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Save a child: Korobko Egor, 3 years old - cancer of blood (leucaemia)

January 25, 2007, 0:00 9314 Author: Albert Pavlov, Zaporozhye, Ukraine (translated by Clara Fomenko) www.deti.zp.ua In June 2007 Egor has ended treatment in Moscow successfully, and now he is absolutely healthy person! Many thanks to all who has made this miracle a reality - to doctors, to donators, volunteers and the Lord!

Medical documents

Documents about the necessity of getting treatment in Moscow

Bill from RKDB hospital (Moscow) - the cost of treatment for the first month

How to donate money to sick children

Egor Korobko, a three-year old boy who used to be cheerful and sturdy built, has ill fortune!

He was a prematurely born baby, eight months old, and had to spend one month and a half in reanimation because of his hard condition, but he was able to overcome his struggle for life. He grew a healthy child who was loved by his mom, grandma, and uncle (his father is a stranger to him because he had left the family before the kid was born. He was a kind-hearted, polite boy who could help. No trouble could have been in that unclouded happiness.

But the trouble came at once. The boy’s nose got swollen and he could not breathe. Egorchik had to keep his mouth open for breathing. Antritis was diagnosed. The boy had to endure unpleasant treatment, like bathing his nose. But the boy’s condition was getting worse and worse. His mom Lena consulted a hematologist and was shocked by the diagnosis - tumor in nasopharynx, tumor of lymphatic ties, and blood cancer in hard form. The complications of wrong treatment were severe - not antritis but tumor prevented the kid from normal breathing...

Egorushka was immediately sent to the institute of cancer for consultation and after biopsy he was sent Kiev Okhmatdet whoaw Hematology department prescribed him chemotherapy in high doses. But trouble never comes alone. Very toxic medicine had killed tumors but caused perforation of the tummy. The kid had been complaining for ten days about pain in the tummy but the doctors were doing nothing because they thought it was disbacteriosis. But when the child was not able to move from one side to the other and he was injected morphine, the doctors got worried, diagnosed “the holes” and took him to reanimation department to sew the “holes” in his intestine.

The boy spent a fortnight in the reanimation in a very bad condition. He called for his mom and missed her a lot (mothers are not allowed to be with their kids in the reanimation), but, thanks to God, mom Lena insisted on her seeing the kid who had nearly lost any hope to see her. She spent three days with him in the reanimation department.

The boy is back in the ward but now he has pneumonia! Ahead are long treatment, hard courses of chemotherapy, and treatment of intestine. His family is very poor!!! Grandma is on low pension , her son, the boy’s uncle, has low salary, but this is nothing in comparison with what is needed. The boy is need of good diet, expensive medicine, toys, and things to wear.

Egorushka was born when his mom Lena was 36 years old. He survived, although was in reanimation after his birth. God keeps him alive now. Mom believes that God and good people will help her only beloved son and he will be healthy again and finally! She asks for help and is very grateful to all people who can give her a helping hand and support her in her struggle against misfortune.

Beg you, do not be indifferent to this low-income family - they are very shy people, and they are glad to any attention. And, of course, they DESPERATELY need money.

God bless you!

Mom Lena’s phone number - +38-097-9366058

Phone number of volunteer from Zaporozhye Albert Pavlov - +3 8 066 513 34 35

Egor’s permanent home address:

Zаporozhye region, village Avgustinovka, Lenin Street, 45

Bank accounts for donations:

KB Privatbank, Ukraine

Egorushka Korobko - the price of his life is $12 000

(news from January 14, 2007)

I am writing about a kid Egor Korobko. He has acute lymphatic blast leukaemia. Complications are extremely severe because after intensive chemotherapy the boy started having very serious intestine problems. In medical terms, these are multiple perforations in the walls of small intestines, or “holes”. The kid endured chemotherapy well but his treatment was interrupted, he was sent home because the boy was several times close to death in the reanimation department.

What is to be done? Is there a way out?

There is a way out. We have sent the information about the kid to the specialists in hospitals abroad. The boy was consulted by professor A.A.Molachan at the Federal centere of children hematology, cancer and immunology in Moscow. The kid has a very good chance of treatment by so-called “compact” chemotherapy and they are ready to start this treatment any time. No time is left because the boy has a tree-month break in chemotherapy and, in case of relapse, his chances would be catastrophically lower. He must be taken to Moscow hospital as soon as possible. The cost of treatment a day will be about 400 $ or 12000 $ a month. Approximate length of treatment is three months. The boy will be taken to hospital only in case of prepayment equal to 12000 $.

The latest extracts fro, Okhmadet and medical conclusion are given here. Mom Lena and Egorushka are now in a remote village of Zaporoahye region, she is always available by phone number (+38-097-9366058) She is fighting for her son Egor. They are both waiting in hope.

So, money in US $ is the price of a kid’s life. As simple as that.

Pray for baptized kid Georgi!

How to donate money to sick children

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004

They need help:
Misha Zavorotnii
Misha Zavorotnii

Organic damage to the central nervous system, complex metabolic disorder

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Davyd Tereshchenko
Davyd Tereshchenko

Bronchial asthma, allergic vasomotor rhinitis

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You donated in 2024

$ 145 505

Our expenses in 2024
To 71 sick children $41 765
Medical equipment: $7 266
Humanitarian help: $30 419
To disabled children: $51 260
To children's village: $2 382
To orphans and poor children: $6 763
"Helpus" - help to adults: $19 417
Service expenses: $23 308
Total sum of expenses: $185 053

$6 915 103

donated since 2007