Little Vova is a member of his new loving family in the USA now. His disabilities didn't stop his parents and what else does this sweet boy need?
The Baby's nursery is a well-known place for adoptive parents who are eager to see the little residents of this house and take them home to become part of a family.
But no one liked Vova. Why is that? He is a cheerful and kind child. He is active during the classes. He helps other children as well as the teachers. It might seem strange to say it about a small child, but Vova is a good friend. The sad fact is that Vova has speech problems.
If you are not afraid of parenting a child with special needs – Volodia is for you. Everyone – healthy and handicapped, girls and boys, bright children as well as those who are less intelligent need love and family warmth.
If you feel this potential within yourself – share your kind heart with this little boy!
If you are interested in adopting Vova or other children, please read the memo to the potential adoptive parents, guardians, and foster parents or contact us or provide profile #0060723 to the State Department of Adoption.
Another kids needed to be adopted
If you are not ready to adopt at this moment (e.g. you are a student and haven’t created your own family yet) you can also help children from the boarding school (orphanage) by supporting organizationally or financially excursions and trips for the children, visiting a child in the orphanage, or helping with buying developmental toys, books, construction sets and sport equipment.