Waisen und kranke Kinder von Zaporoshye, Ukraine
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Information for non-Ukrainians wishing to help or adopt an orphan from Ukraine

If you wish to help a child from the orphans' personal pages, please read this information.

Author: Albert Pavlov, www.deti.zp.ua
Published: 2029-06-25 00-00-00   Viewed, times: 55405

Dear visitors of our website!If you would like to help or adopt a child profiled on one of the personal pages, you need to know the information below:

1. We are not an adoption agency and can't help foreigners adopt children from Ukraine. To be a middleman in the adoption process is forbidden by Ukrainian law. So if you are interested in adopting a particular child, you must first call or write to 

Kyiv, Str. Esplanadna, 8/10, 01601(044) 289-86-22, (044) 289-70-60

Foreigners can also look to the this page for current information on adoption from Ukraine.

You may also read our articles about adoption from Ukraine

2. We have NO INFORMATION as to whether a particular child is available for local or international adoption.You can also help the entire group to which this child belongs (usually 6-12 children) by sponsoring interesting trips for the group, providing for the children’s education, or giving support to the group’s material needs.

3. If you live in USA or Canada and would like to host an older child, we advise you to contact Frontier Horizon or any other organization that hosts orphans during the holidays. Frontier Horizon is a humanitarian aid organization that uses the hosting program to develop awareness of the children’s needs. They do not facilitate adoptions. However, hosting a child may help families determine if they are ready for the adoption experience.

4. You may decide to help the entire orphanage where a particular child lives. (We encourage this.)

5. Our personal position regarding international adoption: it's far easier for an orphan to adapt to life in a Ukrainian family than to live in a different country and culture. So, in the case where both a Ukrainian and a non-Ukrainian family want to adopt the same child, priority should normally be given to the Ukrainian family. But the major factor to be taken into account is the family’s capacity to care for and love the child. We think that love has no borders.We stress the view that orphans need to live in families, not in orphanages. In Ukraine, there are several types of family care available—adoption, tutorship, foster care, family-type children's homes, and a children's village.

For non-Ukrainians, by contrast, only adoption and sometimes hosting are possible.

Diese Veroffentlichung ist mit folgenden Kategorien verbunden:
     Aktuelle Profile uber Waisenkinder, die eine Familie wollen        Orphans    Nachrichten uber internationale Adoption in der Ukraine    Waisenadoption aus der Ukraine    
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