How to donate money to sick children
A quiet diminutive woman is carrying an instillator with a little boy “tied down” to it…It is Tovchigrechkos’ family “on a walk”. Just a walk by hospital corridor, but nevertheless it’s better than being in the hospital ward for days and nights.
Vladik is so tired of these walls, as he has been under treatment in hematology since August, 2006. But what pestered him most of all are droppers. And looking at the bottle he plaintively asks his mother:”Mom, when will we finish to drop?” Mother answers there are 2 more bottles, and her words upset him terribly, the tears started to his eyes… but like a real man he promptly dries his eyes and keeps on his slow stroll along the corridor…
Vladik is Lena’s and Vitaliy’s only child. Until last summer he was an absolutely ordinary boy like many others. And his family is absolutely ordinary too. They live in the village, Lena worked as a seller, Vitaliy is an electrician in the hospital. But troubles came suddenly… In June Vladik was taken ill, and doctors couldn’t understand what was with the kid. At first they treated him for a scarlet fever, and after the blood test they treated anemia. But there weren’t any results of the treatment, the boy’s condition was getting worse from day to day, a nosebleed began. Lena saw that local doctors couldn’t help Vladik and so she took him to the Energodar city hospital. And there a doctor just looked at the kid and suspected leucosis without any blood test.
Next day Vladik was put to the gematology… and the treatment began…The first protocol was very difficult for Vladik. At the very beginning of the treatment stomatitis started and tormented the child more then a month. Vladik couldn’t eat anything because of awful pain. Though undernourishment and heavy cure, Vladik became so weak that he couldn’t walk. Lena brought him out on her hands to take the air, but five minutes after Vladik already asked to take him back as he got very tired.
- I saw as Vladik was wasting away every day, and I was really afraid that the child would not pull through, - says Lena Tovchigrechko lowering her gaze, so as not to let Vladik see her tears. - I cried in my joy when Vladic began to ask to eat and took his first steps…
Thank God, the first protocol is over, M-protocol is finished too. And the most part of the second protocol is passed. It remained not much… but financial resources of the family are entirely exhausted.
During the first protocol there were no medicines in the hospital and family had to buy everything, including asparagine which costs 360 grivnahs ($70) for a bottle. Just a day or two ago Vladik’s analysis declined, and injections of neipogen were necessary. It was good luck that there was “sponsors’” neipogen in the hospital at that moment. Tovchigrechkos’ family might have not bought this expensive preparat…
Lena got to know that I was patient of hematology and asked me with dying down voice and fear in her eyes: “I really didn’t ask anybody, I was afraid… and I’ll ask you – Is leucosis curable? Have we a chance?”… She asked and fell silent not looking in my face. I answered with standard words “Of course you have” and caught Lena’s joyful eye, full of hope… She believes with all her heart that all sufferings of her boy are not vain and one day he will forget such words as “chemotherapy”, “dropper” and “leucosis”…
Lena Tovchigrechko’s phone number +3 8 066 286 51 08
Vladik is in Zaporozhye regional hospital for children, hematology department (Lenin avenue, 70, floor 5) – phone number +3 8 061 222-21-50
Tovchigrechkos’ family home address:
Zaporozhye region, village Bolshaya Belozerka, Dneprovskaya Street, 11
Both financial aid and necessary medicines are appreciated.
Bank account for donations in US dollars
Beneficiary: Tovchigrechko Elena
Account: 6762 4620 1395 1410
Bank of beneficiary: Privatbank, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine Swift code:
swift code: CHASUS33 CORRESPONDENT ACCOUNT: 0011000080
Instant transferences of money WesternUnion, and others. Electronic payment systems can be used, as well (Web Money, Rupay and others).
In case of donations do not forget to contact volunteers who work with Vladik and his mom.
Vladik’s volunteers from Zaporozhye are Gavrisheva Irina +3 8 097 1364182 and Gavrisheva Natalia Anatolievna +3 8 098 9334052, or Albert Pavlov (speakes English) -, +3 8 066 513 34 35
How to donate money to sick children