
04.07.2012Salary to the fund s employee$250.24 Salary to fund s employees
03.07.2012Route, Survey and treatment in Kiev$187.68 Samoilenko Lyudmila (Amblyopia high, aphakia, nystagmus in both eyes)
03.07.2012For putting in analyzov h.Lvov$187.68 Yvanchyn Daniel (hemofylyya A)
03.07.2012Toner Cartridge$8.76 Operational expenses of the foundation
03.07.2012Paperwork for the children s village$500.47 Children s Eco Village
03.07.2012Salary for teacher (playroom)$90.08 Education program for orphans (orphanages of Zaporozhye area)
03.07.2012Transport for volunteers to the children s village$30.03 Children s Eco Village
02.07.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$220.21 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
02.07.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$187.68 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
02.07.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$187.68 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
02.07.2012Ultrasound, asparcam, Cardonat$187.68 Zolotkov Egor (aneurysm WFP kardyomyopatyya)
02.07.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$150.14 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
02.07.2012Medecines for Voytovich Christina (Non-Hodgkin s lymphoma$62.56 Voitovich Christina (non-Hodgkin s lymphoma)
02.07.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$193.93 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
02.07.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$40.66 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
02.07.2012Mobile communication$8.76 Communication expenses and postage
02.07.2012Fundraising expenses$105.72 Fundraising expenses
02.07.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$31.28 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
02.07.2012Ambulance box for the camp (bandages, iodine, no-spa, analgin, plaster, etc.)$19.52 Tent camps
02.07.2012Postage$62.43 Communication expenses and postage
02.07.2012for treatment$12.51 Eugene Chudnovsky (chronic kidney disease - IV grade)
02.07.2012Food for the camp$312.79 Tent camps
02.07.2012bank comission$13.26 Bank comissions
30.06.2012bank comission$24.52 Bank comissions
30.06.2012Transport$15.76 Transport expenses
30.06.2012to Geiko Sofia$811.01 Geiko Sofia (acute lymphoblastic leukemia)
30.06.2012to Vladimir Besklepny$50.05 Vladimir Besklepny (lymphogranulomatosis)
30.06.2012to Myrchenko Kirill$2619.33 Mirchenko Kyril (Burkitt s limphoma)
30.06.2012to Alexander Sleptsov (esophageal varices)$403.5 Sleptsov Alexander (portal hypertension)
30.06.2012to Taran Vladislavа$713.42 Taran Vladislavа (acute myeloid leukemia)
30.06.2012Accounting expences$375.35 Salary to fund s employees
30.06.2012For the family Tryapitsyn$231.47 Natalia Tryapitsina (Large Family)
30.06.2012to Mark Beh$100.09 Mark Beh (acute leukemia)
29.06.2012 Bifidum-bacteria , Kolomitsin , Fusys medicines$50.05 Veronica Fedosenko (premature infants, pneumonia)
27.06.2012bank comission$12.39 Bank comissions
27.06.2012Preparation of material for fundraising, writing articles for the May-June$150.14 Fundraising expenses
27.06.2012Food for the camp$187.68 Tent camps
27.06.2012Cortexin, Tanakan, Lyzonalon$187.68 Zuevo Anna (CP)
27.06.2012 Aktovegin , lecithin , Neiromidin , Neurovitan , Sinituler medicines$250.24 Nikolai Yakovlev (spinal amiotrafiya type 2)
27.06.2012Аndoksan, Uromyteksan$77.45 Solovyov Sergei (the brain tumor, medulloblastoma)
27.06.2012laboratory diagnosis$26.4 Kachaeva Margarita (acute leukemia)
27.06.2012laboratory diagnosis$49.42 Kozak Maxim (right testicular cancer 4 tbsp.)
27.06.2012Help for the purchase of clothing, food nutrition$187.68 Mironov Sergei (rheumatoid arthritis)
26.06.2012Taxes$185.67 Taxes from the salary
26.06.2012bank comission$15.64 Bank comissions
26.06.2012mobile communication$16.89 Communication expenses and postage
26.06.2012bank comission$2.88 Bank comissions
26.06.2012Wages Manager sick children in June 2012.$76.82 Wages Manager sick children
26.06.2012for treatment$3.25 Makiev Denis (chronic myelogenous leukemia)
26.06.2012Venoznыe pedyatrych.mykro port POLYSITE 3 pc., Line soedynenyya 60 pcs, 60 pcs yholky$2162.03 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
26.06.2012Tests in the laboratory Sinevo $37.54 Snigur Vadim (celiac disease)
26.06.2012bank comission$13.01 Bank comissions
26.06.2012diagnostic services$214.2 Krivoshey Alexander (lymphogranulomatosis
25.06.2012Fundraising expenses$43.79 Fundraising expenses
25.06.2012Medicines for surgery$187.68 Voitovich Christina (non-Hodgkin s lymphoma)
23.06.2012Travel of children from large families and foster families (village Elizavetovca) in Berdyansk$162.65 Trips to other cities and towns
22.06.2012building the camp$125.12 Tent camps
22.06.2012Pavilion, covered$92.21 Tent camps
22.06.2012Transport for volunteers visit to Kalinovka$18.77 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
22.06.2012bank comission$0.25 Bank comissions
22.06.2012Inflatable boats$250.86 Tent camps
22.06.2012Salary for fund s employee (orphan s program)$162.65 Program Family care for orphans
21.06.2012Fundraising expenses$158.65 Fundraising expenses
21.06.2012Prepayment of planks for building the camp$125.12 Tent camps
21.06.2012office rent$412.01 Office rent
21.06.2012Postage$65.06 Communication expenses and postage
21.06.2012to Sophia Geyko$42.79 Geiko Sofia (acute lymphoblastic leukemia)
21.06.2012Ventilators for Office (2 pcs.)$16.27 Operational expenses of the foundation
21.06.2012bank comission$10.38 Bank comissions
21.06.2012Mobile communication$1.25 Communication expenses and postage
20.06.2012ambulance to Kiev$997.81 Pavel Telegiy (embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of nasopharynx)
20.06.2012laboratory tests$221.96 Kachaeva Margarita (acute leukemia)
20.06.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
20.06.2012Equipment for the camp$99.09 Tent camps
20.06.2012Consumables for heart surgery$385.11 Ruban Nikita (septum defect mezhzhelchnoy)
20.06.2012to Mirchenko Cyril (swelling of the abdominal cavity)$5 Mirchenko Kyril (Burkitt s limphoma)
20.06.2012 Triderm ointment 5 pack. for the children from Kalinovka orphanage$43.79 Help for children with disabilities (Maya Hope)
20.06.2012to Ananieva Oksana (chronic viral hepatitis C)$6.88 Ananyevа Oksana (CHRONIC vyrusnыy hepatitis C)
20.06.2012to Bogdan Ignatenko (multiple injuries)$5 Ignatenko B. (multiple injuries)
20.06.2012Bank comission$6.76 Operational expenses of the foundation
19.06.2012to tomography$72.07 Girenko Sergey (Kaposi left cheek)
19.06.2012to tomography$170.03 Ivanyuk Marina (ostr.limfoblastomny leukemia)
19.06.2012Mats for travel 20pcs., Pelvis 44l., Capacity-shower, spades$166.28 Tent camps
19.06.2012Taxes$49.67 Operational expenses of the foundation
19.06.2012to tomography$146.39 Dmitrenko Ilya (yolk sac tumor with lesions of the abdominal cavity)
19.06.2012bank comission$0.38 Bank comissions
19.06.2012Equipment for the camp$256.49 Tent camps
19.06.2012Peptamen to Kalinovka$100.09 Help for children with disabilities (Maya Hope)
19.06.2012Events organization of travel club Clubok in may, june$108.23 Tourist program
19.06.2012to tomography$146.39 Nikita Petrov (kidney tumor )
19.06.2012The project for a second house in s.Kalinovka$725.68 Home - 2 for disabled orphans in Kalinovka (repair)
19.06.2012bank comission$0.75 Bank comissions
18.06.2012Balls 4pcs., Dumbbells 2 pcs.$61.81 Help for children with disabilities (Maya Hope)
18.06.2012bank comission$0.75 Bank comissions
18.06.2012Monitoring hospital needs,purchasing of medical equipment$93.84 Medical equipment for children s hospitals
18.06.2012writing materials to office$4.88 Operational expenses of the foundation
16.06.2012purpose donation for boarding school graduate$403.88 To graduate orphan (stricted gift)
16.06.2012purpose donation for boarding school graduate$350.33 To graduate orphan (stricted gift)
15.06.2012bank comission$0.38 Bank comissions
15.06.2012medicines for Vladislava Taran$87.71 Taran Vladislavа (acute myeloid leukemia)
15.06.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
14.06.2012Hiking Weekend in Khortytsya island for 15 children from the orphanage in Molochansk$65.06 Camping trips
14.06.2012Preparing for the meeting of Parents Club $54.43 Program Family care for orphans
14.06.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
14.06.2012A trip to Kiev on prosthetic eye$187.68 Kazakova, Natalya (retinoblastoma of both eyes, osteosarcoma)
14.06.2012Office cleaning$56.3 Office rent
13.06.2012Wages Manager sick children in June 2012.$76.82 Wages Manager sick children
13.06.2012The wire for the pulse oximeter, Massimo $22.9 Medical equipment for children s hospitals
13.06.2012bank comission$0.13 Bank comissions
13.06.2012Taxes$195.31 Taxes from the salary
13.06.2012bank comission$3 Bank comissions
12.06.2012to Inga for preparation and publication the articles on$356.58 Publications on the web sites
12.06.2012Transport to Zaporozhye from Berdyansk for medical examination$137.63 Nikolai Yakovlev (spinal amiotrafiya type 2)
12.06.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
12.06.2012writing materials to office$28.15 Operational expenses of the foundation
12.06.2012to tomography$146.39 Chekrygin Pauline (nephroblastoma)
12.06.2012to tomography$146.39 Kadurin Arthur (neuroblastoma)
12.06.2012to tomography$162.15 Kazakova, Natalya (retinoblastoma of both eyes, osteosarcoma)
12.06.2012to tomography$170.03 Mindova A.
11.06.2012to Vladimir Besklepny$130.12 Vladimir Besklepny (lymphogranulomatosis)
11.06.2012bank comission$4.75 Bank comissions
11.06.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$187.68 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
11.06.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$81.33 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
11.06.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$200.19 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
11.06.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$187.68 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
11.06.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$62.56 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
11.06.2012Resort and spa treatment$331.56 Bondarenko Veronica (CP)
11.06.2012Tsiprinol 12 pack$43.04 Solovyov Sergei (the brain tumor, medulloblastoma)
11.06.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$214.08 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
11.06.2012Refilling a print cartridge$22.52 Operational expenses of the foundation
11.06.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$178.92 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
11.06.2012Gekodez 1 Flac.$4.25 Lyubinetsky Daniel A. (70% body burn)
11.06.2012Salary for teacher (playroom)$80.95 Education program for orphans (orphanages of Zaporozhye area)
08.06.2012to tomography$31.28 Viktor Zaitsev (intracerebral tumors of the 4th ventricle)
08.06.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$250.24 Publications on the web sites
08.06.2012Maxim Shevchenko (cerebral palsy)$115.61 Maxim Shevchenko (cerebral palsy)
08.06.2012Transport to the children s village$30.03 Children s Eco Village
08.06.2012Coordination of the fund in Kalinovka (Mary S.) for May 2012$350.33 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
08.06.2012Neyromidmn, omeprazole, Nestrobion$187.68 Krasilich Anna (rasseyannіy sclerosis)
08.06.2012design services for the site$362.84 Publications on the web sites
08.06.2012to tomography$113.86 Khokhlova Margarita (astrocytoma)
08.06.2012to tomography$31.28 Budnik Alina (medublastoma st.zlokachestvennaya 4)
08.06.2012Probes for feeding to Kalinovka$3.63 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
08.06.2012to tomography$132.62 Usachev Dmitry (brain tumor)
08.06.2012Preparation of material for fundraising, writing articles for the April-May$250.24 Fundraising expenses
08.06.2012to tomography$113.86 Alexander Logvinenko (brain tumor)
08.06.2012to tomography$57.55 Vergun Sofia (right gemeoparez)
07.06.2012Glyugitsir 20 Flac., Sinerpen 10 pack., Gekodez 9 Flac., Octenisept 2 pack.$280.26 Lyubinetsky Daniel A. (70% body burn)
07.06.2012to tomography$130.12 Taran Vladislavа (acute myeloid leukemia)
07.06.2012The costs of organizing tourist activities on the program Klubok in May$350.33 Tourist program
06.06.2012Payment for medical examination, purchase of medicines for the family Stepanenko Y.$187.68 Poor families
06.06.2012Monitoring hospital needs,organization of events, communication with patients$187.68 Medical equipment for children s hospitals
05.06.2012Internet to office$12.64 Communication expenses and postage
05.06.2012 Zeffiks medicine for Christina Voitovich$37.66 Voitovich Christina (non-Hodgkin s lymphoma)
05.06.2012 Zeffiks , Atoksil medicine for Christina Voitovich$75.57 Voitovich Christina (non-Hodgkin s lymphoma)
04.06.2012Salary to the fund s employee$250.24 Salary to fund s employees
01.06.2012air Sterilizer$512.98 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
01.06.2012Office supplies, books, inflatable balloons,dumbbells, skittles, batteries for Kalinovka$62.56 Help for children with disabilities (Maya Hope)
01.06.2012bank comission$3.88 Bank comissions
01.06.2012Taking out of money from boxes for donation$153.14 Fundraising expenses
01.06.2012Transportation of the pouf, mosquito nets (12 psc.) to the orphanage in Kalinovka$37.54 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
31.05.2012The preparation the holiday June 1 Children s Day at the Department of Endocrinology region. children s Hospital$67.44 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
31.05.2012bank comission$12.39 Bank comissions
31.05.2012to Vladimir Besklepny$87.58 Vladimir Besklepny (lymphogranulomatosis)
31.05.2012Postage$27.65 Communication expenses and postage
31.05.2012Fundraising expenses$317.67 Fundraising expenses
31.05.2012Children s clothing and footwear$466.69 Poor families
31.05.2012bank comission$1.63 Bank comissions
31.05.2012Accounting expences$375.35 Salary to fund s employees
31.05.2012Mobile communication$32.53 Communication expenses and postage
31.05.2012hosting of orphans$61.56 Vertegel Galina (family caregivers)
31.05.2012Candy 57 kg.$213.95 Charitable donation
30.05.2012Taxes$188.3 Taxes from the salary
30.05.2012bank comission$3 Bank comissions
30.05.2012bank comission$16.39 Bank comissions
30.05.2012transport for the charity auction$32.91 Transport expenses
30.05.2012Wages Manager sick children in May 2012.$76.82 Wages Manager sick children
30.05.2012Survey and treatmen$638.22 Fomin Ivan (CHRONIC tonzylyt)
30.05.2012to Mark Beh$456.68 Mark Beh (acute leukemia)
30.05.2012The posters 2 (pcs) for a charity auction$15.26 Printing expenses
30.05.2012to Alina Kharchenko$1126.06 Alina Kharchenko (cerebral palsy, paraparesis of lower limbs)
30.05.2012to Leskov Kyril$995.68 Leskov Kyril (multiple congenital malformations)
30.05.2012to Myrchenko Kirill$9.38 Mirchenko Kyril (Burkitt s limphoma)
30.05.2012to Efimenko Catherine$9.26 Efimenko Catherine
29.05.2012Transportation of tourist equipment$18.77 Tourist program
29.05.2012bank comission$5.25 Bank comissions
29.05.2012Repair ventilation$221.96 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
29.05.2012Preparing for the charity auction$41.79 Fundraising expenses
28.05.2012transport$4.88 Transport expenses
28.05.2012bank comission$15.64 Bank comissions
28.05.2012Refund of the money for the transport per one year for volunteer Anastasia S. (Melitopol)$28.65 Fundraising expenses
28.05.2012Fundraising expenses$386.36 Fundraising expenses
28.05.2012Transport for volunteers visit to Kalinovka$40.16 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
28.05.2012medical test for Voitovich Christina$57.55 Voitovich Christina (non-Hodgkin s lymphoma)
28.05.2012Camping equipment: thermos, mats 10pc, hammock, canister$148.89 Tourist program
28.05.2012to Bogdan Ignatenko (multiple injuries)$10.38 Ignatenko B. (multiple injuries)
28.05.2012to Mirchenko Cyril (Burkitt lymphoma)$6.01 Mirchenko Kyril (Burkitt s limphoma)
28.05.2012Refund of the money for the transport for volunteer Julia K. (Berdyansk)$3.25 Fundraising expenses
28.05.2012to Sophia Geyko$6.51 Geiko Sofia (acute lymphoblastic leukemia)
25.05.2012Sensors LNOP 3 pc.$1213.64 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
25.05.2012bank comission$0.25 Bank comissions
25.05.2012Mobile communication$6.88 Communication expenses and postage
25.05.2012Dysport$383.86 Danilchenko Оlesya (Spina bifida)
25.05.2012bank comission$2.63 Bank comissions
24.05.2012the training on journalism in Kiev for Gavrisheva Irene$33.03 Publications on the web sites
24.05.2012Salary for fund s employee (orphan s program)$162.65 Program Family care for orphans
24.05.2012Byfyform, ursochol, Preduktal, Omega$88.46 Mark Beh (acute leukemia)
24.05.2012 Kapadol, Vinpocetine, aspykard, tserebrolyzyn, asparcam, neyrovytam $187.68 Denisyuk Eric (residual-orhanycheskoe defeat CNS)
23.05.2012Fortum 30 bundle$178.42 Holopyataya Lilia (Mukovystsydoz)
23.05.2012Mosquito nets 12 pcs., Blinds 15 pcs. to Kalinovka$233.09 Help for children with disabilities (Maya Hope)
22.05.2012Lypofundyn 9 Flac.$91.47 Mirchenko Kyril (Burkitt s limphoma)
22.05.2012Auditory apparatus Chili SP9$5615.22 Efimenko Catherine
22.05.2012to tomography$106.99 Soval Tatiana (brush)
22.05.2012to tomography$146.41 Ekaterina Radeva (Neuroblastoma Stage 3)
21.05.2012Identify users yandex$12.51 Operational expenses of the foundation
21.05.2012Transport for volunteers visit to Kalinovka$37.54 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
21.05.2012Footwear for men and women for boarding g.Molochansk$648.19 Charitable donation
21.05.2012hepatitis medical test for Voitovich Christina$53.81 Voitovich Christina (non-Hodgkin s lymphoma)
21.05.2012to Sophia Geyko$7.88 Geiko Sofia (acute lymphoblastic leukemia)
20.05.2012Caps and scarfs$1696.91 Poor families
20.05.2012Caps and sharf$1696.91 Poor families
20.05.2012Fundraising expenses$490.55 Fundraising expenses
18.05.2012Mattresses for Kalinovka$76.71 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
18.05.2012bank comission$0.38 Bank comissions
18.05.2012to the Crimea for 17 children from foster families and 6 escorts (21.05.-24.05.2012)$137.41 Camping trips
18.05.2012Taxes$84.09 Operational expenses of the foundation
18.05.2012Byoven 10 Flac., Ynfezol 10 Flac., Lypofundyn 1 Flac.$810.79 Mirchenko Kyril (Burkitt s limphoma)
18.05.2012bank comission$0.38 Bank comissions
18.05.2012bank comission$1.25 Bank comissions
17.05.2012Вropping glass syringes for Voitovich Christina$38.05 Voitovich Christina (non-Hodgkin s lymphoma)
17.05.2012Repair Arthroscope$438.05 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
17.05.2012orthopedic devices$187.74 Makarenko Xenia (CP)
16.05.2012Board games, stationery for boarding s.Kalinovka$449.81 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
16.05.2012 Deakura , Kelokod for Alexander Kuzmenko$11.64 Sick children of Zaporizhzhia region
16.05.2012purpose donation for boarding school graduate$300.38 To graduate orphan (stricted gift)
16.05.2012Hepadyf, hepatitis-Merz$153.94 Voitovich Christina (non-Hodgkin s lymphoma)
16.05.2012printing of social advertising (15 psc.)$8.76 Printing expenses
16.05.2012lawnmower to Kalinovka$110.39 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
16.05.2012Pens (1000 pc.) with the fund logo$237.8 Printing expenses
15.05.2012bank comission$1 Bank comissions
15.05.2012Leskov Cyril (multiple congenital malformations)$50.69 Leskov Kyril (multiple congenital malformations)
15.05.2012to Sophia Geyko$9.89 Geiko Sofia (acute lymphoblastic leukemia)
15.05.2012Lypofundyn 8 Flac.$71.21 Mirchenko Kyril (Burkitt s limphoma)
15.05.2012Cannula for Operation on heart$337.92 Booth Ekaterina (congenital heart desease)
15.05.2012Cannula for Operation on heart$337.92 Akimov Sergey (heart disease)
15.05.2012Anan eva Oksana (chronic hepatitis C)$9.89 Ananyevа Oksana (CHRONIC vyrusnыy hepatitis C)
15.05.2012Transport of at reamobyle in Hospital in Kiev$901.13 Shcherbina Daria (tumor stem the brain)
15.05.2012writing materials to office$36.8 Operational expenses of the foundation
15.05.2012Leskov Cyril (multiple congenital malformations)$9.89 Leskov Kyril (multiple congenital malformations)
15.05.2012to Paraschak Catherine (lymphogranulomatosis) positron emission tomography in Moscow$775.97 Paraschak Catherine (Hodgkin)
15.05.2012office rent$408.51 Office rent
15.05.2012Children s clothing and footwear, personal hygiene$488.74 Poor families
15.05.2012to Shramko Natalia (medulloblastoma) for treatment$16.27 Natalia Shramko (cerebellar medulloblastoma)
15.05.2012bank comission$15.77 Bank comissions
15.05.2012to Taran Vladislavа (medulloblastoma) for treatment$16.27 Taran Vladislavа (acute myeloid leukemia)
15.05.2012to Mirchenko Cyril (Burkitt lymphoma)$16.27 Mirchenko Kyril (Burkitt s limphoma)
15.05.2012to Bogdan Ignatenko (multiple injuries)$16.27 Ignatenko B. (multiple injuries)
15.05.2012to Sukhonos Constantine (osteosarcoma)$8.76 Sukhonos Constantine (osteosarcoma bottom third right loins)
14.05.2012to Sukhonos Constantine$170.09 Sukhonos Constantine (osteosarcoma bottom third right loins)
14.05.2012Consumables for heart surgery$273.09 Akimov Sergey (heart disease)
14.05.2012Wages Manager sick children in May 2012.$76.85 Wages Manager sick children
14.05.2012to Gvozdev Vladislav$170.09 Gvozdev Vladislavlimvoma small intestine
14.05.2012Consumables for heart surgery$383.48 Akimov Sergey (heart disease)
14.05.2012Zeffiks, Immunoriks, Bronhomunal, Vancomycin, Teicoplanin$375.47 Smooth Anastasia (osteogenic sarcoma in / s left tibia)
14.05.2012Defutin, Nurofen, Dekatilen, Akvamaris, Amiksin$187.74 Oleg Babich (organic CNS)
14.05.2012bank comission$0.25 Bank comissions
14.05.2012bank comission$3 Bank comissions
14.05.2012Payment for treatment in a children s sanatorium Hadzhibey $420.53 Karpovich Nikita (CP)
14.05.2012Taxes$188.36 Taxes from the salary
14.05.2012Nazoneks, Akvamaris$62.58 Snigur Vadim (celiac disease)
11.05.2012to Vladimir Besklepny$126.41 Vladimir Besklepny (lymphogranulomatosis)
11.05.2012bank comission$1.38 Bank comissions
11.05.2012Support the library of Hematology$37.55 Department of Oncohematology ZOKDB (equipment)
11.05.2012Medical examination for Voitovich Christina$50.69 Voitovich Christina (non-Hodgkin s lymphoma)
11.05.2012design services for the site$187.74 Publications on the web sites
11.05.2012Print forms, invitations to a charity auction (100)$15.39 Printing expenses
11.05.2012to Sophia Geyko$7.63 Geiko Sofia (acute lymphoblastic leukemia)
11.05.2012Maxim Shevchenko (cerebral palsy)$117.65 Maxim Shevchenko (cerebral palsy)
11.05.2012Office cleaning$56.32 Office rent
11.05.2012Office supplies, soccer balls, a set of beaded embroidery, power supplies for TV Kalinovka$62.58 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
10.05.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$162.73 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
10.05.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$62.59 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
10.05.2012bank comission$6.76 Bank comissions
10.05.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$187.76 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
10.05.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$200.28 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
10.05.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
10.05.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$187.76 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
10.05.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$81.36 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
08.05.2012writing materials to office$45.56 Operational expenses of the foundation
08.05.2012Collect lots for charity auction$25.04 Fundraising expenses
08.05.2012Coordination of the fund in Kalinovka (Mary S.) for April 2012$350.5 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
08.05.2012Transport$11.27 Transport expenses
08.05.2012computer repair to Kalinovka$41.31 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
08.05.2012 Lipofundin to Kirill Marchenko$40.06 Mirchenko Kyril (Burkitt s limphoma)
08.05.2012to Pomazan for treatment (Novogupalovka)$25.04 Sick children of Zaporizhzhia region
08.05.2012Transportation of plants to the orphanage in Kalinovka from Dnepropetrovsk$143.95 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
08.05.2012to Inga for preparation and publication the articles on$321.83 Publications on the web sites
08.05.2012Children s clothing, kants.tovary, food, drugs$717.76 Poor families
07.05.2012to Sophia Geyko$8.01 Geiko Sofia (acute lymphoblastic leukemia)
07.05.2012bank comission$4.51 Bank comissions
07.05.2012Children s clothing and footwear, kants.tovary, food, personal care items$453.07 Poor families
07.05.2012bank comission$6.88 Bank comissions
07.05.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$250.32 Publications on the web sites
07.05.2012A trip children from the orphanage in Molochansk competition to Nikolaev town$85.86 Trips to other cities and towns
07.05.2012Salary for teacher (playroom)$86.86 Education program for orphans (orphanages of Zaporozhye area)
05.05.2012transport$0.88 Transport expenses
04.05.2012to tomography$57.57 Pauline Radchenko (cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus)
04.05.2012Consumables for heart surgery$344.44 Booth Ekaterina (congenital heart desease)
04.05.2012Hiking in Crimea on April 29- May 02 for the 30 children from internat in Gulyaypole and large families$574.23 Camping trips
04.05.2012Transport for volunteers visit to Kalinovka$72.59 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
04.05.2012 Tsisilatin, Vink Ristin, Lomustine $75.09 Natalia Shramko (cerebellar medulloblastoma)
04.05.2012Internet to office$12.64 Communication expenses and postage
04.05.2012Salary to the fund s employee$325.41 Salary to fund s employees
04.05.2012to Sophia Geyko$7.76 Geiko Sofia (acute lymphoblastic leukemia)
04.05.2012Preparation of material for fundraising, writing articles for the April-May$200.5 Fundraising expenses
04.05.2012to Denis and Maxim Makiev$12.27 Makiev Denis (chronic myelogenous leukemia)
04.05.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
04.05.2012Preparation of material for fundraising, writing articles for the April-May$266.71 Fundraising expenses
04.05.2012to tomography$57.57 Ekaterina Radeva (Neuroblastoma Stage 3)
04.05.2012to tomography$57.57 Solovyov Sergei (the brain tumor, medulloblastoma)
03.05.2012Postage$62.45 Communication expenses and postage
03.05.2012Refilling a print cartridge$8.01 Operational expenses of the foundation
03.05.2012The project for a second house in s.Kalinovka$625.79 Home - 2 for disabled orphans in Kalinovka (repair)
03.05.2012bank comission$0.25 Bank comissions
01.05.2012Internet to Ira Gavrisheva$12.52 Communication expenses and postage
01.05.2012Mobile communications$6.26 Communication expenses and postage
30.04.2012to Popov Alexander$18.77 Alexander Popov (CP, subluxation of the hip joint)
30.04.2012to Popov Alexander$599.51 Kira Prokopchuk (Down syndrome, congenital heart desease)
30.04.2012to Myrchenko Kirill$990.75 Mirchenko Kyril (Burkitt s limphoma)
30.04.2012to Voronina Ekaterina (ретинопатия недоношенных, слепота)$228.79 Ekaterina Voronina (retinopathy of prematurity, blindness)
30.04.2012to Geiko Sofia$813.53 Geiko Sofia (acute lymphoblastic leukemia)
30.04.2012to Ignatenko Bogdan$2762.61 Ignatenko B. (multiple injuries)
30.04.2012bank comission$9.01 Bank comissions
30.04.2012bank comission$16.52 Bank comissions
30.04.2012For the family Tryapitsyn$150.19 Natalia Tryapitsina (Large Family)
28.04.2012bank comission$12.39 Bank comissions
28.04.2012Fundraising expenses$175.22 Fundraising expenses
28.04.2012Холодильник ZANUSSI$318.53 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
28.04.2012Central venous catheters 10 pcs.$175.47 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
28.04.2012Consumables for heart surgery$271.22 Booth Ekaterina (congenital heart desease)
28.04.2012bank comission$3.13 Bank comissions
28.04.2012 Infezol, Lipofundin $83.61 Mirchenko Kyril (Burkitt s limphoma)
27.04.2012Taxes$201.56 Taxes from the salary
27.04.2012Stationery for action in the supermarket Amstor$22.79 Fundraising expenses
27.04.2012Wages Manager sick children in April 2012.$76.87 Wages Manager sick children
27.04.2012 Zofran 10 pack$135.08 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
27.04.2012Taking out of money from boxes for donation$178.15 Fundraising expenses
27.04.2012bank comission$3.13 Bank comissions
27.04.2012bank comission$16.65 Bank comissions
27.04.2012Accounting expences$375.58 Salary to fund s employees
27.04.2012to Sophia Geyko$9.26 Geiko Sofia (acute lymphoblastic leukemia)
27.04.2012to Catherine Shekhovtsova (bilateral sensorineural deafness, 4 )$258.02 Sick children of Zaporizhzhia region
26.04.2012Purchasing points$87.63 Nina and Ilya Svirkov
26.04.2012writing materials to office$6.13 Operational expenses of the foundation
26.04.2012Structum, Alpha-DZ-Teva, compositum$187.79 Buhaevsky Andrey (Phosphate-diabetes, complex deformities of the lower limbs)
26.04.2012Technical obsluzhivaniyesluzhebny car$166.26 Bank comissions
26.04.2012safe deposit$61.34 Bank comissions
26.04.2012Transport for children from large families for trip to the National Parc Askanya nova $398.11 Trips to other cities and towns
25.04.2012to Voitovich Christina$214.08 Voitovich Christina (non-Hodgkin s lymphoma)
25.04.2012Treatment in Киев for Sleptsov Alexander (esophageal varices, the threat of bleeding)$250.39 Sleptsov Alexander (portal hypertension)
25.04.2012to Paterilo Margarita$146.48 Pаterilo Margarita (mediastinal tumor)
25.04.2012Mobile communication$8.76 Communication expenses and postage
25.04.2012to Mammoth Arina$190.42 Mammoth Arina (acute leukemia)
25.04.2012bank comission$15.65 Bank comissions
25.04.2012to Reznichenko Roman$170.14 Reznichenko Roman (neoplasm of the bladder)
25.04.2012to Porohnya Darya$146.48 Porohnya Daria (histiocytosis of cells Longergansa)
25.04.2012to Kuzmin Daniel$146.48 Daniel Kuzmin (retroperitoneal neuroblastoma)
23.04.2012bank comission$0.25 Bank comissions
23.04.2012Printing Services booklet 5000psc$187.84 Printing expenses
23.04.2012Filstim, Epirubicin medicines$587.18 Mark Beh (acute leukemia)
20.04.2012seedlings for garden in Kalinovka$88.91 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
20.04.2012Hiking Weekend in Khortytsya islandfor 27 children from the orphanage in Volnyansk$27.8 Camping trips
20.04.2012Neiromidin, Vinpocetine, Cortexin$34.56 Fedorov Bohdan (microcephaly)
20.04.2012Monitoring hospital needs,purchasing of medical equipment$250.45 Medical equipment for children s hospitals
20.04.2012Meeting the yachtsman in the project I want to be with the 45 children from orphanage № 9 Zaporozhye$43.83 I want to be - excursions to the companies and meetings with interesting people
19.04.2012Repair of rigid bronchoscopy$350.66 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
19.04.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
19.04.2012Excursion for 8 children from the Kalinovka orphanage to Berdyansk$100.19 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
18.04.2012Refrigerator for a poor family Tryapitsiny$463.24 Poor families
18.04.2012Taxes$46.96 Operational expenses of the foundation
18.04.2012bank comission$0.38 Bank comissions
18.04.2012bank comission$0.38 Bank comissions
18.04.2012Printing Services evroflaers 20psc$4.01 Printing expenses
18.04.2012To the needs of a poor family Tryapitsinyh$37.7 Poor families
18.04.2012 Depakine , Noofen , Enan, Taron medecines for Kalinovka$33.81 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
18.04.2012Printing Services evroflaers 5000psc$53.85 Printing expenses
18.04.2012Printing Services Business Card 2000psc$22.54 Printing expenses
18.04.2012Tserakson, Neurovitan$187.85 Alina Kharchenko (cerebral palsy, paraparesis of lower limbs)
18.04.2012Purchase of Hearing Aid$187.85 Meschan Denis (bilateral hearing loss)
17.04.2012Payment for transportation to the diagnosis Zvonskogo George$75.14 Zvonsky George (Minimally Conscious State)
17.04.2012purpose donation for boarding school graduate$450.85 To graduate orphan (stricted gift)
17.04.2012Leskov Cyril (multiple congenital malformations)$6.39 Leskov Kyril (multiple congenital malformations)
17.04.2012to Voitovich Christina$38.45 Voitovich Christina (non-Hodgkin s lymphoma)
13.04.2012Taxes$201.63 Taxes from the salary
13.04.2012bank comission$3.13 Bank comissions
13.04.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
13.04.2012Salary for fund s employee (orphan s program)$162.81 Program Family care for orphans
13.04.2012Wages Manager sick children in April 2012.$76.89 Wages Manager sick children
13.04.2012Purchase tickets for travel in the Polish clinic for examination and treatment of Salik Milena$375.7 Milena Salik (dilated cardiomyopathy)
13.04.2012Mobile communication$2.5 Communication expenses and postage
13.04.2012 Dalatsin medicines 10 pack.$94.55 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
13.04.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$12.52 Additional tutors of orphanage in Kalinovka
13.04.2012for the treatment$375.7 Milena Salik (dilated cardiomyopathy)
13.04.2012hosting of orphans$162.81 Vertegel Galina (family caregivers)
13.04.2012Maxim Shevchenko (cerebral palsy)$312.71 Maxim Shevchenko (cerebral palsy)
12.04.2012hosting of orphans$15.28 Vertegel Galina (family caregivers)
12.04.2012 Baclofen medicines for Alina Kharchenko (cerebral palsy, paraparesis of lower limbs)$21.16 Alina Kharchenko (cerebral palsy, paraparesis of lower limbs)
12.04.2012 Bioven 20pak., Vancomycin 100pak., 1100 Glucose flag., Sodium chloride 1488 Flac.$3604.38 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
12.04.2012bank comission$0.25 Bank comissions
12.04.2012 Depakin medicines for Katya Marchenko (epilepsy)$38.95 Katya Marchenko (epilepsy)
11.04.2012office rent$406.39 Office rent
11.04.2012pay back for books$-15.03 Program Family care for orphans
11.04.2012writing materials to office$49.84 Operational expenses of the foundation
11.04.2012 Dalatsin medicines for Maxim Sidorov (acute leukemia limfoblastomny)$87.66 Maxim Sidorov (acute leukemia limfoblastomny)
11.04.2012Food for Besklepny Volodya (lymphogranulomatosis) being treated in Moscow$126.49 Vladimir Besklepny (lymphogranulomatosis)
11.04.2012 Klinutren Junior for Maxim Sidorov (leukemia$22.29 Maxim Sidorov (acute leukemia limfoblastomny)
11.04.2012Office cleaning$75.14 Office rent
11.04.2012Mobile communication$18.79 Communication expenses and postage
10.04.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$250.47 Publications on the web sites
10.04.2012Transport for specialists to inspect the house s.Kalinovka$0 Education program for orphans (orphanages of Zaporozhye area)
10.04.2012Catheters for Voitovich Christina$25.42 Voitovich Christina (non-Hodgkin s lymphoma)
10.04.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$162.81 Additional tutors of orphanage in Kalinovka
10.04.2012to Sophia Geyko$5.13 Geiko Sofia (acute lymphoblastic leukemia)
10.04.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$187.85 Additional tutors of orphanage in Kalinovka
10.04.2012Building materials for the construction of educational programs in boarding Molochansk$143.39 Education program for orphans (orphanages of Zaporozhye area)
10.04.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$181.59 Additional tutors of orphanage in Kalinovka
10.04.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$62.62 Additional tutors of orphanage in Kalinovka
10.04.2012Tserakson, Mannitol, Glucose, L-lysinemedicine for Nadia Samarskaya$49.22 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
10.04.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$187.85 Additional tutors of orphanage in Kalinovka
09.04.2012Tomography for Dorofeeva Mary (hepatoblastoma)$146.48 Dorofeeva Mary (hepatoblastoma)
09.04.2012 Calcium Gluconate , Dicynone medicine for Nadia Samarskaya$13.15 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
09.04.2012Tomography for Bereznо Valentin$170.14 Valentin B. (embryonal carcinoma, hypoplasia of the left kidney)
09.04.2012writing materials for the orphanage in Kalinovka$62.6 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
09.04.2012 Bekonaze, Heptral, Merotsef, Pinosol for Christina Voitovich$93.4 Voitovich Christina (non-Hodgkin s lymphoma)
09.04.2012printing of 1 billboard on social advertising$12.52 Printing expenses
06.04.2012bank comission$0.25 Bank comissions
06.04.2012 Bioven mono for Eugene Lysko (idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura)$810.14 Eugene Lysko (idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura)
06.04.2012Building materials for the construction of educational programs in boarding Molochansk$338.03 Education program for orphans (orphanages of Zaporozhye area)
05.04.2012 Refortan , Antiferrin medicine for the Samarskaya Nadia$13.9 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
05.04.2012To Mirchenko Kiril (swelling of the abdominal cavity)$57.09 Mirchenko Kyril (Burkitt s limphoma)
05.04.2012to Sophia Geyko$7.64 Geiko Sofia (acute lymphoblastic leukemia)
05.04.2012Air conditioning MIDEA with installation$591.39 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
05.04.2012Printing Services evroflaers 5000psc.$56.34 Printing expenses
05.04.2012During the examination of Mark Beh (acute leukemia)$187.78 Mark Beh (acute leukemia)
05.04.2012 Vfend for Christina Voitovich$825.25 Voitovich Christina (non-Hodgkin s lymphoma)
04.04.2012bank comission$1.88 Bank comissions
04.04.2012Fundraising expenses$491.74 Fundraising expenses
04.04.2012 Nazoneks , Limfomiazot , Aleron medecines for Maxim Shevchenko$22.41 Maxim Shevchenko (cerebral palsy)
04.04.2012bank comission$28.42 Bank comissions
04.04.2012bank comission$7.26 Bank comissions
04.04.2012Examination and treatment Lyaut Dmitry (neuroblastoma of the right adrenal gland)$659.12 Lyaut Dmitry (neuroblastoma of the right adrenal gland)
04.04.2012Hiking Weekend for 25 children from the orphanage in Volnyansk$43.82 Camping trips
04.04.2012Hiking in Crimea on March 29- April 01 for the 15 children from Molochansky internat$260.02 Camping trips
04.04.2012Tour of Zaporozhye for 50 children from poor families from Dnepropetrovsk$56.34 Excursions within the city
04.04.2012 Tsefadoks medecines for Leskov Cyril (multiple congenital malformations)$20.66 Leskov Kyril (multiple congenital malformations)
03.04.2012writing materials to office$19.28 Operational expenses of the foundation
03.04.2012To Mirchenko Kiril (swelling of the abdominal cavity)$38.43 Mirchenko Kyril (Burkitt s limphoma)
03.04.2012Salary for teacher (playroom)$92.01 Education program for orphans (orphanages of Zaporozhye area)
03.04.2012Transportation of furniture for a poor family Panchenko$33.18 Poor families
03.04.2012The monitor to the office (1 pcs.)$97.65 Operational expenses of the foundation
03.04.2012The computer to the office (1 pcs.)$525.8 Operational expenses of the foundation
03.04.2012Internet to office$12.64 Communication expenses and postage
02.04.2012Tachocomb plate for Samarskaya Nadezhda entsefalotsepe (encephalocele)$82.75 Samarskaya Nadezhda (encephalocele)
02.04.2012The implant mater for Samarskaya Nadezhda (encephalocele)$876.33 Samarskaya Nadezhda (encephalocele)
02.04.2012 Tienam, Vifend for Voytovich Christina (Non-Hodgkin s lymphoma$400.61 Voitovich Christina (non-Hodgkin s lymphoma)
02.04.2012Printing Services evroflaers 5000psc.$56.34 Printing expenses
02.04.2012writing materials for the orphanage in Kalinovka$5.51 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
02.04.2012to Sophia Geyko$9.89 Geiko Sofia (acute lymphoblastic leukemia)
02.04.2012Postage$56.71 Communication expenses and postage
02.04.2012Fundraising expenses$364.93 Fundraising expenses
01.04.2012Internet to Ira Gavrisheva$12.52 Communication expenses and postage
31.03.2012to Berezhnoy Valentine$354.97 Valentin B. (embryonal carcinoma, hypoplasia of the left kidney)
31.03.2012to Leskov Cyril$526.5 Leskov Kyril (multiple congenital malformations)
31.03.2012Wages Manager sick children in March 2012.$143.49 Wages Manager sick children
31.03.2012Accounting expences$375.62 Salary to fund s employees
31.03.2012to Telegi Paul$1482.71 Pavel Telegiy (embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of nasopharynx)
31.03.2012to Vladimir Besklepny$40.07 Vladimir Besklepny (lymphogranulomatosis)
31.03.2012to Voronina Ekaterina (ретинопатия недоношенных, слепота)$1377.29 Ekaterina Voronina (retinopathy of prematurity, blindness)
31.03.2012to Popov Alexander$385.02 Alexander Popov (CP, subluxation of the hip joint)
31.03.2012to Ignatenko Bogdan$15.03 Ignatenko B. (multiple injuries)
31.03.2012to Zaitsev Victor (intracerebral tumors of the 4th ventricle)$198.46 Viktor Zaitsev (intracerebral tumors of the 4th ventricle)
31.03.2012to Natasha Kosheva$379.13 Kosheva Natasha (intrauterine infection, lung lesion)
31.03.2012to Lyaut Dmitry$2489.64 Lyaut Dmitry (neuroblastoma of the right adrenal gland)
30.03.2012Tomography for Maxim Kozak (right testicular cancer 4 tbsp.)$170.16 Kozak Maxim (right testicular cancer 4 tbsp.)
30.03.2012Tomography for Paraschak Catherine (Hodgkin)$170.16 Paraschak Catherine (Hodgkin)
30.03.2012Laboratory diagnosis for Kachaeva Margaret (acute leukemia, hepatitis C)$13.02 Kachaeva Margarita (acute leukemia)
30.03.2012Spets.pitanie, the unit Inhaler for Snigur Vadim (celiac disease)$125.21 Snigur Vadim (celiac disease)
30.03.2012Materials for the master class of polymer clay for 9 children from orphanage Nadezhda Zaporozhye$28.17 Orphanages of Zaporozhye region
30.03.2012Filstim 5 pack. for Beh Mark (acute leukemia)$256.43 Mark Beh (acute leukemia)
30.03.2012 Tienam, Vfend for Voytovich Christina (Non-Hodgkin s lymphoma$400.67 Voitovich Christina (non-Hodgkin s lymphoma)
30.03.2012bank comission$12.4 Bank comissions
29.03.2012Salary to the fund s employee$325.58 Salary to fund s employees
29.03.2012Taxes$183.95 Taxes from the salary
29.03.2012to Sophia Geyko$10.39 Geiko Sofia (acute lymphoblastic leukemia)
29.03.2012Tour of Zaporozhye for 25 children from poor families from Elizavetovka village$169.05 Excursions within the city
29.03.2012bank comission$2.88 Bank comissions
29.03.2012writing materials for the orphanage in Kalinovka$28.55 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
29.03.2012bank comission$18.91 Bank comissions
28.03.2012 Synhulyar for Snyhur Vadim (tselyakyya)$40.45 Snigur Vadim (celiac disease)
28.03.2012Refilling a print cartridge$8.14 Operational expenses of the foundation
28.03.2012 Zofran for Sukhonos Constantine (osteosarcoma bottom third right loins)$40.82 Sukhonos Constantine (osteosarcoma bottom third right loins)
28.03.2012bank comission$0.25 Bank comissions
28.03.2012 Kapadol, Neurovitan, Vinpocetine, Amynolon for Anhelovskoy Sofia (cochlear neuritis)$20.41 Anhelovskoy Sofia (cochlear neuritis)
28.03.2012Blood sampling, vitamins Buhaevsky Andrey (the disease of the skeleton)$170.05 Buhaevsky Andrey (Phosphate-diabetes, complex deformities of the lower limbs)
28.03.2012For the treatment of Valentin B.$25.67 Valentin B. (embryonal carcinoma, hypoplasia of the left kidney)
28.03.2012Treatment of dnevnom statsyonare Ananyevа Oksana (CHRONIC vyrusnыy hepatitis C)$1277.28 Ananyevа Oksana (CHRONIC vyrusnыy hepatitis C)
27.03.2012Edging the material for analysis for Kozak Maxim (hydrotsefalyya)$1.25 Kozak Maxim (right testicular cancer 4 tbsp.)
27.03.2012Neiromidin, Cerebrolysin, cytoflavin, Gliatilin for Zamarova Darya (opened version traumatic brain injury)$116.2 Zamarova Darya (opened version traumatic brain injury)
27.03.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
27.03.2012Taking out of money from boxes for donation$116.33 Fundraising expenses
27.03.2012Transport$60.23 Program Family care for orphans
26.03.2012Salary for fund s employee (orphan s program)$144.01 Program Family care for orphans
26.03.2012bank comission$15.65 Bank comissions
26.03.2012bank comission$0.5 Bank comissions
23.03.2012Compensation for participation in the campaign dvoi children$-67.62 Camping trips
23.03.2012Tomography for Lyaut Dmitry (neuroblastoma of the right adrenal gland)$146.51 Lyaut Dmitry (neuroblastoma of the right adrenal gland)
23.03.2012bank comission$0.25 Bank comissions
23.03.2012To Mirchenko Kiril (swelling of the abdominal cavity)$76.76 Mirchenko Kyril (Burkitt s limphoma)
23.03.2012Train tickets for the hike to the Crimea from 23-27 March for 10 children from a boarding school № 1( Donetsk) and 9 children from foster families,Zap., 4 adults$87.66 Camping trips
23.03.2012Postage$12.02 Communication expenses and postage
22.03.2012bank comission$2.25 Bank comissions
22.03.2012bank comission$1.25 Bank comissions
22.03.2012Mobile communication$22.54 Communication expenses and postage
21.03.2012Tomography for Anastasia Mihaylova (rhabdomyosarcoma)$170.19 Anastasia Mihaylova (rhabdomyosarcoma)
21.03.2012Tomography for Radevа Catherine (Neuroblastoma Stage 3)$146.53 Ekaterina Radeva (Neuroblastoma Stage 3)
21.03.2012bank comission$0.38 Bank comissions
21.03.2012Tomography for Dmitrenko Elias (pelvic tumor)$146.53 Dmitrenko Ilya (yolk sac tumor with lesions of the abdominal cavity)
21.03.2012 Uromiteksan for Mirchenko Kiril (swelling of the abdomen)$188.98 Mirchenko Kyril (Burkitt s limphoma)
21.03.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
21.03.2012Tomography for Dennis Boyko (alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma)$146.53 Denis Boyko (alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma)
21.03.2012 Kolomitsin, Bioven Mono for George Zvonskogo$44.08 Zvonsky George (Minimally Conscious State)
21.03.2012 Nozoleks , Singulair medicine for Snigur Roman and Vadim$62.62 Snigur Vadim (celiac disease)
21.03.2012Tomography for Mirchenko Kiril (swelling of the abdominal cavity)$107.08 Mirchenko Kyril (Burkitt s limphoma)
21.03.2012Tomography for George Zvonskogo$83.41 Zvonsky George (Minimally Conscious State)
20.03.2012bank comission$0.38 Bank comissions
20.03.2012 Nestle for George Zvonskogo$395.37 Zvonsky George (Minimally Conscious State)
20.03.2012Pavel Telegy (embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of nasopharynx)$185.47 Pavel Telegiy (embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of nasopharynx)
20.03.2012Hiking in Crimea on March 23-27 for the 19 children$224.42 Camping trips
19.03.2012Refilling a print cartridge$7.64 Operational expenses of the foundation
19.03.2012Medications for heart surgery for Dmitry Golubev$739.01 Dmitry Golubev (heart disease)
19.03.2012Taxes$46.96 Operational expenses of the foundation
19.03.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
19.03.2012 Fyzrastvor, Glucose for children-orphans and children from the families maloobespechennыh Zaporizhia obl.detskoy Hospital$16.03 Sick children of Zaporizhzhia region
19.03.2012 Zofran medicine for Mirchenko Cyril (Burkitt s lymphoma)$25.67 Mirchenko Kyril (Burkitt s limphoma)
19.03.2012exchange rate difference$2.38 Bank comissions
17.03.2012Food and transport for 60 artists of the theater Golden Key $692.26 Excursions within the city
16.03.2012Cannula arterial, venous, Dmitry Golubev for (heart surgery)$338.18 Dmitry Golubev (heart disease)
16.03.2012to Kozak Maksim$88.68 Kozak Maxim (right testicular cancer 4 tbsp.)
16.03.2012The advertizing poster for the musicle Scarlet sails $16.91 Printing expenses
15.03.2012bank comission$0.75 Bank comissions
15.03.2012 Pikamelon , kanefron, Linex, furamag medicine for Kirill Leskov$30.06 Leskov Kyril (multiple congenital malformations)
15.03.2012Excursion I want to be for children from the Matveevka orphanage$47.6 I want to be - excursions to the companies and meetings with interesting people
15.03.2012office rent$437.38 Office rent
15.03.2012Excursion I want to be for children from the Matveevka orphanage$47.6 I want to be - excursions to the companies and meetings with interesting people
15.03.2012to Vitaly Morya (cirrhosis)$5.14 Vitaly Morya (cirrhosis)
15.03.2012to Bogdan Ignatenko (multiple injuries)$5.14 Ignatenko B. (multiple injuries)
15.03.2012pay back for books$-28.81 Program Family care for orphans
14.03.2012bank comission$26.3 Bank comissions
14.03.2012Velton phone$25.05 Communication expenses and postage
14.03.2012transport$21.04 Transport expenses
14.03.2012На лечение в Клинике г.Трускавец Буяльского Максима (ДЦП, ретинопатия обоих глаз)$187.85 Buyalsky Maxim (cerebral palsy, retinopathy of both eyes)
14.03.2012Tomography for Kosarenko Yegor (birth trauma of the cervical spine)$57.61 Kosarenko Yegor (birth trauma of the cervical spine)
14.03.2012Transport for volunteers visit to Kalinovka$37.07 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
14.03.2012Voronina Kate (retinopathy of prematurity, blindness)$7.01 Ekaterina Voronina (retinopathy of prematurity, blindness)
14.03.2012Tomography for Usachev Dmitry (brain tumor)$107.7 Usachev Dmitry (brain tumor)
13.03.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$313.05 Publications on the web sites
13.03.2012Fundraising expenses$537.94 Fundraising expenses
13.03.2012Taking out of money from boxes for donation$383.92 Fundraising expenses
13.03.2012purpose donation for boarding school graduate$58.6 To graduate orphan (stricted gift)
13.03.2012The advertizing poster 90 (pcs)$20.29 Printing expenses
13.03.2012writing materials, sports equipment to Kalinovka$62.23 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
13.03.2012Taxes$186.83 Taxes from the salary
13.03.2012The advertizing poster for the musicle Scarlet sails $26.55 Printing expenses
13.03.2012prepayment for rental apartments for Irina Kuzmenko ( graduate orphan& single mother)$87.65 Poor families
13.03.2012writing materials for the orphanage in Kalinovka$36.19 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
13.03.2012The operation of Alexander Popov (CP hip)$187.83 Alexander Popov (CP, subluxation of the hip joint)
12.03.2012Refunds by Bogdan Marinin$-62.6 Marinin Bogdan
12.03.2012To purchase for lekartsv Shramko Natalia (cerebellar medulloblastoma)$112.68 Natalia Shramko (cerebellar medulloblastoma)
12.03.2012 Depakin medicine for Katya Marchenko (epilepsy)$37.56 Katya Marchenko (epilepsy)
12.03.2012bank comission$7.64 Bank comissions
11.03.2012Hiking weekend to Khortitsa island for 15 children from orphanage in Molochansk$25.04 Camping trips
07.03.2012Salary to the fund s employee$325.49 Salary to fund s employees
07.03.2012to Besklepny Vladimir (lymphogranulomatosis)$250.38 Vladimir Besklepny (lymphogranulomatosis)
07.03.2012bank comission$5.51 Bank comissions
07.03.2012Printing of gratitude letters for Moscow charities (5 pcs.)$15.02 Printing expenses
07.03.2012prepayment for rental apartments for Aleftina ( graduate orphan& single mother)$37.56 Poor families
07.03.2012The advertizing posters 11 pcs.for the musicle Scarlet sails $50.08 Printing expenses
06.03.2012Laboratory diagnosis for Kachaeva Margaret (acute leukemia leykoblastny)$109.54 Kachaeva Margarita (acute leukemia)
06.03.2012Laboratory diagnosis for Mirchenko Kiril (swelling of the abdomen)$32.05 Mirchenko Kyril (Burkitt s limphoma)
06.03.2012Mobile communication$16.27 Communication expenses and postage
06.03.2012 Books Principles of Health , The Nature of Ukraine to Kalinovka$19.53 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
06.03.2012Office cleaning$56.33 Office rent
06.03.2012Boxes for donation$93.89 Fundraising expenses
06.03.2012Virus DNA for Daniel Kozak (hydrocephalus)$18.78 Daniel Kozak (hydrocephalus)
06.03.2012Partial payment for hearing aids$2328.49 Marinin Bogdan
06.03.2012Tomography for Alexander Logvinenko (swelling of the abdominal cavity)$120.18 Alexander Logvinenko (brain tumor)
05.03.2012transport$1.63 Transport expenses
05.03.2012Postage$72.98 Communication expenses and postage
05.03.2012Internet to office$12.64 Communication expenses and postage
05.03.2012Assays for Daniel Kuzmin (retroperitoneal neuroblastoma)$35.05 Daniel Kuzmin (retroperitoneal neuroblastoma)
05.03.2012Ultrasound Kachaeva Margaret (chronic hepatitis)$10.14 Kachaeva Margarita (acute leukemia)
05.03.2012Analysis of blood for imunnogramma Yasnogor Darya (change myocardial tuberculosis)$28.17 Darya Yasnogor (change myocardial tuberculosis)
05.03.2012bank comission$0.25 Bank comissions
05.03.2012Salary for teacher (playroom)$62.59 Education program for orphans (orphanages of Zaporozhye area)
03.03.2012 Creon , Bifiform , Intestifag medecines for Anan eva Oksana (chronic viral hepatitis C)$34.18 Ananyevа Oksana (CHRONIC vyrusnыy hepatitis C)
03.03.2012writing materials to office$10.27 Operational expenses of the foundation
03.03.2012Internet connection$24.79 Communication expenses and postage
03.03.2012to Daria S. for preparation and publication the articles on$175.26 Publications on the web sites
03.03.2012The advertizing poster for the musicle Scarlet sails $34.43 Printing expenses
03.03.2012Salary for teacher (playroom)$27.92 Education program for orphans (orphanages of Zaporozhye area)
03.03.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$150.23 Additional tutors of orphanage in Kalinovka
03.03.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$81.37 Additional tutors of orphanage in Kalinovka
03.03.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$187.78 Additional tutors of orphanage in Kalinovka
03.03.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$187.78 Additional tutors of orphanage in Kalinovka
03.03.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$62.59 Additional tutors of orphanage in Kalinovka
02.03.2012Monitoring hospital needs,purchasing of medical equipment$240.4 Medical equipment for children s hospitals
02.03.2012The advertizing poster for the musicle Scarlet sails $26.54 Printing expenses
02.03.2012Monitoring hospital needs,purchasing of medical equipment$93.91 Medical equipment for children s hospitals
01.03.2012Mobile communications$6.26 Communication expenses and postage
01.03.2012Open training BC Ferro-ZNTU(project I want to be ) for the 20 orphansorphanage #4&Molochansk orphanage$56.34 I want to be - excursions to the companies and meetings with interesting people
01.03.2012Meeting HR-manager Kyivstar with children from the orphanage № 2$57.97 I want to be - excursions to the companies and meetings with interesting people
01.03.2012Fundraising expenses$177.17 Fundraising expenses
01.03.2012Internet to Ira Gavrisheva$12.52 Communication expenses and postage
01.03.2012 Hlorodinamin, Linex for Alexey Kosyakevich (lumbar hernia, hydrocephalus)$87.65 Alexey Kosyakevich (lumbar hernia, hydrocephalus)
01.03.2012 Meronem for Pauline Radchenko (Cerebral Palsy hydrocephalus)$331.8 Pauline Radchenko (cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus)
01.03.2012bank comission$0.25 Bank comissions
29.02.2012to Natasha Kosheva$320.78 Kosheva Natasha (intrauterine infection, lung lesion)
29.02.2012fixing of the billboard$125.21 Program Family care for orphans
29.02.2012to Ignatenko Bogdan$514.11 Ignatenko B. (multiple injuries)
29.02.2012bank comission$12.4 Bank comissions
29.02.2012Trip of the 4 orphans from Molochansk orphanage for the ski competition to Kharkov$103.55 Orphanages of Zaporozhye region
29.02.2012to Zamarovoy Darya$191.32 Zamarova Darya (opened version traumatic brain injury)
29.02.2012to Geiko Sofia$413.69 Geiko Sofia (acute lymphoblastic leukemia)
29.02.2012to Shramko Natalia$303.63 Natalia Shramko (cerebellar medulloblastoma)
29.02.2012bank comission$5.13 Bank comissions
29.02.2012to Leskov Kyril$197.45 Leskov Kyril (multiple congenital malformations)
29.02.2012Tomography for Daniel Kuzmin$114.94 Daniel Kuzmin (retroperitoneal neuroblastoma)
29.02.2012to Vorobevoy Eve$2141.69 Eve Vorobyova (Sensorineural hearing loss 2-3 degrees, autism, syndrome of portal hypertension)
29.02.2012Support the library of Hematology$37.56 Department of Oncohematology ZOKDB (equipment)
29.02.2012to Vitally Morya$149.62 Vitaly Morya (cirrhosis)
29.02.2012to Nikolaenko Valentinа$151.25 Valentina Nikolaenko (portal hypertension)
29.02.2012to Daniel Kuzmin$84.27 Daniel Kuzmin (retroperitoneal neuroblastoma)
29.02.2012to Marinin Bogdan$1579.13 Marinin Bogdan
29.02.2012Tomography for Artem Efimenko$170.16 Efimenko Artem (rhabdomyosarcoma)
29.02.2012Accounting expences$375.62 Salary to fund s employees
29.02.2012to Alexander Sleptsov (esophageal varices)$378.76 Sleptsov Alexander (portal hypertension)
29.02.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$18.78 Additional tutors of orphanage in Kalinovka
29.02.2012Tomography for Artem Nezvanov$187.81 Artem Nezvanov  (hypoxic lesion of CNS)
29.02.2012bank comission$4.38 Bank comissions
29.02.2012hosting of orphans$14.9 Vertegel Galina (family caregivers)
29.02.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$187.81 Additional tutors of orphanage in Kalinovka
29.02.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$187.81 Additional tutors of orphanage in Kalinovka
28.02.2012bank comission$3.13 Bank comissions
28.02.2012bank comission$2.88 Bank comissions
28.02.2012writing materials to office$12.65 Operational expenses of the foundation
28.02.2012Wages Manager sick children in February 2012.$143.49 Wages Manager sick children
28.02.2012Excursion to the museum and ice rink for children from the Matveevka orphanage$37.56 Excursions within the city
28.02.2012Taxes$180.55 Taxes from the salary
28.02.2012Cannula for cardiac surgery Arina Kravets$325.54 Kravets Arina (congenital heart desease)
28.02.2012Excursion I want to be for children from the Matveevka orphanage$47.58 I want to be - excursions to the companies and meetings with interesting people
28.02.2012Excursion I want to be for children from the Matveevka orphanage$47.58 I want to be - excursions to the companies and meetings with interesting people
28.02.2012Excursion to the museum and ice rink for children from the orphanage №3$37.56 Excursions within the city
28.02.2012bank comission$15.15 Bank comissions
27.02.2012Consumables for heart surgery for Arina Kravets$327.92 Kravets Arina (congenital heart desease)
27.02.2012bank comission$16.28 Bank comissions
27.02.2012pH-meter Lab$253.92 Zaporozhye children s hospital #5
27.02.2012bank comission$0.25 Bank comissions
27.02.2012to Yegor Saveliev$187.81 Yegor Saveliev (congenital heart desease)
27.02.2012The packaging unit$520.86 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
27.02.2012Transport for volunteers visit to Kalinovka$38.44 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
27.02.2012writing materials for Kalinovka$88.15 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
27.02.2012Products for hikes and excursions for orphans (in the event Amstor )$292.36 Tourist program
25.02.2012transport$8.64 Transport expenses
24.02.2012Consumables for heart surgery Arina Kravets$260.05 Kravets Arina (congenital heart desease)
24.02.2012Transport$25.42 Program Family care for orphans
24.02.2012bank comission$1.88 Bank comissions
23.02.2012Boxes for donation$939.01 Fundraising expenses
23.02.2012to Ekaterina Voronina (retinopathy of prematurity, blindness)$10.14 Ekaterina Voronina (retinopathy of prematurity, blindness)
23.02.2012to Alexander Sleptsov (esophageal varices)$10.14 Sleptsov Alexander (portal hypertension)
23.02.2012Salary for fund s employee (orphan s program)$100.41 Program Family care for orphans
23.02.2012Transport$10.89 Transport expenses
23.02.2012Salary for fund s employee (orphan s program)$43.57 Program Family care for orphans
22.02.2012Mobile communication$4.38 Communication expenses and postage
22.02.2012Tomography for Movchanuk Cyril (limfoblastoma)$125.2 Movchanuk Cyril (limfoblastoma)
22.02.2012Temodal for Alexander Logvinenko$1346.75 Alexander Logvinenko (brain tumor)
22.02.2012bank comission$0.5 Bank comissions
20.02.2012bank comission$0.88 Bank comissions
20.02.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
20.02.2012sanatorium vouchers 12 days for Mas Vadim$450.66 Mas Vadim (flame burns Grades 3-4)
20.02.2012For treatment Gergert Catherine (pneumonia on a background of heart disease)$187.78 Katherine Gergert (pneumonia on a background of heart disease)
20.02.2012bank comission$0.88 Bank comissions
17.02.2012Transport$12.52 Transport expenses
17.02.2012bank comission$0.88 Bank comissions
17.02.2012purpose donation for boarding school graduate$241 To graduate orphan (stricted gift)
17.02.2012The poster for the event at the Center for Youth people$5.26 Printing expenses
17.02.2012office rent$400.25 Office rent
17.02.2012Printing Services evroflaers 1000 pcs.for the musicle Scarlet sails $25.04 Printing expenses
17.02.2012Tomography for Kosarenko Yegor (birth trauma of the cervical spine)$110.17 Kosarenko Yegor (birth trauma of the cervical spine)
17.02.2012Consumables for heart surgery for Bodnar Vladislav$338.03 Vladislav Bodnar (congenital heart desease)
17.02.2012Ursolizin, latsidofil, Creon for Kachaeva Margarita$187.79 Kachaeva Margarita (acute leukemia)
17.02.2012bank comission$1.88 Bank comissions
16.02.2012to Ekaterina Voronina for treatment (retinopathy of prematurity, blindness)$230.34 Ekaterina Voronina (retinopathy of prematurity, blindness)
16.02.2012to Drachov Vyacheslav (hypoxic-ischemic CNS)$187.78 Vyacheslav Drachev (hypoxic-ischemic lesion of CNS)
16.02.2012Treatment in a German clinic in Essen$375.56 Rudenko Daniella (retinoblastoma (cancer of the retina))
16.02.2012bank comission$1.75 Bank comissions
16.02.2012Med.preparaty raskh.mat.dlya operation and polydactyly right hand and left foot Belokopytova Valentine$150.22 Belokopytov Valentine (polydactyly right hand and left foot)
16.02.2012letter of attorney for the registration of the Children s village land$27.54 Children s Eco Village
16.02.2012The translation paperwork for Daniella Rudenko$16.9 Rudenko Daniella (retinoblastoma (cancer of the retina))
16.02.2012transport$93.64 Trips to other cities and towns
16.02.2012Printing Services evroflaers 15000psc$169 Printing expenses
16.02.2012Mobile communication$1.88 Communication expenses and postage
16.02.2012to Bogdan Ignatenko$10.27 Ignatenko B. (multiple injuries)
16.02.2012to Grin Genа (intestinal polyposis)$484.97 Grin Gene (intestinal polyposis)
16.02.2012transport$18.78 Transport expenses
16.02.2012to Ekaterina Voronina (retinopathy of prematurity, blindness)$6.38 Ekaterina Voronina (retinopathy of prematurity, blindness)
16.02.2012bank comission$7.51 Bank comissions
16.02.2012To the needs of a large family Tryapitsinoy$220.83 Poor families
16.02.2012to Koshevaya Natasha (intrauterine infection, lung damage)$1 Kosheva Natasha (intrauterine infection, lung lesion)
16.02.2012to Vitaly Morya (cirrhosis)$12.27 Vitaly Morya (cirrhosis)
16.02.2012to Vorobieva Eve (syndrome of portal hypertension)$0.63 Eve Vorobyova (Sensorineural hearing loss 2-3 degrees, autism, syndrome of portal hypertension)
16.02.2012to Zamarova Darya (opened version traumatic brain injury)$17.78 Zamarova Darya (opened version traumatic brain injury)
15.02.2012 Temodal for Alexander Logvinenko$621.42 Alexander Logvinenko (brain tumor)
15.02.2012Taking out of money from boxes for donation$239.98 Fundraising expenses
15.02.2012Print certificates for volunteers 4 pcs.$6.26 Printing expenses
15.02.2012 Zefiks for Michael Dry$201.05 Zaporozhye s baby s home Sun
15.02.2012to Nikolaenko Valya$0.88 Valentina Nikolaenko (portal hypertension)
15.02.2012Printing Services citylights 28psc., Print, billboards 2pcs.$234.6 Printing expenses
15.02.2012 Tserakson for Oleg Babich$99.52 Oleg Babich (organic CNS)
15.02.2012 Creon, sulfasalazine, lactitol, for Bonchevа Helena$103.15 Bonchevа Helena (Hirschsprung s disease, abnormal development of the colon)
14.02.2012bank comission$0.63 Bank comissions
14.02.2012Cochlear implant system for Priymak Arina$375.58 Priymak Arina
14.02.2012glasses for Nina and Ilya Svirkov$87.63 Nina and Ilya Svirkov
14.02.2012to Nikita Petrov (kidney tumor )$35.18 Nikita Petrov (kidney tumor )
14.02.2012GO insurance (liability) of the car$50.95 Operational expenses of the foundation
13.02.2012For medical services for Kornyushin Maxima in the Children s Health Science Center Russia$1049.32 Kornjushin Maxim (joint disease)
13.02.2012bank comission$29.91 Bank comissions
13.02.2012Taxes$184.73 Taxes from the salary
13.02.2012Repair of artificial lung ventilation apparatus for children s hospital$808.02 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
13.02.2012Cochlear implant system for Priymak Arina$6257.9 Priymak Arina
13.02.2012bank comission$2.88 Bank comissions
10.02.2012Meeting the traveler Gordienko S. with children$37.55 I want to be - excursions to the companies and meetings with interesting people
10.02.2012Organization of theater meeting in Orbita for orphans and children from large families$188.99 I want to be - excursions to the companies and meetings with interesting people
10.02.2012bank comission$1.25 Bank comissions
10.02.2012Fundraising expenses$437.05 Fundraising expenses
10.02.2012to Vladimir for preparation and publication the articles on$75.09 Publications on the web sites
10.02.2012For the treatment for adoptions girl Milena$325.41 Sick children of Zaporizhzhia region
10.02.2012Payment for oncologist at the International Conference of Oncology to Kiev$125.16 Zaporozhye Region Clinical Children s Hospital (equipment)
10.02.2012 medical watch, writing materials to Kalinovka$65.08 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
09.02.2012Salary for the weekend nurse to Kalinovka per month$21.15 Additional tutors of orphanage in Kalinovka
09.02.2012bank comission$10.26 Bank comissions
09.02.2012bank comission$0.5 Bank comissions
09.02.2012bank comission$0.38 Bank comissions
09.02.2012Salary for the weekend nurse to Kalinovka per month$31.29 Additional tutors of orphanage in Kalinovka
09.02.2012bank comission$11.14 Bank comissions
09.02.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$31.29 Additional tutors of orphanage in Kalinovka
09.02.2012Salary for the weekend nurse to Kalinovka per month$61.33 Additional tutors of orphanage in Kalinovka
09.02.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$43.81 Additional tutors of orphanage in Kalinovka
09.02.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$43.81 Additional tutors of orphanage in Kalinovka
09.02.2012Mobile communication$3.75 Communication expenses and postage
08.02.2012Medicines for Boncheva Lena (surgery)$12.52 Bonchevа Helena (Hirschsprung s disease, abnormal development of the colon)
08.02.2012Internet to office$11.26 Communication expenses and postage
08.02.2012organization of a round table for charities in Zaporozhye region$76.1 Fundraising expenses
07.02.2012Processing of requests for assistance and posted on the site$335.06 Publications on the web sites
07.02.2012to Nikolai Yakovlev (spinal amiotrafiya type 2)$187.74 Nikolai Yakovlev (spinal amiotrafiya type 2)
07.02.2012Epson projector$428.43 Operational expenses of the foundation
07.02.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$175.23 Additional tutors of orphanage in Kalinovka
07.02.2012Social advertizing of$25.03 Printing expenses
07.02.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$175.23 Additional tutors of orphanage in Kalinovka
07.02.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$175.23 Additional tutors of orphanage in Kalinovka
06.02.2012Rental apartments for Aleftina ( graduate orphan& single mother)$312.9 Poor families
06.02.2012to Vorobieva Eve (syndrome of portal hypertension)$300.39 Eve Vorobyova (Sensorineural hearing loss 2-3 degrees, autism, syndrome of portal hypertension)
06.02.2012printing of 4 billboards on social advertising$85.11 Printing expenses
06.02.2012Oksiginator for Pauline Zalavskaya$612.66 Pauline Zalavskaya (congenital heart disease, chronic pulmonary hypertension
06.02.2012Oksiginator for Prokopchuk Cyrа$612.66 Kira Prokopchuk (Down syndrome, congenital heart desease)
05.02.2012transport$12.52 Transport expenses
03.02.2012to Vladimir for preparation and publication the articles on$250.32 Publications on the web sites
03.02.2012Tomography for Besklepny Vladimir$170.09 Vladimir Besklepny (lymphogranulomatosis)
03.02.2012Tomography for Max Vinnik$83.36 Maxim Vinnik (mediastinal neoplasm)
02.02.2012Services for the organization of positron emission tomography for Besklepnogo Vladimir$99.88 Vladimir Besklepny (lymphogranulomatosis)
02.02.2012bank comission$7.38 Bank comissions
02.02.2012Mobile communication$4.38 Communication expenses and postage
01.02.2012Postage$57.57 Communication expenses and postage
01.02.2012bank comission$3.38 Bank comissions
01.02.2012bank comission$3.13 Bank comissions
01.02.2012The medical test in Moscow for Vladimir Besklepny$300.39 Vladimir Besklepny (lymphogranulomatosis)
01.02.2012The medical test in Moscow for Vladimir Besklepny$325.42 Vladimir Besklepny (lymphogranulomatosis)
31.01.2012bank comission$12.39 Bank comissions
31.01.2012to Geiko Sofia$260.21 Geiko Sofia (acute lymphoblastic leukemia)
31.01.2012to Berezhnoy Valentine$573.99 Valentin B. (embryonal carcinoma, hypoplasia of the left kidney)
31.01.2012bank comission$14.89 Bank comissions
31.01.2012Wages Manager sick children in January 2012.$143.44 Wages Manager sick children
31.01.2012to Daria S.$25.03 Publications on the web sites
31.01.2012to Shramko Natalia$351.33 Natalia Shramko (cerebellar medulloblastoma)
31.01.2012Salary for teacher (playroom)$70.97 Education program for orphans (orphanages of Zaporozhye area)
31.01.2012to Natasha Kosheva$137.68 Kosheva Natasha (intrauterine infection, lung lesion)
31.01.2012to Kornyushin Maxim$1590.67 Kornjushin Maxim (joint disease)
31.01.2012bank comission$0.88 Bank comissions
31.01.2012to Marinin Bogdan$39.8 Marinin Bogdan
31.01.2012to Alexander Sleptsov$1174.39 Sleptsov Alexander (portal hypertension)
31.01.2012to Ignatenko Bogdan$181.73 Ignatenko B. (multiple injuries)
31.01.2012Accounting expences$375.48 Salary to fund s employees
31.01.2012to Oleg Babich$874.63 Oleg Babich (organic CNS)
30.01.2012 Depakin medicine for Katya Marchenko (epilepsy)$39.43 Katya Marchenko (epilepsy)
30.01.2012 Tserakson medicine for Oleg Babich (organic defects of CNS)$24.66 Oleg Babich (organic CNS)
30.01.2012Events organization of travel club Clubok in January$50.06 Tourist program
30.01.2012bank comission$8.26 Bank comissions
30.01.2012bank comission$13.52 Bank comissions
30.01.2012Taxes$186.87 Taxes from the salary
30.01.2012bank comission$2.88 Bank comissions
30.01.2012Fundraising expenses$500.65 Fundraising expenses
27.01.2012To the needs of a large family Tryapitsinyh$87.61 Poor families
27.01.2012bank comission$1.88 Bank comissions
27.01.2012Send a mattress for Andrievskiy Artem$18.77 Transport expenses
27.01.2012Monitoring hospital needs, screening and purchasing of medical equipment$187.74 Sick children of Zaporizhzhia region
27.01.2012to Andrew Sosnowski$187.74 Andrew Sosnowski (gisteotsitoz with lung lesion)
27.01.2012Printer cartridge$11.26 Operational expenses of the foundation
27.01.2012Mobile communication$4.38 Communication expenses and postage
26.01.2012Medical services for Yasnogor Darya$25.28 Darya Yasnogor (change myocardial tuberculosis)
26.01.2012Medical services for Babich Oleg$37.05 Oleg Babich (organic CNS)
26.01.2012Tomography for Natalia Shramko$100.13 Natalia Shramko (cerebellar medulloblastoma)
26.01.2012Social advertizing of$137.68 Printing expenses
25.01.2012Birthdays gifts for children$78.6 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
25.01.2012Taxes$68.84 Operational expenses of the foundation
25.01.2012Transport for volunteers visit to Kalinovka$112.64 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
25.01.2012Excursion I want to be to the printery Ceramist 15 children from internat № 4$47.56 I want to be - excursions to the companies and meetings with interesting people
25.01.2012transport$37.55 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
25.01.2012sand timer, wall, writing materials to Kalinovka$24.41 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
25.01.2012Salary for the weekend nurse to Kalinovka per month$100.13 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
25.01.2012bank comission$8.14 Bank comissions
25.01.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$75.1 Additional tutors of orphanage in Kalinovka
25.01.2012Salary for caregivers to Kalinovka$43.81 Additional tutors of orphanage in Kalinovka
25.01.2012Transport for volunteers visit to Kalinovka$64.46 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
25.01.2012Coordination of the fund in Kalinovka (Natalie C.) for August 2011$212.77 Chernihiv Psychoneurological Boarding School (v. Kalinovka)
24.01.2012to Koshevaya Natasha$4.01 Kosheva Natasha (intrauterine infection, lung lesion)
24.01.2012to Alexander Sleptsov$5.76 Sleptsov Alexander (portal hypertension)
24.01.2012purpose donation for boarding school graduate$201.01 To graduate orphan (stricted gift)
24.01.2012to Valentin B.(embryonal carcinoma)$5.76 Valentin B. (embryonal carcinoma, hypoplasia of the left kidney)
18.01.2012Salary to the fund s employee$325.42 Salary to fund s employees
13.01.2012Salary for fund s employee (orphan s program)$143.93 Program Family care for orphans
11.01.2012to Vladimir for preparation and publication the articles on$375.48 Publications on the web sites
05.01.2012Internet to Ira Gavrisheva$12.52 Communication expenses and postage
05.01.2012transport$6.26 Transport expenses
05.01.2012Mobile communications$6.26 Communication expenses and postage
Total sum: 330 241 USD

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

They need help:
Misha Zavorotnii
Misha Zavorotnii

Organic damage to the central nervous system, complex metabolic disorder

Help now
Andrii Levadnyi
Andrii Levadnyi

Hydrocephalus, spastic hemiparesis, symptomatic epilepsy

Help now

You donated in 2025

$ 33 353

Our expenses in 2025
To 33 sick children $8 610
Medical equipment: $0
Humanitarian help: $1 047
To disabled children: $1 708
To children's village: $1 006
To orphans and poor children: $1 940
"Helpus" - help to adults: $2 715
Service expenses: $2 303
Total sum of expenses: $19 368

$7 084 563

donated since 2007