This page will update you on the process of extra tutoring for the children of the boarding-school #3 in Zaporozhye.
The current news re. the program are as follows:
3 tutors are engaged against payment of 11 UAH/hour, additional travel compensation - 5 UAH (to the boarding school and from). Rate of exchange is $1=5.05 UA grivnya.
Approximately 70 lessons a month.
Tutoring expenses for the orphans, inclusive tutors’ travel compensation, make up 930 UAH a month.
Availble financing is sufficient to hold the tutoring for 3 next months upright only, therefore donations of caring people for the continuation of the learning process are necessary and welcome.
We also need to learn more and more children.
I am sure, this is the best way to help, if you really want to help orphans.
Learning progress of children within 14.01 - 20.02 2006 (Tutor - Irina Ivanova)
Sergey and Yulia G. did not know Russian ABC, could not tell vowels from consonants, were unable to name numerals from 0 to 10, to add and substract, to write lines even with a help of a pattern. Now Yulia can tell vowels from consonants by ear, she pronounces syllables together, can count from 0 to 10 and back, can add and substract with sticks, though. She solves elementary logic tasks. She writes letters and words with a help of a pattern, without it * not so good.
Sergey G. Now he knows letters (vowels and consonants), can count from 0 to 10, he writes with a help of a pattern quite good with a felt-tip pen, though. He has very fast fatigue, while writing puts constantly his head on the writing-desk, he is very reluctant to study, one can hardly *persuade* him to it only by giving presents .
He reads words with the help of pictures.
Vanja K. did not know Russian ABC, could not count from 0 to 10, could not write even with a hep of a pattern, could not solve logic tasks. Now he knows all letters, connects easily y words consisiting of 5, 6, 7 letters only, reads while looking on a picture only, that is, by guess- work. He counts from 0 to 10 and back, his thinking process is very slow, still he does addition and subtraction sums within ten. He likes to write and to draw with a help of a pattern. He is frequently sick and has very sensitive nature. He can solve himself most elementary logic tasks. Sasha A * could read omitting letters, could not to solve logic tasks without assistance, while writing omitted letters. Now he reads expressively Russian as well as Ukrainain, writes with a help of a pattern and without it. He can solve most elementary tasks himself. He has learned to express his thoughts in a connected way: when speaking about nature and its phenomena, plants and animals. He likes to make hand-made articles of wood, to draw by touches and by brush, to make coloring. He does all these things with correct movements.
Dima A. and Anton M. are engaged with English. They did not know letters and letter combinations, were not able to build elementary sentences. Now they write with capital letters simple English words, and can say, e.g. : This is a pen. Is this a pen? (Yes, it is. No, it isn't). Is a pen black? Yes, the pen is black. (No, it isn't black. It is red).
A small piece of news from our tutor Nadja Mochalova: starting this month she will teach English instead of French, since it is more useful to the children.
Learning progress from 01.03.06 till 26.03.06.
Yana Kudritskaya (6-th form), 13 years old, studies Russian. She writes dictations, makes work on mistakes. She can not analyse her mistakes herself. She did many spelling mistakes. She wrote exactly like she heard, omitted letters etc. She did not know grammatic categories. She wrote prepositions, conjunctions and particles together. She did not know punctuation rules, put incorrectly or not at all punctuation marks. She did not know dividing sentence into main and secondary members. Now she makes a little bit less mistakes, while working on mistakes corrects some mistakes herself. She is getting quickly tired of learning and has lack of attention.
She learns grammatic rules with difficulty. Yulia Desyatnik (6-th form class) learns Russian. She did same mistakes as Yana Kudritskaya. Unlike Yana she did not know declinations of nouns and adjectives by cases. She wrote incorrectly endings of nouns and adjectives. She did not know verbs' conjugations. Yulia likes to write compositions on a free theme. She makes very many grammatic, syntactic and stylistic mistakes. She can not build correct sentences. For now her literacy improvement is insignificant.
Svetlana Kameneva (5-th form) learns Russian and French. Russian: she writes dictations, makes work on mistakes. She has little spelling mistakes. She writes incorrctly unknown to her place names. She omits letters in suffixes of adjectives and participles. Mostly she makes syntax mistakes. She does not know where to put points, colons, hyphen etc. She learns grammatic rules.
She learned some phonetic material. She has learned symbols of French phonetic transcription, pecularities of pronunciation of vowels a, o, e, u, i.; pecularities of pronunciation of letter -combinations: ai, oi, au, eau, ou, eu, un, um, on, om, ez, es, ch, qu, ph.; connection of sounds in speech (enchainement, liaison vocalique, liaison consonantique) Est_ un_ homme. C ` est_ une famille.
Grammatic material. Indefinite article (l ` article indefini): its forms and usage in conversation. Definite article (l ` article defini): its forms and usage in conversation.
Demonstrative pronouns (adjectif demonstratif) ce (cet, cette, ces) and form h ` est. The verb etre and its)forms of present indicative (present indicatif). Lexical material. Colloquial themes: Une famille. Une chambre. She has learnt lexic to these themes.
Learning progress February 24 - March31 (Tutor - Irina Alekseevna Ivanova)
Yulia Gaisha - reads short stories, but very slowly, can quickly find consonants and vowels in the sentences and reply questions to the text. She writes dictations consisting of 5 sentences, yet each sentence should have only 2-3 words. Vanja Kutlik reads short stories also slowly. He locates consonants and vowels quickly, but sometimes omits them. He can answer questions to the the text, with prompting questions though. He is slow in thinking. He writes dictations consisiting of sentencess ( 2-3 words each ), but takes long timet to recollect the spelling of some consonants. Voloshina Natasha, Galeta Dima, Maxim can answer questions: Is this a pen? - Yes, it is (No, it isn't).
They can ask this and the like questions using familiar to them by spelling words. They know spelling of all Latin letters and such words, as: a pen, a pencil, a desk, a table, a text, a book, a copy-book, a note-book, a bed, a sofa, a chair, blackboard, a day-book. They know greetings: Hello! (Hi!) Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Good night! Words of farewell: Good-bye! Bye-bye! Words of politeness: please, thanks, sorry. Words of etikette: Good appetite!
Learning progress English (Tutor - Dyomochka Anna)
01.03.06 - Repetition Present Indefinite, Past Indefinite, study Present Continuous.
03.03.06 - Present Continuous, rules of use.
10.03.06 - Comparison of use Present Indefinite and Present Continuous.
15.03.06 - Past Continuous, rules of use.
17.03.06 - Comparison of use Past Indefinite and Past Continuous.
24.03.06 - Repetition on use of tenses: Present Indefinite, Past Indefinite, Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Future Indefinite.
Sasha Yermolenko has learned in what cases it is necessary to use Present and Past Continuous. With each lesson the task was gradually made more difficult, that has helped to improve and make stronger his knowledge. At the beginning of the learning the verb tenses he knew theoretically how the given tense is formed, but did not know rules of the use. Owing to exercises on comparison of Present Indefinite and Present Continuous, Past Indefinite and Past Continuous usage, Sasha has began to understand it better in which cases it is necessary to use Continuous Tense. The control work on 24.03.06 has shown a good level of understandig of this material. He still makes mistakes, but much less, than it was before.
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