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Our little friends in Italy

August 1, 2012, 15:00 2919 Author: Iryna Gavrysheva, translated by Daria Sukach www.deti.zp.ua Igor Komanov and Denis Makiev are still in Italy taking therapy after their bone marrow transplants. These families really need your support!

There are already some of our little friends taking their treatment courses in Italy. Every family of a sick child has their own story and challenging path to take. But all of them have the same goal –a healthy and happy life for their children! One should make a concerted effort to achieve this goal, however.

Igor Komanov’s life depended on donor blood transfusion every two to three weeks. His parents started to look for a new radical method of treatment for their son’s rare blood disorder four years ago. The only effective method turned out to be the bone marrow transplant. This meant endless months of searching for money and a clinic who’d agree to treat Igor. Finally a year ago the Ukrainian Ministry of Health Care agreed to finance Igor’s treatment in the Italian clinic that specializes in treatment of thalassemia. The long-awaited bone marrow transplant surgery took place on the 7th of June 2012! “It’s Igor’s second birthday now”, - smiles Iryna, Igor’s mother a month and a half later. It was very scary and stressful, though…The doctors warned about the many great risks involved since much time had already been lost and what’s more, the donor was only half-suitable. The family continued to believe in God’s mercy and …some weeks later after the surgery they got happy news – the transplanted bone marrow started to perform its initial functions and, thus, Igor can finally leave his hated sterile ward. Iryna told us that when Igor heard this happy news (by the way, Igor can already speak Italian fluently!) he started to jump in his bed and shout “I’m finally healthy!!!”

There’s still a long way ahead before Igor’s recovery is complete. After he was discharged from the hospital he often caught many colds since his chemotherapy made his immune system very vulnerable. Igor still has to undergo some antibiotic drips, so he goes to the clinic as if going to work every day. The last donor blood was transfused before the bone marrow transplant! This is a great victory!!! This is the victory for four-year’s struggle! As for infections and complications… “we have defeated the greatest enemy, so we’ll solve those problems as well”, - says Iryna.

The Italian doctors are very satisfied with the treatment results and consider it a real miracle. However, Igor needs to stay in the Italian clinic for more than half a year to complete his treatment. This automatically means money for renting a living, fare and meal etc. The Komanov Family has been kindly supported by local churches and communities (some help the family with food, some donate some money etc). “We already owe half of Ukraine, a quarter of Russia and all Azerbaijan – we have borrowed money from so many people since last year”, - laughs Iryna.

The Komanov Family needs your kind support to make their miracle of their healthy son Igor come true! They need around one thousand euros a month to maintain their staying in Italy. We’re grateful to you for supporting Igor!

The story of the Makiev Family is a similar sad one. The little twin brothers have both been diagnosed with juvenile myeloleukemia. The bone marrow transplant was also the only possible solution for the twins. Unfortunately, their transplants got rejected… Thanks to God Maxim’s situation was put under control but Denis could not overcome the disease…His only chance was another transplant that took place on the 17th of July.

Denis is going through a very tough period since his own bone marrow was killed by the intensive chemotherapy and his donor one is still being in the process of drafting. The little boy suffers from fever, rash and severe pains in his bones… He sits on the bed and waves at his “free” brother through the glass ward wall.

The twins’ parents have walked along this ordeal path full of worries and fears for the third time already!!! Natasha, the twins’ mother has been isolated in a sterile box for forty days twice – at first with Denis and then with Maxim. And now again…I have no idea where this family takes their strength from! To top it all, they need money to stay in a foreign country. Their struggle for their sons’ lives has been a very long one and they have no one else to rely on but you! The Makiev Family needs to stay in Italy for around a year and based on last year it will cost another fifteen thousand euros

Our little “Italians” are these lucky children who got their chance for life in a faraway country, a chance for their tomorrow…They have already gone through many challenges. They’re still fighting day by day…but they won’t be able to become winners without you! Help these families with their struggles, please! Help them to complete their effective treatments!

You can find the ways of making your donations for Igor Komanov’s treatment at his “help appeal page”.

You can find the ways of making your donations for the twins’ treatment at their “help appeal page”.

For further information contact the members of “The Happy Child” Foundation

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

They need help:
Zakhar Bondar
Zakhar Bondar


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Artur Kerimov
Artur Kerimov

Cerebral palsy, structural epilepsy

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