Anton Silin, born on 2 September 1987
Diagnosis: Persistent Nonseminoma.
Up-to-date news about Anton’s treatment
Results of examination: page 1 page 2 page 3
Contact details of parents and volunteers
ATTENTION! AS OF 28/05/2017: Fundraising is closed due to death.
Unfortunately, on May 28, 2017, Anton passed away. The disease won. We whole-heartedly wish our families strength and patience.
In December 2014, Anton felt a severe pain in his stomach. The ambulance took the man to the city clinical hospital No. 2, where a surgery was made with a diagnosis of hematoma in pelvic area. The reason of Anton’s condition was not determined.
Eight months later, in August 2015, Anton faced another issue – pain in the area of his gallbladder. He went through medical examinations in the 5th city clinical hospital, where following the medical check-up doctors made a decision to remove the non-functioning gallbladder. Two weeks after, the post-hematoma scar started growing in size. A course of ultrahigh-frequency treatment was prescribed, which decreased the inflamed scar for a month and a half. But in December the scar started swelling, its state was quickly aggravating and on 9 January 2016 the man went through a surgery. Based on the histological examination result, which showed lack of cancer cells, a new diagnosis was established – pus abscess, but the post-surgical suture was healing very badly.
Anton was referred to a cancer treatment center in Zaporozhye, where he was prescribed treatment, which included removal of a testicle and a deep biopsy, after which another diagnosis was added – seminoma. It was the start of a big battle for life…
4–6 courses of chemo therapy, after which doctors forecasted a full recovery. Really, first two chemo courses gave an excellent result, but after the forth chemo the process of improvement stopped, which, however, did not worry the doctors, who said that the chemo was accumulating in the body. After that, two more chemo courses were delivered.
In August 2016, after the sixth chemo course Anton had chemo intoxication, and the blood parameters grew much worse, so further chemo treatment became a serious risk to life. But the doctors assured that 6 chemo courses made the tumor grow encapsulated, and with such “encapsulated” tumors people could live all their lives. They just need to be monitored. Due to the man’s health state, he was told to come back for follow-up examination in two months, but in mid-September Anton felt pain in his lower back. He went to his doctor, saying that it might be a consequence of the chemo therapy. The pain did not go away. The X-ray did not show any defects. But Anton’s state was quickly worsening, and when he was able to come to the hospital only with support of his family members, he was offered to make a backbone MRI, which showed that the tumor progressed, giving numerous lesions in lumbar spine, and as a result in 2 days the man could no longer feel his legs, with impairment of the function of pelvic organs.
Urgently, the family sought care in the Ukrainian Center of TomoTherapy (Kropyvnytskyi), where Anton received 10 courses of radiation treatment for the backbone lesions. Unfortunately, it was not possible to do radiation treatment in the pelvic area as the tumor went around an artery, and doctors could not forecast what would happen with the tumor, so there was a risk to blood supply to the leg. According to the tomotherapy doctors, the tumor was progressing fast, and just in one and a half month (September-October) it grew to the size which was initially diagnosed during the computer tomography in March 2016, so it all went back to the initial stage, but on the background of the man’s body weakened with 6 chemos.
Anton sought help in the Kyiv-based Lisod cancer clinic. After a number of tests and a repeat biopsy, Lisod doctors delivered a verdict that the tumor transformed into nonseminoma (seminoma and embryonal carcinoma), that is why chemos 4, 5, 6 did not help Anton, but only did harm and weakened his body.
“During this long course of treatment, my family already spent a huge amount of money, over 365 thousand hryvnias. Currently, I have been prescribed a course of 6 chemos in the Lisod clinic. In my case, the course of chemo costs UAH 37,000, and UAH 10,000 more are needed to cover pre- and post-chemo care and support. In total, one course of treatment is UAH 47,000” – tells Anton.
Considering that Anton’s state is very bad, he has to stay in the clinic day and night. He goes back home only between his chemo therapies and only if he can endure the trip. The man is not able to move around without other people’s help.
Anton really wants to live as his life has just started. He has got a wonderful wife and a small daughter. They are happy together, but Anton’s disease leaves the family desperate. His girls want to save the life of the man they love more than anything in the world – their dear husband and daddy…
The family lives in Zaporozhye.
Contact phone of Anna, Anton’s wife: +38 066 684 69 68.