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Five Days in the Crimea

July 20, 2010, 16:00 5147 Author: Tatyana Chertovskaya (translated into English by Marina Alexeyenko) deti.zp.ua Unforgettable camping trip in the Crimea for children from Melitopol boarding school

We had an opportunity of such a long camping trip for the first time. That is why we had some doubts. However there were no obstacle and we made up our mind to have a walking-tour. We met the instructors in the train and our children were delighted with them once they saw them.

The journey started from the excursion to the Palace of the Crimean Khans where the children saw many interesting things.

Nastya P., 13: I liked the Palace of the Khans very much. It is fantastic and there is a very beautiful landscape. Besides, I was surprised at the kitchen utensils

Gena L., 13: I Liked “Fountain of Tears” in the Khan Palace. The guide told us an interesting story about Divan Hall. The word “Divan” means “meeting” in the Tatar language.

Roman Ch., 15: I liked the antique clothes and foot-wear. It was very nice.

Next we visited the Assumption Monastery of the Caves. We pitched nearby. It was led by our instructor Julia Petrenko.

Though the children were a little bit tired they played anyway. It seemed they didn’t walk during a day at all. Preparing supper all started to eat. Potatoes with canned stewed meat dressed with bonfire smoke were the most delicious food on the earth.

The children went to sleep very early as all of them were tired.

The second day of our camping trip was the longest and the most difficult day. We climbed to the cave city Chufut-Kale.

Nastya P.: I liked the cave city. I listened to the guide very attentively and looked at everything around. It occurred to me that people who lived there were cleverer than nowadays.

The journey was very difficult and the children encouraged each other and the instructors Misha Maltsev and Sasha Danilyuk encouraged the children. They helped children unload their rucksacks. We kept a stiff upper lip thanks to children.

When we came to the spring, the joy was carried to the extreme.

Here is a glade near the Tepe Kermen mountain and Sarabey spring. We set camp here.

After taking supper that included a tasty bortsch and tea with condensed milk we sang songs sitting over the fire.

The third day was interesting and not so difficult for us - almost real tourists. We went to the lake Mangup. After stopping at the tourist centre the happy children swam in the lake.

We had more adventures that day. After swimming and storing up a fresh energy our instructor offered the children to conquer the highest rock Chimsha-Kaya and the children managed to do it successfully.

Nastya P.: What I liked most during the camping trip was conquering the highest rock Chimsha-Kaya. It was hard to climb, however I was on the peak. When I ascended and went down the rock I felt pleasure in doing it.

On the forth day we made for another cave city Eski-Kermen. The track wasn’t difficult and our new friends helped us.

Well, this is the end of our journey in the Crimea. When we went to Simferopol we had an extra time before the arriving of our train and we had a walk in the park near the railway station. We also visited some places of interest.

After this camping tour the children became more confident. Besides, the children and I found new friends.

Gena L.: I would like to have one more camping tour with such friendly team. Thank you very much to everybody.

Nastya P.: I liked our friendly and jolly company.

Angela O.: I liked the trip. I want to go for a walking tour one more time.

Inna V.: I want to have a camping tour with such friendly company and not only for one more time. Thanks a lot for all days you spent with us!

Sasha P.: I’m very obliged to people who do something good for us and for other children. Thank you so much indeed.

The management of the Melitopol boarding school #1 say thank you to the charity fund and especially to all contributors for organizing such an interesting, educative and exciting camping tour. We are awaiting for the new offers and ideas.

All children are very grateful to you!

If you long for helping these or other children from the boarding schools, you can donate money, arrange excursions or camping trips, visit a foster child or help in purchasing toys, meccano, books and sports goods.

Of course, the children like these dream of being adopted. If you think of adopting a child, please read Note to prospective adoptive parents, tutors and foster parents or contact us.

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