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Little Maximka could continue treatment in December only with help of good people

November 20, 2009, 11:00 2164 Author: Inna Grigoryeva, translated by Maryna Psol www.deti.zp.ua Every 2 months Maxim needs to undergo a course of medical treatment in Moscow, and the next one is already in December 2009. We are asking our honoured donors to help us to collect money for this course because treatment cannot be interrupted in no way

Maxim’s mother Vita Kornyushyna says that she entirely depends on God’s will and help of not indifferent people now because Maxim must undergo the course of treatment of his serious illness, juvenile arthritis, every two months. And a cost of the treatment is absolutely unaffordable for Vita who is growing two sons by herself.

The kid has reached enormous results in fighting with disease. And that’s all thanks to Your help, hope and faith of Maxim’s mom, and, significantly, Maxim’s understanding and patience, his desire to be healthy and happy. You can see it yourself on the picture: how wise and mature his look is in 4.5 years!

But ahead of him there are several months of treatment which needs to be continued until remission (an inactive condition) of disease will come. That’s why we ought to keep helping Maximka in order not to lose all previous achievements of this strong boy but to consolidate and multiply success.

For the next stage of treatment in December 2009 Maximka needs 16 800 hryvnas (or 1344 dollars), it is the price of the one course of treatment with “Remicade”, a drastic medicine which was prescribed to the child by the Russian Scientific Center of children’s health of Russian academy of medical science. The treatment is very expensive but only due to it Maximka has achieved such wonderful results. Just because of this strong cure the illness is slowly abating. Let’s help Maxim’s mom to collect 16 800 hrn till December!

Vita Kornyushyna expresses deep appreciation to everybody who have been helping her and Maximka during last year and a half. They would not be able to fight for Max’s health without Your help, dear merciful noble people!

You can transfer your donations on the account of Kornyushyna Vita Viktorovna which is indicated in the text of appeal about Maximka.

How to donate money for this kid using PayPal, bank accounts or other ways

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

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