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Sasha’s got a family

December 13, 2010, 16:00 2817 Author: Victiria Mochalova, translated by Daria Sukach www.deti.zp.ua Alexander has recently moved into the Family-type Children’s Home

Sasha has recently found a good adult friend and guide. He could not take the boy home, but he kept in touch with the boy, tried to guide him and show him life. We’re very glad for Sasha since it’s not so easy to find a family for an older child like him.

So, rejoice with Sasha’s happiness – now he’s got a true friend and a family!

If you would love to adopt a child to your family, please read the memo to the potential adoptive parents, the guardians, the foster parents or contact us

Other children who dream of finding a family.

If you are not ready to adopt at this moment (e.g. you are a student and haven’t created your own family yet) you can also help children from the boarding school (orphanage) by supporting organizationally or financially excursions and trips for the children, visiting a child in the orphanage, or helping with buying developmental toys, books, construction sets and sport equipment.

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004

They need help:
Myron Borysov
Myron Borysov

Childrens autism

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Mykhailo Rotar
Mykhailo Rotar

Delay in mental and language development

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Misha Zavorotnii
Misha Zavorotnii

Organic damage to the central nervous system, complex metabolic disorder

Help now

You donated in 2024

$ 220 785

Our expenses in 2024
To 78 sick children $65 246
Medical equipment: $9 579
Humanitarian help: $35 840
To disabled children: $73 704
To children's village: $3 871
To orphans and poor children: $10 063
"Helpus" - help to adults: $21 632
Service expenses: $31 439
Total sum of expenses: $254 713

$6 990 446

donated since 2007