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The Makievy Twins: “We want good news so much!”

November 5, 2012, 10:30 2960 Author: Iryna Gavrysheva, translated by Daria Sukach www.deti.zp.ua The fight for life of these cute brothers Maxim and Denis is still going on. The family really needs our prayers!

Every time I receive an email from parents of sick children we already support, my heart sinks…I always look forward to reading some good news! I really want to join the happiness of all these seriously sick children and their parents. But such moments do not happen as often as we want them to.

Unfortunately, we don’t have any good news from the Makievy brothers… Maxim’s situation is more or less stable. The boy will have his thorough medical checkup on October 30th and we all hope his results will be positive.

The case of Denis is very complicated, though. His bone marrow transplant from an unrelated donor was unfortunately rejected. Since the donor’s bone marrow died, cancer is back. On July 17th Denis had another bone marrow transplant that was, alas, again rejected. Nowadays half of Denis’ blood cells are produced by donor’s marrow, half by his own. The doctors cannot even predict how fast cancer will progress. The supportive therapy might give Denise two-three years of life.

Denis is going to be monitored until December and after a checkup it will be clear if one should try another bone marrow transplant and if so who will be the next donor. Such kind of decisions is very tough for both - doctors and parents. Bone marrow transplant is always a high risk, let alone the third bone marrow surgery…

The Makievy Family really needs your prayers now! They also need a great deal of patience and wisdom for every day. They need us and our thoughts about them. It is extremely difficult to fight alone. Keep this family in your everyday prayers, please! We are all really looking forward to hearing some good news about these brave little fighters - Maxim and Denis!

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

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