You can see photo report about this trip
We thankful everyone, who made this trip possible:
Christian charity organization from USA, who gave $1790 for this trip
"U pharma trade" company from Zaporozhye, Ukraine, who allow us to use their microbus
Driver Vadim
Clown Marina from Zaporozhye
Igor from Zaporozhye, who gave children's bicycle and clothes to orphans
Irina Fonarev from Chicago for 18 soocer balls
Toys shop "Neznayka" in Zaporozhye for discount 10-15% for gifts for orphans
Orphanage staff and orphans for their hospitality
To volunteers Olga, Sveta, Nadya, Valera, Ira and Albert, who took part in charity trip
Here is financial statement about trip ($1=5.05 UA gryvnyas):
Toys, meccanos, balls, books, map, games for 3 orphanages - $947.1
800 candy and chocolates - $89.1
Bags for gifts - $0.8
Transport expenses for volunteer - $1.2
DVD player (2 pcs.), LG music center - $170.7
Clown salary (whole day) - $59.4
Driver additional salary - $9.9
Video camera - $9.9
Total $1288.1
The rest of money ($501.21) will be used for New Year gifts to orphanage #3 of Zaporozhye
Checks (which we could took and photograph):
You can see photo report about this trip