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Results of work of the “Happy Child” foundation in 2009

July 2, 2010, 19:00 10729 Author: Albert Pavlov www.deti.zp.ua During the last year you and we were able to help to dozens of orphans and ill children to the sum of nearly $ 164600, and also to implement several important projects


1. Introduction

2. The main sources of donations

3. The main areas of usage of the donations

4. Reports about realization of the foundation’s programs

      • Help to severely ill children of Zaporizhzhya region

      • Help in purchase of equipment for children’s hospitals

      • Help to the orphanage for children with special needs (Kalinovka)

      • Pecuniary aid for orphanages, asylums and boarding schools

      • Organization of trips and excursions for orphans

      • Educational program for orphans

5. Commendations to donors and volunteers

1. 1. Introduction

Dear friends! We call your attention to the results of our mutual work over 2009. Despite global economic crisis in 2009 we were able to realize more resources for needs of the most vulnerable groups of kids of Zaporizhzhya region. We are thankful to donors and volunteers who found an opportunity to help during the last year.

2. The main sources of donations

Рис. 1 Diagram 1 Donors who helped to children in 2009

Рис. 2 Diagram 2 Distribution of donations by countries

Detailed report on donations received in 2009.

On the diagram you can see that great amount of donors from all over Ukraine and other 14 countries support foundation. At the same time our foundation is not dependent on some one major sponsor. Overall in 2009 projects of the foundation were supported by 235 donors which gave 930 thousands hrn, and also several hundreds people who transferred money directly to parents’ accounts.

We want to notice that we are sincerely grateful not only for our large and constant sponsors but also to hundreds of those people who found time and forces to make at least small contribution for good of zaporizhzhyan kids.

3. The main areas of usage of the donations.

Рic. 3 Diagram 3 Distribution of foundation’s expenses over 2009

Pic. 4 Table 1 Distribution of foundation’s expenses by directions in 2009

4. Reports about realization of the foundation’s programs

Help to severely ill children of Zaporizhzhya region

During 2009 the foundation was leading large-scale informational work, which allowed to build network with clinics of different countries and also foreign foundations. It let us to broaden opportunities for treatment of severely ill children in specialized hospitals in Russia, Germany, Israel without intermediator firms. Treatment of these children is needed in cases where Ukrainian medicine is helpless.

With informational and organizational support of “Happy Child” foundation several children from Zaporizhzhya region were able to go for treatment to Russian and German clinics. Moreover, the cost of their treatment was partially or fully covered by Russian or German charitable foundations – “Give a life”, “Happy World”, “Pomogi.org”, K.Khabenskyi foundation, German foundation “Herz fur Kinder” (“Heart for Child”).

Vika Kozeleva – in 2009 was treated from relapse of neuroblastoma in Russian oncology scientific center of N.N. Blokhin;

- Ilona Vinnikova, Vitya Zaicev, Vlad Titarenko, Nikita Burkhan are chidren with removed brain tumor. They have taken part of the course of medical treatment (radiation therapy and chemotherapy) in Moscow research institute of Roentgenology and Radiology and in Burdenko research institute.

- Nazar Semenyuk – in 2009 this young zaporizhzhyan with severe defects of veins development was treated in Russian children’s hospital and in one of German clinics.

Nastya Sizonenko – in 2009 she had a difficult operation of fixing the shunt in German clinic with partial financial help of German foundation.

In 2009 many children of Zaporozhye area had got a chance to change their life, the chance to live without a pain, fear and uncertainty, and some of them - chance simply to survive:

Daniil Nazarchuk

Daniil has a complex form of arrhythmia. He urgently needed an operation which involved implanting of special device “cardioverter-defibrillator”. This device costs $12405. We managed to gather this sum in record-breaking short terms. This equipment was implanted in Kiev research institute of cardiology and cardiosurgery. Now Daniil’s life is not in danger.

Nastya Sizonenko

For many years Nastya was suffering from insidious internal bleeding from dilated veins caused by portal hypertension. Nobody could help this child in Ukraine. With informational and financial support of “Happy Child” charitable foundation Nastya was examined and operated in German clinic. We gathered 25 thousands euro for her treatment.

Sasha Kolopov

Sasha’s diagnosis is portal hypertension. This disease was accompanied with internal bleeding which could caused death of the child. Only operation on anastomosis could saved him. Through the web site www.deti.zp.ua we gathered $1520 for Sasha’s treatment. Thanks to this the child had a successful operation in Filatov’s children’s hospital in Moscow in June 2009 (special device that prevents vessels rupture and bleedings was inserted in his vein). Now boy’s life is not in danger.

Maxim Kornyushyn

Every two months during 2009 Max Kornyushyn needed a course of medical treatment in Moscow. Thanks to financial help of foundation’s donors we’ve gathered around $7975 for kid’s cure. With such intensive treatment severe Max’s disease is retreating.

Sergei Dvurechenskiy

Sergei Dvurechenskiy was under the threat of losing vision. Without treatment he could be completely blind. In the results of the fundraising organized by the foundation we gathered $2800. During 2008 - 2009 Sergei underwent 3 operations in the institute of ophthalmology in Filatov research institute, special glasses were purchased.

Vitalik Yavorskyi

In 2009 5-years-old Vitaliy Yavorskyi had a course of medical treatment. Because of cerebral spastic infantile paralysis his tendons were too tense. As a result boy wasn’t able to move. Vitalik had an operation on undercutting of tendons made by Russian specialists. The treatment has been very effective, now the child performs motions.

Sereja Zverev

Because of terrible accident Sergey lost both of his legs. As he is an orphan he was left one-on-one with his trouble. Due to support of foundations’ donors Sergey received help for operation and treatment at the rate of about $640.

Daniil Bazovkin

Since the end of 2009 we have been gathering money for Daniil who needed operation to remove hernia. We’ve gathered the needed sum, 44 thousands hrn for operation in Russian children’s hospital in Moscow.

Thanks to help of our donors during whole 2009 “Happy Child” charitable foundation paid for computer tomography, magnet-resonance imaging and other expensive examinations, helped to purchase medicine and materials for operations for children of Zaporizhzhya region.

Help in purchase of equipment for children’s hospitals

Results of treatment and saving kids’ lives greatly depends on availability of up-to-date medical equipment. No less important is supply of computer and domestic appliances for children’s hospitals.

In 2009 “Happy Child” foundation kept working actively in these directions.

Below you can see the list of equipment , given to hospitals of Zaporizhzhya region:

Ultrasound detector, which costs $ 7470, was bought with mutual efforts of foundations and usual citizens. It was a long-awaited New Year gift for neonatal resuscitation department of Zaporizhzhya regional children’s hospital (ZRCH);

Powerful overhead air-conditioners, which costs $4811 were purchased for polyclinic and cardiology department of ZRCH;

Infusion pump (measuring device for dropper) in the value of $ 2532 was purchased for Oncohaematology department of ZRCH;

Oxygen detector ($ 1455) for pulmonary ventilation device in neonatal resuscitation department of ZRCH;

Spray pump ($ 1399) for neonatal resuscitation department of Zaporizhzhya children’s hospital №5;

Electrocardiograph and surgical suction device ($ 1310) for ZRCH and Zaporizhzhya children’s hospital №5;

Quartz lamps ($ 1164) for Cardiology department of ZRCH and orphanage in Kalinovka;

Computers, laptops and multifunctional devices for departments of oncohaematology, traumatology and diagnostics of ZRCH;

$ 1267 were transferred for purchase of endoscopic equipment of Zaporizhzhya children’s hospital №5;

New furniture ($ 1013) for dining room of surgical department of ZRCH;

We transferred $ 1000 to Zaporizhzhya children’s hospital №5 for purchase of Fotec, apparatus for adenoids removal.

Dental scaler Woodpecker ($ 355) was purchased for orphanage in Kalinovka;

Three refrigerators ($ 987,34) were bought for different departments of ZRCH;

Beds and mattresses ($ 329) for neonatal resuscitation department of ZRCH;

Special cabinet made of composite material ($ 316,45) was purchased for the department of traumatology of ZRCH.

On our web site you can see the list of equipment , purchased by foundation since 2006 and current needs of hospitals.

Help to the orphanage for children with special needs (Kalinovka)

In 2009 “Happy Child” foundation helped to children of Kalinovka to the sum of $13 860.

During the year we were paying for work of three additional tutors, were buying medicine and baby foods, were organizing trainings for teachers and nannies, were paying for medical examinations.

Thanks to purchasing of expensive baby foods ‘Peptamen’ and ‘Clinutren’ ten children with severe pathologies of digestive system started to gain weight and develop better.

Most of the buildings where kids live were equipped with quartz lamp, which greatly decreased the number of flu and acute respiratory disease (ARD) cases in winter. Foundation also purchased new carpets which made children’s rooms more comfortable.

In 2009 we delivered to orphanage a sensory room where children can have a relaxation therapy.

On our web site you can see detailed photo reports about our work in Kalinovka.

Pecuniary aid for orphanages, asylums and boarding schools

Our foundation continue to help to orphanages, asylums and boarding schools in areas where government financing is not sufficient.

In 2009 we placed playground in Chernigivka boarding school (4 200 hrn), metallic tennis table in boarding school №9 ($ 354), paid for sports clothes and footwear for kids of boarding school №3, purchased a sensory room ($ 1013) for Volnyansk boarding school.

Organization of trips and excursions for orphans.

In 2009 more than 125 orphans of Zaporizhzhyan boarding schools and foster families had a great time on countryside and visited remarkable sights of our country.

Our foundation organized six 5-days trips to Crimean mountains, tour to Carpathians, 2 excursions to Kiev and one to Dnepropetrovsk, excursions to stud farm, to bakehouse, to Khortitsa island, visit to soccer matches. In September 2009 thirty kids took part in 3-days festival “Eco-Sich” on Khortitsa island. Foundation spent $ 3417,72 on realization of the program in 2009.

Organization of any trip for kids is a painstaking job which needs huge amount of time and emotional tension. We express our gratitude to guides-volunteers who accompanied children on trips and also all our donors.

Educational program for orphans

We continue financing of additional lessons for children of boarding school №3 (orphanage) of Zaporizhzhya. In 2009 $ 3697 were allocated for educational program.

One professional teacher and one volunteer are giving computer science lessons for kids.

We are providing drawing, modeling and other art lessons for children of 3rd and 6th grades.

In boarding school №3 we have constant exhibition of the best works of young artists.

5. Commendations to donors and volunteers

We are thankful to all 234 donors and dozens of volunteers who supported our projects in 2009. Without your help no idea of foundation could be brought to life!

Best regards,

“Happy Child” foundation staff

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

They need help:
Andrii Levadnyi
Andrii Levadnyi

Hydrocephalus, spastic hemiparesis, symptomatic epilepsy

Help now

You donated in 2025

$ 6 660

Our expenses in 2025
To 19 sick children $4 748
Medical equipment: $0
Humanitarian help: $565
To disabled children: $1 298
To children's village: $47
To orphans and poor children: $210
"Helpus" - help to adults: $1 950
Service expenses: $2 129
Total sum of expenses: $10 986

$7 057 668

donated since 2007