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Dvurechenskiy Sergey, 20 years – inborn myopia of a high level of the both eyes

June 29, 2009, 10:00 3569 Author: Gtrigorjeva Inna, Zaporozhye, Ukraine (translated by Skalevskaya Anna) www.deti.zp.ua Thanks to the donors, $2850 were collected for Sergey and surgery will be done soon

Diagnosis: inborn myopia of a high level of the both eyes, central and peripheral chorioretinal dystrophy, partial optic nerves’ atrophy, vitreous body destruction and convergent alternating squint of both eyes.

Since he was a little boy Serezha had serious eye problems. He underwent regular observations concerning myopia of a high level. In 2007 Serezha experienced a retinal detachment of his right eye and was operated in 2008. Serezha is a handicapped person of the second group.

Before the age of 18 the boy used to live and study in a boarding school #9 designed for orphans and children from problem and low income families. Serezha lives in a family with extremely low income: his father died and his mother has to bring up Serezha and his sister alone without anyone’s help, so because of these circumstances Serezha had to live in a boarding school. But now he is already 18 years old, so he came back home again.

After finishing the tenth grade of a specialized boarding school orphans and children from problem and low income families have an opportunity to receive professional education in a vocational training school. But Serezha is deprived of such an opportunity because of eye problems, though teachers in his boarding school characterize him as a capable and diligent student.

But Serezha’s disease is not hopeless, he can be cured with help of a special operation and medical treatment. In 2008 Serezha was examined at The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases & Tissue Therapy in Odessa, Ukraine. It is the main one in Ukraine on the problem of ophthalmology and tissue therapy and the operations or treatment made there are very effective. As of 2008 the cost of the operation was 9 440 hryvmas (the operation itself is free of charge for Ukrainians but expendable materials and medicines are paid by the patients). But as it turned out the prices for expendable materials and medicines needed for the operation have grown almost twice since the previous year. So now the operation and the whole medical treatment costs about 19 000 hryvnas! This is a prohibitively high sum of money for Serezha’s family. The boy’s disability pension is hardly enough for food and living and it doesn’t grow as fast as do the prices for medicines. He had not 9440 hrivnas for the operation in 2008 and he has not such a great ammount as 19 000 hryvnas this year.

Serezha and his mother ask for help Zaporozhye Charity Fund “Happy Child” because they are helpless along with the disease. During the last two months people have donated 8 000 hryvnas to help Serezha obtain new eyes. We address all the people who are not indifferent and can help Serezha’s family to collect the rest of the sum needed for the operation - about 11 000 hryvnas and give this boy a chance to see this world and lead a full happy life.

Due to certain circumstances we ask to donate for Serezha’s operation directly to the bank account of the “Happy Child” charity fund. In the letter of donation, please, indicate that it is "voluntary charity donation".

Attention! Before transferring a donation, please, contact one of the volunteers supervising Sergey Dvurechenskiy:

Pavlov Albert: 8 (061) 701 32 86; + 38 (066) 513 34 35, detizp@mail.ru

Grigoryeva Inna: + 38 (093) 93 39 788, innagri@gmail.com

Information about Sergey Dvurechenskiy from 10.06.2009:

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