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“I Want to be…” Project: Is a PR profession really that inscrutable?

April 1, 2012, 18:30 4120 Author: Anton Bondarenko, translated by Daria Polovets blog.klubok.org.ua “Klubok” Club keeps up doing a cool “ I Want to be…” project. Our paths crossed with the “Kievstar” company. This time the stars were children from the boarding school # 3

“Klubok” (Knot) club keeps up doing a cool “I Want to Be…” project. Its main purpose is to make the reviews of different professions captivating for the kids. Our paths crossed with the “Kievstar” company. And for this time the stars of the project were children from the boarding school # 3.

It was very nice of Alla Lavrentyeva, PR manager of the company “Kievstar”, to become a guide to the world of mobile connection.

Alla Lavrentyeva started with telling about their company and principles of the mobile lines operation. Then she came down to their projects, the most interesting of which must be one called “Family Bench”. This new destination appeared in Dnepropetrovsk last year and became a favorite rest spot for families and youth. It is a kind of a 50 meter - length bench with 7 set in installations which reflects the family track. That begins with the meeting of two hearts, falling in love with each other, decision to become together, birth of children, care and peace, and the main point, essential for a tightly-knit family, communication. There are no analogs of the bench throughout Ukraine.

Next time when planning another trip to Dnepropetrovsk, we should certainly include the bench into our destination list.

I wish anything like this bench appeared in Zaporozhye!

Still, the main purpose of the meeting was a review of the profession.

So, what is a PR manager?

PR is a person responsible for the company reputation. This profession could be named also in the other ways: a PR manager or manager of public relations.

So, here are the personal traits and professional skills which a PR manager should possess:

- developed interpersonal skills;

-many acquaintances and connections in various spheres;

-he/she should have a flair about what meetings, what people and what topics for his/her presentations would be necessary for the business benefits;

- he/she should have a presentable appearance and sound confident and convincing.

To become a PR manager one should get a certain education. Either a degree in Humanities, or in Economics, or get a specialized education. Foreign languages skills are welcomed. And, surely, the ability to express your thoughts in a literate and flaming way in both oral and written form would be of much use.

A PR manager elaborates PR strategies, writes articles and press-releases, works out the content for websites; deals with the planning and conducting advertising and PR- campaigns, press- conferences and fairs. He/ she is also responsible for campaign performance evaluation and company budgeting.

I think that after the meeting children understood that every job has its riddle. You just should get it. And a zest of PR-profession is in its creativity and possibility to meet lots of interesting people.

I will tell you a secret, a PR-manager works for our foundation as well. Guess who?

I want to thank the center “New Hope” very much for giving us houseroom.

A teacher studies a manual for teachers and parents ”Children in a boarding school, how to teach security in a cyber space”

Alla Lavrentyeva – a PR manager

Then children were sitting down over tea

Surely, in the run-up to Euro-2012, boys have to train hard. That’s exactly what they got down to

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