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Save a child: Sizonenko Nastya, 12 years old, portal hypertension

May 23, 2008, 0:00 12689 Author: Albert Pavlov deti.zp.ua The surgery done in Regensburg on January, 12th 2010 gives Nastya a chance to recover. Thanks to the response of not indifferent people it was possible to collect 8800 euro for a month and to get support of one of German funds

Medical document

An account for possible medical evaluation in the University Hospital of Regensburg, Germany.

Ukrainian doctors are unable to treat Nastya from sudden bleedings of varicose veins of gullet and stomach.

Nastya’s diagnosis is “portal hypertension with sudden bleedings of gullet and stomach varix".

In March 1999 sudden bleedings of gullet and stomach varicose veins happened with Nastya. Conservative treatment had no effect and the excision of spleen was done.

From 1999 till 2007 there were stable periods in Nastya’s health state which changed with crisises and the bleedings appeared again and again. The last bleeding in 2007 was very serious and only specialist from Kiev could help Nastya to stabilize her state.

At present time Ukrainian doctors practically unable to help Nastya. They can provide only symptomatic treatment in Kiev.

23 of September, 2008, the venous bleeding caused again. Nastya was hospitalized to Zaporozhye regional children’s hospital. The level of her hemoglobin dropped to 65, doctors make permanent blood and plasma transfusions. Now her state has became stabilized for a while and we hope that the bleeding is stopped. Nastya needs an urgent examination and treatment. Our hope is for the possibility to have a quality examination and treatment in one of abroad clinics. The members of "Happy Child" Foundation have got in touch with one of the leading clinics in Germany, University Clinic of Regensburg specialized on problems of child’s portal hypertension. Preliminary cost of a complex medical evaluation comes to 7000 Euro, and about 3000 Euro must be transferred to the clinic’s account for the unforeseen expenses (unused part of this sum will be returned to Nastya's mother). Depending on results of this evaluation German doctors will take a decision about the following treatment; probably it will be the liver transplantation.

We need to find a rest of the sum – 4500 Euro (as Nastya’s mother has already gathered about 3000 Euro) and then we can send the child to the Regensburg’s clinic. If they can't become treatment as soon as possible Nastya can perish from bleedings that occur more frequently. Even small donations of many people can help to send the child to Regensburg for evaluation and treatment.

But Nastya’s family has a great hope for treatment in one of the leading foreign hospitals (Munich university clinic, Germany). Preliminary cost of such treatment comes to 35 000 euro. As soon as Nastya’s mother gets exact account we will put it at once in our request. Now Nastya and her mother need costs for treatment of varicosity, medicines.

Nastya is usual cheerful girl. She adores animals and all concerned with them. Till her age of three she wanted to be a model but then she decided to be a veterinary doctor without any doubts. Nastya has aquarium fishes, parrot Kesha, cat Barsic, little dog Baron and a big one Reks. And now Nastya and her mother dream about tortoise. Nastya only afraid of worms.

There are many soft toys in Nastya’s room which make the atmosphere more cozy and warm.

Nastya remembers with pleasure how it was nice when she went fishing with her grandfather. She even succeeded in catching the fish! Another funny case from Nastya’s life: all members of her family tried to catch the mouth which had appeared in the house. One day Nastya saw the mouth in the bathroom – and what?! She bathed this mouth and then dismissed it!

At present time Nastya studies at the 6 form (house form of teaching), have an optimistic mood and in spite of her mother doesn’t think about her pain seriously.

We hope that examination and a surgery done in time in one of the leading world clinics will give a chance to Nastya to have a future.

In Zaporozhye Nastya received the treatment in surgery department of Regional children’s clinical hospital.

Nastya and her mother’s address:

Ukraine, 69083

Zaporozhye, Radostnaya street,

house 29

Telephone numbers of Natasha, Nastya’s mother:

+3 8 061 218-51-53 (home number)

+ 3 8 067 379 70 80 (mobil phone number)

+3 8 061 220-65-75 (fax)

e-mail: karandashzp [at] inbox.ru

The telephone number of Albert Pavlov, volunteer from Zaporozhye:

+3 8 066 513 34 35

Bank account in US dollars:

Beneficiary: Sizonenko Natalia

Account: 6762462033741999

Bank of beneficiary: Privatbank, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

Swift code:PBANUA2X


swift code: CHASUS33 CORRESPONDENT ACCOUNT: 0011000080

Bank account in EUROs:

Beneficiary: Sizonenko Natalia

Card #: 6762 4620 3374 1882

Bank of beneficiary: Privatbank, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine Swift code: PBANUA2XZAP

INTERMEDIARY BANK: Deutche Bank AG, Frankfurt on Main, Germany swift code: DEUTDEFF


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$ 32 203

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"Helpus" - help to adults: $2 426
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Total sum of expenses: $18 744

$7 083 413

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