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Video about the Orphanage System in Russia: Bluff, or Happy New Year

January 14, 2014, 11:30 4051 Author: Roman Kirchenko, Elizaveta Kiktenko, translated by Anna Oliynyk deti.zp.ua 89 minutes is a lot. But please find this time to watch the video. Orphanage systems in Russia and Ukraine are almost identical. This video will help you learn more about the lives of orphans and understand how institutions change those children

The video shows the system of Russian orphanages from the inside. Its central characters are children, from babies to graduates; their instructors; volunteers; mothers and grandmothers who visit children; guards; specialists in orphanage problems; just people passing by.

What does the orphanage system look like? Who falls into this system and why? What happens to children there? How do these institutions change children almost irreversibly? Is it all because of bad genes? What happens to those who graduate from orphanages?

The video by Olga Sinyayeva is about love, about children, and about our lack of love to our children. This film is a call... He who has heart, let him hear!

Project web-site: http://film-blef.ru

Bluff or Happy New Year will not offer you any ready answers. The video show that there is something wrong with people who work with children in orphanages, though it does not say: if we remove those and recruit new ones, everything will be all right. It won’t. The author managed to present the issue very personally, through people’s stories, and at the same time raise a very broad question – can this kind of system be kind to children at all?

The Happy Child Charity Foundation carries out large-scale and diversified activities aimed at helping orphans, residents of children’s homes, foster families and foster parents. As of the beginning of 2014, the following programs are in progress:

Facilitating family arrangements for orphans.

• Support of children most in need of care in Kalinovka. In particular, opening intensive rehabilitation groups for children.

• Project of a Happy Child Children’s Village.

Klubok Touristic project for children from large families and orphans.

Of course, the implementation of those various projects would not be possible without the help and support of dozens, and maybe even hundreds of people not only from Ukraine but also from neighboring and far-away countries! Thank you all!

We are grateful to all those who care about orphans!

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

They need help:
Andrii Levadnyi
Andrii Levadnyi

Hydrocephalus, spastic hemiparesis, symptomatic epilepsy

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