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Computerization of the Oncology Department in Zaporozhye is in progress

November 3, 2009, 10:00 9053 Author: Albert Pavlov, translated by Tatiana Bychak www.deti.zp.ua Recently two modern laptops were presented to the Oncology Department. One is a gift from American citizen Linda, the other was presented by the usual resident of Zaporozhye. New computers will help doctors to work more efficiently

The head of the Oncology department Tamara Evgenjevna with two new laptops for doctor's needs

In September we published an article entitled “A doctor without a computer: nonsense in the West, reality - in Ukraine” on our website.

Fortunately, some people expressed the will to assist in computerization of the only Children's Oncology Department in Zaporozhsky region.

On October 20, doctors received a new laptop Lenovo. A person, who had made this donation for the sake of children’s health, wished to stay unknown. Anyway, the doctors are very grateful to him.

The next day, Linda from the United States presented an almost new laptop Toshiba. Linda has been supporting the orphans of Zaporozhye for about a year. She used to help us in conducting of hikes, modernization of sports grounds in boarding schools and other projects.

We are pleased that thanks to modern computers, doctors will be able to do their job faster and more efficiently, paying more attention to children.

In the nearest future we plan to connect the existing three computers into a network. We would be glad to find a person ready to donate a monthly internet fee (100 grn. per month)

Shortly we plan to computerize the other Departments of Zaporozhsky Regional Children's Hospital - those without any computer.

If you have any used but well-maintained and operating TFT-screens, laptops, desktop computers, switchboards or cables - you can donate them to the children's hospital!

We also want to add we have already received a donation of 90 dollars from our abroad sponsors. So very soon due to our respected donators we can buy a computer for the Orthopedy and Traumatology department of Zaporozhye Regional Children's Hospital. The doctors of this department still have not any conputer to use.

We will be grateful to donors who wish to make the work of doctors more efficient!

Contact us: +3 8 066 513 34 35 (mobile), e-mail: detizp@mail.ru

How to donate?

Best regards,

Albert Pavlov

Site coordinator



Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

They need help:
Misha Zavorotnii
Misha Zavorotnii

Organic damage to the central nervous system, complex metabolic disorder

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