The "Happy Child" charity foundation realizes all the importance of occupation in human life and continues arranging excursions to Zaporozhye factories and enterprises for the senior high school students of the specialized high schools. The aim of such events is helping every child to choose their future occupation. It is also a motivation for the orphanage graduates to continue their education. Thus, pupils of the Matveevka orphanage met with the medical workers of the Zaporozhye Regional Clinical Hospital on May 29, within the framework of the “I Want to Be...” Project. Medical workers of one of the biggest medical institutions in Zaporozhye city and oblast (region) told their potential colleagues about the peculiarities of their work. The pupils visited physiotherapy, neurology, traumatology and other departments in the hospital, and saw them at work.
Physiotherapy department
"The patients recover thanks to the nurses and their patient labour. We must have good and powerful medicine for the future. The world is your oyster!", - says Nikolai Krasko, the head doctor of the Zaporozhye Regional Clinical Hospital.
Tatiana Kuliupina, the chief of physiotherapy department, explained how it is possible to treat the patients with the help of hydropathic method.
"You deal with people who have some kind of pain, who have problems with their health. It is very hard to experience this, but still a medical worker must always remember that he or she is a medical worker. The pupils who are going to cast in their lot with medicine should think well before making the decision, and weigh all the pros and cons, because this profession is difficult enough", - says Evgeniy Ermolaev, the deputy of the head doctor.
The specialized diagnostic and treatment establishment is, in addition, a good research and practice basis for the students of the Zaporozhye medical training school, the Zaporozhye State Medical University, and the Zaporozhye medical academy of postgraduate education.
The chief of arthrology department shows the pupils the gym hall
"I like when somebody cures. I like to help people. Surely, I want to be a nurse in the future", - says Aleksandra Lesnyh, the pupil of the Matveevka orphanage.
The innovative device "D'Arsonval"
The arthrology department
The dummy models of human joints
Having a good time and enjoying some snack
By the end of the excursion there was a delicious “sweet buffet”. The medical workers prepared candies, cookies and juice beforehand in order to make the completion more emotional and impressive.
The "Happy Child" charity foundation thanks medical workers of the Zaporozhye Regional Clinical Hospital for arranging such an impressive and unforgettable excursion for the pupils. We wish you all the best!
Anyone can help children see the world by supporting the travel project of the fund. You may bring some food for walking tours (E.g. cereals, canned food), or you may make a donation in a way most convenient to you.
Feel free to contact the "Klubok" members.
The photos are made by the author.