What for is your help needed?
The lack of understanding of our problems and necessary support from our state makes us look for the ways of overcoming our daily needs alone, particularly by establishing contacts with charity organizations outside of Ukraine. As a good example can serve our fruitful cooperation with Counterpart International, USA in 1991. Currently we are in contact with the Union of Twin-Cities Zaporozhye-Oberhausen, Germany.
Still, the life goes on and the problems do not fade away as such themselves.
In order to overcome social problems facing us we are interested in expanding contacts with all concerned.
What for is your help needed?
to elaborate and issue didactic materials aimed at birth-rate increase, family strengthening and reduction of homeless children number - based on example of successful large families
to supply some needy large families with minimum of necessary children cloths, shoes, personal care items, foodstuffs, vitamins and school items.
to prepare and carry out our social program - "Summer health recovery of large families' children of Zaporozhye", city known in Ukraine due to its environmental problems as "quiet Chernobyl".
Your donations in money terms (e.g.via Western Union and/or packages
with things mentioned in P. 2 of our Appeal to Sponsors will be highly
You can also use:
WebMoney WMZ715270811988
Money Gram
If you live in USA, you can use such companies for shipping to Ukraine:
If you live in Canada, you can use Meest Canada
You can anticipate paying $10.00/box up to 70 lbs. and then, about $0.69/lb. and expect 4 to 6 weeks to deliver.
Please be aware, that receiving-and-distribution records of all incoming aid
are kept by us with the utmost accuracy, carefullness and
transparency, easy to check-up any time along with photo documentation,
so that each piece of aid you decide to provide will surely find its
target destination.
As much as a tree is strong by its roots and nice by its young sprouts so is a family by the number of its children.
Children are our future.
All, who feel concern for the future of Ukraine, can offer their mite for the cause of supporting children from large families, as it is said in the Holy Writ:
"And whosî shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me".
(Matthew 18, 5)