It is always hard to spread such news. Sometimes it is simply hard, sometimes it is extremely hard. However, when it comes to Sonya… it becomes unreal and unfair!
In July Sonya was treated a bone marrow transplantation. Bone biopsy showed that not all cells were donor. Enormous chemotherapy couldn’t kill all “bad” cells. The doctor’s warned that there were no chances to pull through. But Sonya was so strong! Everybody wanted to believe that still there was a chance. A tiny chance but there should be a chance. The girl might use it… She was treated one more very heavy chemotherapy. But one more bout (honestly speaking I can’t count which one). Sonya spent her last days with her parents in Israel’s Medical Center. The little girl didn’t suffer because of drugs and was encompassed with love and care.
I want to write a lot of kind words about this little wonder girl. She was a miracle. She got out of death’s clutches so many times – that was a miracle! But the main miracle, recovery didn’t happen. Nothing remains for us but to surmise why it happened and believe that it wasn’t in vain, that everything was not in vain. I noticed that Sonya’s story changed people and their lives. Many changes were taken place in the life of mine thanks to this amazing little girl and her wonderful parents. It makes the phrase “Sonya died” more absurd.
Farewell to you, our little wonder girl! God, let her parents get through the loss!!!
The cartoon “The hare in the kettle” is based on the Sonya Pertenko’s story. It was created in the Children’s Animation Stuido in Borovlyany, oncologic dispensary, Belorussia.