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Zaporizhzhia Association of Parents Of Children With Special Needs And Persons With Childhood Disability “Nadezhda” (Hope)

August 30, 2011, 21:30 3077 Author: Anna Sinepolskaya, translated by Julia Alekseyenko www.deti.zp.ua The most important is not to lose hope that your child can improve his health as well as develop his skills

Latest news and articles about the Association activities

Contact information

Organizers, staff and volunteers of the Association

The Association Objectives

Main projects realized by the Association

The Ways Of Donation

Organizers, staff and volunteers of the Association

Zaporizhzhia Association Of Parents Of Children With Special Needs And Persons With Childhood Disability “Nadezhda” (Hope) was founded in 1991 by parents themselves. The director Aleksandrova Irina Pavlovna, whose daughter suffers from infantile cerebral paralysis, is well aware of problems of bringing such children up. Almost the whole staff of the organization consists of parents of children with special needs, that’s why they are very sympathetic to the needs of those families who ask for their help. When a disabled child is born into a family the couple’s family life passes a special test of strength. Isolation and lack of support have detrimental effects both on parents and their child. Many parents of children with different kinds of disability are constantly depressed. The “Nadezhda” centre offers an opportunity to overcome these complications, to get acquainted with other parents, to get expert advice and to restore the family emotional well-being in time. The most important thing is not to lose hope that the child will be able to recover and develop his\her potential abilities. Today 1,050 families of children with special needs unite in this social organization. The “Nadezhda” centre helps families where there are children with any kinds of disability.

The director of the Association Alexandrova Irina Pavlovna

The Association Objectives:

2. The psychologist’s advice helps parents to make a conscious choice of child’s rehabilitation and potential development methods.

3. Legal advice to parents on the maters of their children’s right protection.

4. Parents’ mutual emotional and moral support.

Besides, specialized programmes for children with special needs are provided in “Nadezhda” centre:

- physical training exercises,

- assistance in providing treatment in health resorts,

- educational activities,

- individual computer skills training for children according to a special programme,

- counseling sessions with a psychologist,

- leisure activities: excursions, going to the circus, theatres and cinemas,

- creativity training in study groups,

- specialized rehabilitation activities,

- employment assistance for persons with childhood disability.

Projects – 2011 of Zaporizhzhia Association of Parents Of Children With Special Needs And Persons With Childhood Dsability “Nadezhda”

Today the organization provides conditions for social programmes implementation during 2011:

- together with “Alex” TV and broadcasting company a project “Discovering yourself” was implemented. 15 gifted children with special needs took part in it;

- “Mother’s School” programme is being implemented together with professional psychologists, doctors and educational specialists;

- educational and informative studies for children of different ages take place every month;

- there is a “Dating Club” for older children;

- traditional holiday parties are held, where treats are offered and gifts are given;

- contests and children’s creative works exhibitions are held;

- financial and humanitarian support is given to needy families (foodstuff, beddings for bed-patients, hygiene means).

Every time you donate or offer voluntary support you offer more high-quality services for families of disabled children.

Thank you for your support!

Contact information:

Postal address: Ukraine, 69050, Zaporizhia, Kosmicheskaya Street, 132

Tel. +38(0612) 953142 2719641

Website: http://nadiya.taba.ru/

E-mail: i_aleksandrova@mail.ru

The ways of donation to Zaporizhzhia Association Of Parents Of Children With Special Needs And Persons With Childhood Disability “Nadezhda” (Hope)

Bank details:

Р/р 26009000115421 (UAH),

«Укрсоцбанк» (UKRSOTCBANK ) МФО 300023

Код ЄДРПОУ 20523183

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

They need help:
Andrii Levadnyi
Andrii Levadnyi

Hydrocephalus, spastic hemiparesis, symptomatic epilepsy

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Kseniia Lysenko
Kseniia Lysenko

Cystic fibrosis

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Anya and Danylo Tarasovy
Anya and Danylo Tarasovy

Musculoskeletal development disorders, delayed psycho-motor development (DPMD)

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You donated in 2025

$ 31 610

Our expenses in 2025
To 28 sick children $7 823
Medical equipment: $0
Humanitarian help: $1 047
To disabled children: $1 609
To children's village: $1 006
To orphans and poor children: $1 940
"Helpus" - help to adults: $2 235
Service expenses: $2 268
Total sum of expenses: $17 968

$7 082 618

donated since 2007