The population of Ukraine for past year is reduced by 273 thousand people.
According to State committee on statistics, as of December 1, there were 46.666 million people in Ukraine. As for November 1, there were 46.688 million people. Urban population of Ukraine at the beginning of December made 32.78 million, rural population made 14.9 million people.
Depopulation mainly happened due to natural reduction for 11 months of 2006 – 273.8 thousand people. At the same time migration increase made 11.5 thousand people.
For the past year 422.6 thousand persons were born, 696.4 thousand died (in particular 4.1 thousand children at age up to one year.) 336.4 thousand marriages and 163.4 thousand divorces were fixed. Birth rates were reducing; death rates were increasing for last 15 years.
According to foresees of demography and social researches Institute of National Academy of Sciences, by the 2050 the population of Ukraine may comprise 35 million people.