Svetlana Shapochnik at the concert – June 9th
We would like to remind you that this March the girl’s diagnosis of retinoblastoma was confirmed and since the beginning of June Daniella’s parents have been corresponding with German clinics which specialize in such cancer cases. Daniella, with her parents is going to travel to Essen (Germany) for treatment, which might cost up to 20, 000 euros ($28,509 US dollars). Thanks to kind-hearted countrymen, the bank account of Daniella’s father received 51,000 hryvnyas (4,469 euros; $6,373 US dollars). The fund-raising campaign for Daniella Rudenko’s treatment is still on-going.
The idea of holding this charity concert came from our well-known countrywoman, a famous folk singer and a soloist of the National Radio of Ukraine, Svetlana Shapochnik. After the phone conversation with the father of Daniella Rudenko, Svetlana invited the family to join her project, “Child’s Hopes” Charity Foundation (in Russian), and its members, her colleagues from the Orihiv region. The concert participants were prize winners of republic and regional competitions, including Olga Kotlyar, a button accordion player and virtuoso Michail Romanyuk, and the theatre chorographic school of modern dance “Tandem” by Tatiana Ivanets.
Olga Kotlyar and Michail Romayuk
“Tandem” soloists
The concert brought in 825 hryvnyas ($103 US dollars), 150 ($18 US dollars) of it was donated by the Rosynka cafe, and 95 hryvnyas ($11 US dollars) from the Kashtan shop staff. 200 hryvnyas ($25 US dollars) was presented to the Rudenko family from the private enterprise Makarenko N.N. Already by the 10th of July, the raised sum of 1,025 hryvnyas ($128 US dollars) was transferred to the Pryvat bank card of Daniella’s parents.
The Foundation director Alyona Demyanyuk holding the donation box and welcoming concert visitors
The relatives of Daniella and the “Child’s Hopes” Charity Foundation members are very grateful to Svetlana Shapochnik, Olga Kotlyar, Michail Romayuk, Tatiana Romanets and her students, and to the territorial center staff and their manager Kernichna N.B. for their kindness. Additionally, the family is grateful to the headmaster of the agricultural technical secondary school Naranovich V.A. for providing some musical equipment, the sound technician Stepanov F.N., the audience and to everyone who could not visit the concert but spiritually joined the circle of Daniella’s friends. Although the concert duration had to be reduced due to the heat, each participant of this event created an atmosphere of love, hope and faith.
The youngest visitor of the concert – 10-month-old Romka with his mom
“Child’s Hopes” Charity Foundation (in Russian) is continuing to raise funds campaign for seriously ill children from the Orihiv region) by means of the donation boxes (in bank departments and shops of Orihiv and the large villages of the Orihiv region) or by transferring to the account of the Praveks Bank: р/с 2600702740075 в АКБ «Правекс-банк» МФО 321983, ОКПО 35905763.
Elena Mirochnichenko, - Chairman of the Board of the “Child’s Hopes” Charity Foundation.