Dear Friends,
Our Zaporozhzhye children's hospitals are heated with gas. And this winter, our long-suffering country will try to save as much gas as possible. With great probability this economy will affect children's hospitals. It is unlikely the gas will be shut off completely, but the pressure in the system will drop, and the boilers will not be able to keep up the required temperature of 22-24°C. It will be lower than the necessary one. This is not good, especially taking into account the fact that children get into hospitals with different diseases and weakened immune systems, thus, hypothermia threatens a wide variety of complications and could lead to a real disaster.
And here we are only talking about the children who are in hospitals but what about everyday operations and procedures? Or the ICU? I’d rather not even think about these scenarios.
In order to prevent this disaster, the staff of the hospitals are doing their best now: caulk gaps, glaze and fix everything that needs to be fixed and develop contingency plans for the reduction of the working area in the event of severe cold weather. All the above mentioned is necessary and correct things to do, but, unfortunately, this is not enough. They need heaters.
And in the first place electric ones. This is the quickest way to get warm. Of course, theoretically, the boilers in the boiler houses should be modernized and/or hospitals should be provided with various types of fuel used for heating. But there is no time or money for it.
We think of starting with Children's Hospital #5 as Regional Children's Hospital is OK for now.
The City Children's Hospital #5 has been under repairs for more than a year and now the facade of the building is being insulated. It began to look better. But weatherings have not been installed everywhere yet, and, most surprisingly, a new facade is not covered at the top at all, which means when it rains, the heat insulation material gets wet. Also, water pours into new windows as there are no weatherings. Who exactly is in charge of the repair works and why it is all screwed up is difficult to figure out now. It is not clear to what extent it will be done by November-December.
But there is good news - in the Children's Hospital #5 the wiring is very reliable and, in theory, it can withstand high load while heating the hospital with electric heaters. Current annual load does not exceed 18% of design capacity.
For the time being this Hospital needs 300 electric heaters of 2,000 W each. It does not matter whether they are oil or convector ones.
We are currently negotiating with suppliers to purchase convectors almost directly from China at the lowest price. The exact amount has not been announced yet, but approximately one convector costs 400-450 UAH (30-35 US dollars) depending on the currency rate at the time of purchase. All heaters are provided with replacement warranty so in case of malfunction, they will not be repaired but replaced.
At the first stage, we are planning to buy 150 heaters which imply the sum of 60,000-67,500 UAH (4,615-5,192 US dollars). It's not the biggest amount of money to make sure the children in one of the central children's city hospitals are warm during the winter cold.
If you have plenty of electric heaters (1.5-2 kV) in good condition and you are ready to share, it will also help a lot.
For any further questions or/ and clarifications regarding this project, please, give a call directly to Roman Kirchenko: +38 050 714 37 88.
Please, help us warm children in hospitals this winter!