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Financial statement of the Charity Fund “Happy Child” and the www.deti.zp.ua website on November 2007

December 20, 2007, 0:05 5980 Author: Albert Pavlov, translated by Natalia Guzenko www.deti.zp.ua

Detailed financial report about donations on November 2007:

Donations received in November 2007

Expenses of Happy Child charity in November 2007

November 2007 happened to be the difficult month for the children that are cancer patients. So the staff and the volunteers of the Charity Fund “Happy child” had to work as hard as possible.

But thanks God, with the help and efforts of dozens of kind people who donated this month, we could solve the major part of all the financial problems concerning cancer and hematology in Zaporozhye.

We are happy that we managed to collect the large sum of money (appr. $9000) for buying expensive medicine Mabtera for Igor Podgorny. We would like to say great thanks to the staff and the administration of JCS “DneproSpetsStal”, that gathered about 20 000 hrivnas to save Igor. We also are very grateful to the Fund “Zaporozhye patriots” (5000 hrivnas), bank “BIG Energiya” (5000 hrivnas), Zaporozhye citizen Dima (5000 hrivnas), and the users and the administration of the SouthSide network (2000 hrivnas), and many other donators, enlisted in our report.

Igor Podgorniy with his mother

We are happy to say that in order to do the bone-marrow transplantation to Danilka Pshenichniy we collected about 100 thousands dollars. It should be reminded that for saving this kid we need to make the operation is Israeli hospital “Hadasa”. The operation will cost 127 thousand dollars. We believe that Danilka will celebrate the New Year and his 3rd birthday with the fully gathered sum (we have the promising information from the potential sponsors). And we also hope that he will celebrate Christmas already in the Israeli hospital. We pray the operation to be successful, and we hope that the kid’s life will be out of danger.

Danya Pshenichniy

We spent appr. 13000 hrivnas to buy the medicine Temodal for the treatment of our kids with brain tumor – Wladik Pavlenko and Innochka Grishko.

Wladik Pavlenko

Inna Grishko

We are grateful to the people, who helped to buy the expensive antifungal agents for Zhenya Fuklev. Unfortunately, Zhen’ka was unable to survive the leucosis and couldn’t resist the fungal infection. Zhenya passed away in November, but he is still in our memories.

We are also thankful to those people, about whom we know nothing, but who showed their trust to our Fund, by donating from 5 to 10,000 hrivnas to our Fund account.

We are especially thankful to our constant sponsors Inna from Kiev and Tanya from Zaporozhye, who send us large sums of money for Zaporozhye children.

We are very thankful to JCS “DneproSpetsStal” for their constant help to the Cancer and Hematology Department and the Intensive Cure Department of Zaporozhye Regional Hospital. In November the enterprise bought the medicine for Cancer and Hematology Department at the sum of more than 13,000 hrivnas. Also this company does the general renovation of the wiring in the Intensive Care Department (20,000 hrivnas).

Despite of the idea that the Cancer and Hematology Department for children was the main receiver of all the donations, we didn’t forget about the orphan’s problems as well. Toys and medicine was bought for Child’s Home “Solnishko” at the overall sum of 1500 hrivnas, money was also transferred to Orphanage #7 to buy the footwear, we paid to the teacher of English in the Orphanage #3. The program of help to Kalinovka orphanage is now actively proceeding, at the moment we are looking for the staff to hire, that would be ready to change the system of orphan’s with special needs care.

The sum of November’s donations (more than $13,000) shows that Ukrainians think not only about their own good, but try to help those who need their help more and more, especially to the children. I remember the time, when in the last years’ reports we complained that “only foreigners help to Zaporozhye children”. Now we are very happy to announce that generally Ukrainian kids receive help from the citizens of Ukraine, from young generation. So, not everything is so bad in our country.

You can read full information about the donations and their usage in our reports:

Donations received in November 2007

Expenses of Happy Child charity in November 2007

Note: soon there will be reports on the site concerning the money that were donated through electronic wallets.

In the end I would like to say a few words about our plans for December and January. Our first problem now is to collect the money for Dan’ka Pshenychniy ($25,000), we need money for auto transplantation of the stem cells in Kiev to Igor Podgorniy ($5,000-10,000). We need to renovate the regional children hospital and buy the new equipment for the Department of Hematology, and for the regular medicine supply, to pay for the tomography. Among the orphan’s problems the most important now is to help Kalininskiy orphanage to pay for the aftercare, buy some aftercare equipment and toys, pay the bills for the medical examining and treatment of children. We should also pay for the excursions to other orphanages, the trips of children to Kiev, Odessa, L’vov, development of the all-educational program, purchasing of sports goods, developing toys and games, technical appliances and PCs.


Translated by Natasha Guzenko from Kherson, Ukraine

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004

They need help:
Davyd Tereshchenko
Davyd Tereshchenko

Bronchial asthma, allergic vasomotor rhinitis

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You donated in 2024

$ 180 878

Our expenses in 2024
To 76 sick children $52 955
Medical equipment: $5 911
Humanitarian help: $33 858
To disabled children: $62 448
To children's village: $3 482
To orphans and poor children: $7 963
"Helpus" - help to adults: $20 766
Service expenses: $25 558
Total sum of expenses: $215 548

$6 950 476

donated since 2007