Waisen und kranke Kinder von Zaporoshye, Ukraine
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Marianna Zhmurina

Fundraising stopped! The funds for the purchase of the next package of medicines have been collected. Thank you, friends!

Author: ßíà Ëîáàíîê, deti.zp.ua
Published: 2023-02-22 20-20-00   Viewed, times: 855

Marianna Zhmurina
Marianna Zhmurina, 29.07.2013 birthday

Diagnosis: Bronchial asthma II degree. Allergic rhinitis. Sinusitis.

Extract: p. 1, p. 2

ÂATTENTION! AS OF 04/10/2023: Fundraising stopped! The funds for the purchase of the next package of medicines have been collected. Thank you, friends!

Four years ago, Marianna's family left Makeevka and settled in Zaporozhye. Already here, in a new place, the girl had the first signs of an allergy, and later - bronchial asthma. This disease is incurable, but its course and symptoms can be control with medication. In the case of Marianna, this is a preparation of a mixture house dust mite allergens to be taken every five months. Its cost is 300 $.

Marianna Zhmurina

In September last year, we purchased the first package of Alxoid, and recently - second. Thanks, friends, for helping Marianne. In the next five months, illness will be under control and will not prevent the girl from dancing, studying in music school and gymnasium. By the way, Marianna is very talented: she studies in schools excellent, participates in competitions, has many diplomas and awards. To distract from the war, mother takes Marianne to the theater. The girl also draws pictures for our defenders and feeds stray dogs in his yard.

Marianne needs to be treated for at least two years. And the next pack of allergens. She will need it in May. Therefore, we are opening a collection of 300 $ for the purchase
this drug.

Let's keep Marianne healthy and protect her from the complications of the disease!

Diese Veroffentlichung ist mit folgenden Kategorien verbunden:
     Kranke Kinder in der Ukraine    Saporischje Stadt und Gebiet    Veroffentlichungen durch Gluckliches Kind    War Russia against Ukraine    Die Ukraine    Veroffentlichungen uber die Stiftung Gluckliches Kind        Marianna Zhmurina    
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