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President of Ukraine visits Kyiv National Cancer Institute and it's children's department

February 5, 2009, 10:00 3203 www.president.gov.ua On the occasion of World Cancer Day President Victor Yushchenko visited Kyiv National Cancer Institute

On the occasion of World Cancer Day President Victor Yushchenko visited Kyiv National Cancer Institute.

At the meeting with institute staff President Yushchenko expressed “gratitude from Ukrainian State and every citizen” to professionals of the center for “their sacred mission”.

He also said “the fight against cancer is international and goes on beyond any state borders”. That is why, he reminded, Ukraine signed The Charter of Paris Against Cancer in 2007 that obliged our country to prepare national strategy of fighting the illness.

Addressing the medics President Yushchenko called upon them to actively share their experience with their colleagues in the regions. “We should do everything for our National Cancer Institute to become the first facility in Ukraine, which leads the whole national strategy in the field”, - he said.

After his address the president presented national awards to the staff and visited children’s oncology ward, and construction of the new surgery ward.

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