Published: 2021-02-11 21-41-00 Viewed, times: 1697 Misha Hudko, born in 31.08.2015
Diagnosis: Pineal tumor, mature teratoma.
ATTENTION! As of 05.05.2021: The collection of funds is suspended!
All information in the section "Treatment News"
The text of the old request:
Misha has become a real puzzle for doctors. The riddles of his body were solved in hospitals in Zaporozhye, Dnieper, Kiev and Uzhgorod. True, in half of the clinics they more often shrugged their shoulders and made mistakes. But in the rest, Misha was saved. Now the turn to save the boy has reached Istanbul.
The first signs of the disease appeared in the summer of 2020 - for no apparent reason, Misha started vomiting. After a series of examinations, a volumetric formation in the brain was found, complicated by hydrocephalus. Two days later, convulsions began.
Misha's illness is a difficult case. And our medicine could not cope with it. It is possible to describe for a long time all the trials that our five-year-old hero and his parents went through. In Kiev, they were afraid to operate, and carried out chemotherapy and radiation therapy, which did not give results. The child fell into a waking coma. In Uzhgorod, the tumor was successfully removed and in a stable and serious condition was sent to the Zaporozhye hospital. A few months later, trains were planned to the rehabilitation center, but Misha's condition deteriorated sharply. And while he was melting with a temperature of under 40 before our eyes, the Zaporozhye doctors could not find the reason. The doctors in the Dnieper managed to stabilize Misha's condition.
Now Misha is in Turkey. The very first MRI revealed metastases in the spine, which no one noticed at home. A new treatment and rehabilitation plan has been drawn up. The first block of chemotherapy was completed, there are seven more to come. And long-term restoration of all body functions. In just a month in Istanbul, Misha showed the first improvements! He began to smile more often, move his fingers and hold his head on his own for thirty seconds. But the cost of treatment for the next six months is an incredible 60,000 euros.
In just over six months, Misha's family lived a whole life. A life full of pain and despair. Today, the feeling of hopelessness has been replaced by hope. We hope for the professionalism of doctors, for a miracle, for our support. Help Misha continue his treatment, and then he will have a chance to recover!
We are opening a collection for 200 000 UAH
March 12 on the platform dobro.ua project started "Promised mom to get well!". Therefore, you can also help the boy on the website of our partners.
The family lives in Zaporozhye.
For more information, you can also contact the staff Of the Happy Child Foundation
Diese Veroffentlichung ist mit folgenden Kategorien verbunden:
Saporischje Stadt und Gebiet Die Ukraine Vormalige Hilfsgesuche von kranken Kindern Misha Hudko Veroffentlichungen uber die Stiftung Gluckliches Kind Veroffentlichungen durch Gluckliches Kind
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