We wish we could solve the problems of our children right away. You have taken medicine, underwent the operation and the problem is solved. Unfortunately, there are children who have been undergoing the treatments for months and years. And it costs heaps of money. Julia is also in deep water now.
To cure the disease the doctors from the Russian Myasthenia Center prescribed very expensive medication sandimmune (cyclosporine). Julia felt better, however not as good as wished it to be. That is why the doctors from the Russian Myasthenia Center made a decision to perform the thymectomy operation.
The Russian Myasthenia Center Advisory Proceeding (p. 1)
The Russian Myasthenia Center Advisory Proceeding (p. 2)
The thymus is a specialized organ of the immune system that works improperly if the person suffers from myasthenia. Although thymectomy doesn’t cure the disease completely, it helps better the patient’s condition. The doctors estimate that Julia belongs to that group of people for whom the operation should help. However, there shouldn’t be any delay – the operation can bring good results if it is performed within two years after onset of the disease.
The thymectomy itself is not difficult to perform but it is extremely important that the intraoperative and postoperative periods were under close medical supervision. It should be performed by experienced doctors who mastered the treatment methods of myasthenia. Unfortunately, it is a big problem for Ukraine. There are the surgeons who can perform the operation but they cannot provide a proper postoperative treatment. That is why it was decided to operate Julia in Moscow, in endocrinology and myasthenia department under the facultative surgery department of the I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy. The specialists have a huge experience.
The schedule of the surgery
According to preliminary data the cost of the operation for the citizens of Ukraine varies from 24, 000 to 27,000 gryvnias. The operation is scheduled for April…
Julia lives with her aunt, Sveta. Each month they have to buy expensive medicines (sandimmune, Pyridostigmine bromide). They try to do their best to survive. However, they do not have enough money for the operation. They need our help! The surgery is a chance for Julia to make her state better, reduce the drugs’ doses, and bring her to normal life. Now Julia stays at home because of the infection risk and asthenia.
Please help the girl take this chance!
Methods for transferring donations for the treatment of Julia Lyascheva:
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