Published: 2013-07-17 16-10-00 Viewed, times: 33775 So it happened that our acquaintance with orphans’ problems began with Zaporozhye boarding school #3. And this website www.deti.zp.ua was originally the website of Zaporozhye boarding school #3. A few volunteers who had created it in April 2004, only wanted to have a computer class for the orphans of this establishment.
Only later we comprehended the vast range of problems of children, and our area of interests expanded considerably. Now the website is called "Children of Zaporozhye" and we try to help not only orphans but also seriously ill and handicapped children.
Zaporozhye special comprehensive secondary boarding school “Svitanok” ("Sunrise") of the Zaporozhye Regional Council welcomes you.
On znrci.zp.ua you can read and find out more about the boarding school everyday life such as the latest news, reforms, changes and events related to work of our boarding school. You can learn about the teaching staff, the students, steps to preservation and promotion of health of the pupils who study here.
Ekaterina Pavlovna Sharikova, the principal
Alexander Petrovich Pavlovskiy, the deputy director for studies and educational work
Elena Grigorievna Shamray, the deputy director on educational (tutorial) work
Historical background
The municipal company “Zaporozhye Special Comprehensive Secondary Boarding School “Svitanok” ("Sunrise") of the Zaporozhye Regional Council began the first academic year as Zaporozhye secondary boarding school #3 on September 1st, 1957.
In 1962 the secondary boarding school was reorganized into subsidiary boarding school #3 (of Department of National Education of Executive Committee of the Zaporozhye City Council of Working People's Deputies)
In 1995 Zaporozhye subsidiary boarding school #3 was reorganized into Zaporozhye Comprehensive Secondary Boarding School #3, levels I-II (Department of Education of Executive Committee of the Zaporozhye City Council of People's Deputies).
In 2001 Zaporozhye Comprehensive Secondary Boarding School #3, levels I-II was reorganized into Comprehensive Secondary Boarding School # 3 for orphans and children without parental care (Department of Education and Science of Zaporozhye Regional State Administration).
In 2004 Comprehensive Secondary Boarding School #3 for orphans and children without parental care was reorganized into the municipal institution "Zaporozhye Special Comprehensive Secondary Boarding School #3" of Zaporozhye Regional Council.
On June 25th, 2010, the municipal institution "Zaporozhye Special Comprehensive Secondary Boarding School #3" of Zaporozhye Regional Council was reorganized into the municipal institution "Zaporozhye Educational and Rehabilitation Center - Boarding School" of Zaporozhye Regional Council.
On May 30rd, 2013, the municipal institution "Zaporozhye Educational and Rehabilitation Center - Boarding School" of Zaporozhye Regional Council was renamed as the municipal institution "Zaporozhye Special Comprehensive Secondary Boarding School “Svitanok” "Sunrise" of Zaporozhye Regional Council.
About the institution
Municipal institution "Zaporozhye Special Comprehensive Secondary Boarding School “Svitanok” ("Sunrise") of Zaporozhye Regional Council is an educational establishment that provides the conditions for recovery of health, education, housing, comprehensive development and social adaptation of orphans and children deprived of parental care, children needing social assistance, for children with severe speech disorders and other categories of handicapped children.
According to the Charter the institution provides education for children who are in need of correction of physical and (or) mental development at an appropriate level of general educational development of students in accordance with the requirements of standard and specialized secondary education.
Pursuant to the children with special needs, the following study options are possible:
Option I - department for children with severe speech disorders (level I – preparatory class, grades 1-4, level II - grades 5-10);
Option II - department for children with learning difficulties (level I - preparatory class, grades 1-4, level II – grades 5-9).
The following children are enrolled to the establishment:
To study according to the first option, children are enrolled at the age of 6 (7) with normal hearing and initially saved intelligence, who have severe systemic speech disorders (alalia, dysarthria, rhinolalia, aphasia, stuttering, general speech underdevelopment) that impede learning in secondary schools, as severe organic disorders of speech of the central origin, as a rule, cause specific learning difficulty of a child.
In case of sufficient number of students (pupils) with homogeneous speech disorders (alalia, aphasia, stuttering, etc.) separate classes are formed with mandatory recording of each student’s speech level.
Children with problems listed below are not enrolled in the institution. These are children who:
- Have diminished hearing;
-Learning difficulty;
- Have epilepsy, with frequent day or night attacks;
- Have schizophrenia with psychopathic disorders;
- Suffer from persistent day and night enuresis;
- Cannot take care of themselves because of their severe disabilities and who require special care;
- Have a speech disorder that can be corrected by a speech therapist at one-to-one lessons.
To study according to the second option, children are enrolled at the age of 6 (7) with learning difficulties, but potentially saved capabilities of intellectual development. The children with the following clinical characteristics may be enlisted to the department for children with learning difficulties:
- arrest of development like constitutional mental and psychophysical infantilism;
- arrest of development of somatogenic origin with somatic symptoms of persistent asthenia, somatogenic infantilization;
- arrest of development of psychogenic origin.
Children listed below with clinical profiles and conditions are not enrolled in the department for children with mental retardation. These are children who have:
-Learning diffuculties;
- Organic dementia of different origin;
- Strongly pronounced difficulties with hearing, vision, musculoskeletal system;
- Psychopathy and psychopathic states of different nature;
- Various neuropsychiatric disorders that do not cause disturbances of cognitive activity.
Students (pupils) are enrolled to the institution by virtue of the order of the Director on the basis of the following documents:
- The conclusion of Regional psychological, medical and educational consultation;
- Application of parents or persons substituting them;
- Copies of a child’s birth certificate, passport;
- Personal record (extract from the personal file), and the document testifying the level of education (except children enrolled in the preparatory and first class);
- The letter of referral of the Department;
- A child’s health certificates: "Child’s Medical Record" (Form # 026/o), the extract from "Child’s Development History" (Form # 112/o) with test results, copies of "Vaccination Card" (Form # 063/o), a doctor’s certificate issued by a health care facility that the child wasn't in contact with patients with infectious diseases or bacteria;
In case of enrollment, transfer and graduation of orphaned children and children deprived of parental care, besides the above mentioned documents, the documents provided by the Procedure of the Protection of Children's Rights # 866 of 24.09.2008, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine should be submitted as well.
The documents required to enroll a child in the institution, have to be submitted personally by parents or persons substituting parents.
When enrolling children in institutions it is allowed to exceed the age prescribed for secondary schools for 1-2 years. The order of students’ transfer and graduation is determined by the Regulations on transfer and graduation of secondary schools students (pupils).
The boarding school is meant for 158 children (according to the State Sanitary Rules and Norms of arrangement and maintenance of secondary schools and the organization of educational process – requirements of DSanPIN5.5.2.008-01 of 14.08.2001). As of today more than 150 children are enrolled, including 39 orphans and children deprived of parental care and children with parents at the age between 6 and 18.
In the 2012-2013 academic year 11 classes were opened, including 2 preparatory ones and 2 first classes. There are 12 students in each class.
A medical - rehabilitation center was opened on the basis of the boarding school with the following available specialists and offices/rooms:
- Dental office (children are examined by a dentist on a monthly basis);
- Physiotherapeutic office;
- Massage room;
- Therapeutic physical training room;
- Oxygen cocktails.
If you want to make a gift to this institution, please contact the administration and clarify what exactly the boarding school needs now.
Boarding school address:
8 Perspektivnaya Str., Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69009
(Pavlo-Kichkas District, trams 5, 16, shuttle buses 70, 14, 73, 83 – stop at Molodyozhnaya Street).
Director - Ekaterina Pavlovna Sharikova, tel. +38 061 283 48 66
(reception) 283 48 68
(Assistant Principal) 283 48 67 (first-aid post)
e-mail: internat3zp@mail.ru
Please inform the Director of the boarding school and the staff of the Foundation of every donation you’ve made to the charity account
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Orphans Veroffentlichungen mit Bildern Waisenhauser der Region Saporischja, Ukraine
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