The white ceiling - I wonder if one could find something new if one is going to look at the ceiling for five, ten or even more years. One could study all the new cracks, and maybe a spider building a web would add some spice to his or her routine investigation a bit. It is just not fair! Children should run and jump, play and even get bruises.
Kolia Ivanchenko, diagnosed with cerebral spastic paralysis, and Andrej Pashnev, diagnosed with cerebral spastic infantile paralysis and congenital dysplasia of the hip joint, have got a chance to walk. Kolia’s surgery is scheduled for March 2011 (since the health resort where the boy will have his treatment is closed for winter time).
Andrej Pashnev has already undergone his surgery on the 12th of November this year. Although the surgery went successfully, Andrej had a difficult time recovering from the anesthesia. Andrej, who is extremely wise and patient for his age, believes that he will be able to walk and that’s why he’s bravely withstood all the procedures. It’s probably easier for him to overcome all the physical pain than endure the emotional pain inflicted by the boys who tease him because of his disabled legs.
I cannot express in words my endless gratitude to our donor Ihor who has donated over 36,000 hryvnyas (over $4,500 USD) for the treatments of Pashnev Andrej and Ivanchenko Kolia. May God bless Ihor and help him in everything. Only an exceptionally kind-hearted man can show such kindness to boys he has never met in his life (just read the information about them on the website). We’re also deeply grateful to our readers who have donated for the treatment of Ivanchenko Kolia and Pashnev Andrej.