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The operation has been done to Nastia Sizonenko at German clinic

January 22, 2010, 6:00 5493 Author: Albert Pavlov (translated into English by Elena Puhovskaja) Happy Child fund The operation, carried out in Regensburg on January, 12, gives Nastia a chance to recover. Owing to response of kindhearted people it was possible to collect 88 000 grivna and to enlist the support of one of the German funds

One month ago German doctors imparted to Nastia Sizonenko’s mother the missing sum to pay for the operation – 17 500 Euro.

Taking into account that prior 10 000 Euro paid for Nastia’s treatment have been gathered within more than a year, gathering of twice bigger sum seemed to be almost incredible.

Nevertheless, Nastia is lucky: thank God and owing to more than two tens of contributors 88 000 grivna has been gathered and by the request of “Happy Child” Fund one of the German funds has undertaken to pay 10 000 Euro for Nastia’s operation.

On January 12, 2010 at 10 o’clock in the morning Nastia was taken to the operation-room. Within 6 hours German surgeons have being forming a special shunt (duct) for reduction of excessive pressure in Nastia’s blood vessels. Better to say, Nastia was given a chance to get rid of mortally dangerous intragastric bleeding. This is the chance to live a full-value life with her mother, the opportunity to marry and have her own family, to have children and grand children…

Two days passed after the operation…Doctors say that everything has been done according to the plan but in general, the operation was hazardous and in the immediate future it will be clear to what extent it was successful.

But we are praying for Nastia’s recovery, about her mother Natasha, we wish strong health to all people who gave the chance to the little girl – doctors, contributors Valery, Igor, Oksana, Alexander, Vladimir, Oleg, Lilly, Irina, Kevin, Yuriy, Anna and to all whose names we could not get to know.

Yours faithfully,

Officers of “Happy Child” Fund

Tel +38617015757

e-mail: info@deti.zp.ua

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