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Help Aaron to See the World!

March 11, 2014, 12:10 2450 Author: Alina Senyuk, translated by Oksana Nikolenko www.deti.zp.ua Mom of Aaron Keyan is again asking us for help in raising funds for another important and necessary trip in March. Help this child to see the world the way we see it!

The invitation and cost of the treatment

At first glance Aaron is a very healthy baby. However, how many difficulties and ordeals this little bundle of joy with a weight of 790 grams had to go through in his life!

Thanks to God and our donors, Aaron copes with his illnesses. Thanks to the help of caring people, the kid could go through four operations on his eyes and pass the 1st course of sight stimulation in the Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics, in December 2013.

According to the checkups, it became clear that Aaron has a chance to see, the results show - contour vision! Aaron takes purposefully glowing objects. And this is a huge step forward, but in order to have his vision gradually restored, he should regularly take courses of stimulation. In March 2014 Aaron should take his second treatment.

Unfortunately, there is no special equipment in Ukraine for such special children. Treatment abroad is not cheap for an ordinary Ukrainian family. Aaron still needs to restore neurology.

Mom of Aaron Keyan is again asking us for help in raising funds for another important and necessary treatment trip. Do not pass by! Please, help this child to see the world the way we see it.

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

They need help:
Kira Karhiieva
Kira Karhiieva

Disorders of neurodevelopment, disorders of the autistic spectrum

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Oleh and Volodymyr Leontievs
Oleh and Volodymyr Leontievs

Autism, lactose intolerance

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Viktoriia Stepura
Viktoriia Stepura

Chronic bronchitis

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You donated in 2025

$ 4 240

Our expenses in 2025
To 18 sick children $3 980
Medical equipment: $0
Humanitarian help: $565
To disabled children: $1 160
To children's village: $47
To orphans and poor children: $210
"Helpus" - help to adults: $153
Service expenses: $2 115
Total sum of expenses: $8 234

$7 055 248

donated since 2007