Waisen und kranke Kinder von Zaporoshye, Ukraine
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Polina Proshina, born in 2008 - a growth in the larynx

Fundraising is suspended! Due to the lack of relevant information and news about the baby.

Author: Olga Vovk, translated by Izabella Balakirsky, www.deti.zp.ua
Published: 2013-12-11 11-50-00   Viewed, times: 5749

Polina Proshina, born August 29th, 2008

Diagnosis: a growth in the larynx.

ATTENTION! ON ON 05/05/2015 AS of: Fundraising is suspended!!
Due to the lack of relevant information and news about the baby.

Little Polina is a charming, sweet girl who urgently needs your help and support! She's been sick ever since birth, and during her four years of life, the doctors have diagnosed her with multiple complex and difficult-to-understand illnesses. Her mother Irina spent most of her time at the doorstep of various hospitals and clinics, trying to find out what the problem is, and trying to find out how her daughter can be helped.

Polina always has difficulty with breathing and eating (because it is difficult for her to swallow). Also, because her mouth is constantly open, germs can easily enter and she frequently gets sick. Her mother sad taken her to multiple specialists, and not one of them had a definite answer regarding the cause of this problem. All specialists only had some hypotheses; most of them said that it simply was a congenital problem.

During her four years of life, Polina was given the following diagnoses: central nervous system problem, pseudobulbar syndrome (tube feeding till the age of two), low muscular tone syndrome, cranio-cervical injury, high CSF pressure syndrome, progressive open bite (3rd degree), neck muscles weakness (resulting in hyperextension of the neck), comorbidities: bile ducts dyskenisia (hypomotor type), hallus valgus deformity of feet.

The actual cause of all her illnesses is a growth in her larynx. It's an overgrown piece of lymphoid tissue, 32/23 millimeters in size. This growth obstructs breathing and oxygen supply by more than 50%. The lack of oxygen has led to many problems with CNS, brain function, and overall muscle tone. The growth pushes the tongue forward and is making the lower jaw deformed. Regrettably, only recently were the doctors in the Central Research Institute of Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery able to establish this diagnosis.

Polina needs surgery as soon as possible, because each day that surgery is delayed leads to irreversible changes in her body. The doctors have scheduled her to have surgery on December 18th, and today is already the 11th... The sum required for surgery is 36, 179 hryvnyas or 4,375 US dollars. Her mother has no money left to pay for the surgery - all the family's money was spent to find out this diagnosis, the cause of all of Polina's illnesses.

We ask you to help little Polina in her trouble, to help her family in any way you can. Give this little girl a gift for St. Nicholas' day which is usually celebrated in Ukraine on the 19th of December. So that on the morning of the 19th, when she wakes up after surgery, she would be able to breathe freely, and could begin to talk and to eat normally! And by her fifth birthday, so she would be home and enjoy life, without being in pain and short of breath. Thank you very much!

The family lives in the city of Zaporozhye.

The mobile number of Polina's mother, Irina: +38 063 972 48 39.

You can also obtain additional information from the staff members of the "Happy Child" Foundation.

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     Kranke Kinder in der Ukraine        Die Ukraine        Vormalige Hilfsgesuche von kranken Kindern    Veroffentlichungen durch Gluckliches Kind    
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