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A doctor without a computer: nonsense in the West countries, reality in Ukraine

September 21, 2009, 6:00 7058 Author: Albert Pavlov www.deti.zp.ua In the West medicine is impossible without wide use of information technologies. In Ukraine even central hospitals suffer from lack of computer technologies. We ask our readers to help with purchasing PCs for the oncohaematology in Zaporizhzhia

News of the 3 of November: Due to the help of our not indifferent donators after the publication of the article given below the doctors of the Oncology Department of Zaporozhye Regional Children's Hospital got 2 new laptops. On October doctors received a laptop from the citizen of Zaporozhye and another one from Linda, the United States sitizen. We hope new computers will help doctors to work more efficiently and spend more time with children, not paperwork. We also received a donation of 90 dollars from our abroad sponsors. So very soon due to our respected donators we can buy a computer for the Orthopedy and Traumatology department of Zaporozhye Regional Children's Hospital. The doctors of this department still have not any conputer to use. We will be grateful to donors who can help us to computerize other departments of Zaporozhye regional children's hospital and to make the work of our doctors more efficient!

To help sick children doesn’t only mean to pay for the expensive treatment of little patients and to buy medical equipment. When we help to make doctors’ work more productive and comfortable by providing access to modern information technologies we increase chance of treatment success. Precious time that a doctor should spend on a child is often wasted by waiting for his/her turn to use the only computer in the hospital department.

In 2006 thanks to the assistance of the readers of our website the department of oncohaematology in Zaporizhzhia regional clinic purchased its first computer. In autumn 2008 doctors got access to the Internet.

The readers of the site the www.deti.zp.ua helped to purchase the first PC for the department of oncohaematology in autumn 2006.

Nowadays 4 doctors work at the only department of children oncohaematology in Zaporizhzhia region and they all need access to the PC and the Internet to make their work productive. Besides chief nurse constantly uses the computer for registering medicine and other tasks. Thus there is a dire necessity to purchase at least two more computers. One laptop (for a doctor to have a possibility to take it home in the evening or at the week-end to continue his work) and one desktop would be preferred. It is also necessary to purchase a switch and cables to create a local area network.

Approximate costs of purchasing PCs and a local area network installing:


(system unit of minimal configuration without software) – 2400 hryvnas ($270)

Monitor 19' – 1169 hryvnas ($132)

Laptop – 3700-4500 hryvnas ($450)

Switch 8 ports - $20

Cable twisted pair – approx. 200 hryvnas. ($23)

Total 7920 hryvnas or $895

If you have a used but high-grade and able to function TFT monitor, a laptop, a desktop, a switch or cables you can donate them to the department of children oncohaematology in Zaporizhzhia.

We would be grateful to the donators who wish to make the doctors’ work more productive!

Call us: +3 8 066 513 34 35 or 701-32-86 (local in Zaporizhzhia) or write detizp@mail.ru

Ways of donation transferring (PayPal, MoneyGram an others)

Sincerely yours, Albert Pavlov

Coordinator of www.deti.zp.ua

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

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You donated in 2025

$ 31 610

Our expenses in 2025
To 28 sick children $7 823
Medical equipment: $0
Humanitarian help: $1 047
To disabled children: $1 609
To children's village: $1 006
To orphans and poor children: $1 940
"Helpus" - help to adults: $2 235
Service expenses: $2 268
Total sum of expenses: $17 968

$7 082 618

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