Dahno Anastasia, birthdate: 23.09. 2014
Diagnosis: congenital malformation: bladder exstrophy
News about Anastasia Dahno’s treatment
Medical consultation: page 1, page 2, page 3
Discharge papers: page 1, page 2, page 3
Medical history: page 1, page 2
ATTENTION (05.11.2015).:
The amount needed for the treatment of collected Nastya. Parents are helped through social networks and other sources to collect all the money. We wish Nastyusha luck and a speedy recovery
Nastenka (Anastasia) was brought into this world on 26 September 2014. Nastenka was the second child born into the Dahno family. At birth she was given a terrifying diagnosis - bladder exstrophy. This is a very serious malformation of her urology system in which the front wall of her bladder is missing.
When she was only one month old she endured a very complicated and time-consuming operation. After being resuscitated the seams of her bladder were sewn together all under general anesthesia. During the two months of surgery Anastasia was put under general anesthesia seven times.
When she was three months old she was finally able to go home with her family. She had to live with bound feet for seven months so that the stitches would not rip apart.
After anxiously waiting, the doctors removed the stitches and the bladder was in the groin area. To this day, the bladder isn’t closed.
Each month’s Nastenka’s temperature rises to 39.5 C due to chronic pyelonephritis. The continuous use of medication has caused Nastenka to develop pancreatic bowel disease.
Anastasia is in urgent need of another operation. Doctors in Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkov are able to perform the next surgery, but success isn’t guaranteed. If the operation isn’t completed correctly, Anastasia will have bladder incontinence the rest of her life. Nastenka is only the third girl in Zaporozhe to have this problem. Although it is rare in girls, Anastasia is unfortunately afflicted with the problem.
Dzhinovich Rados is a Serbian clinician and has extensive experience in treating patients such as Anastasia. Many children have been able to live to the fullest thanks to Dr. Rados’ surgeries. After consulting with the clinic, Dr. Rados has agreed to treat Anastasia on 13 November 2015. The cost of this surgery will be 10,000 Euros.
We ask everyone that reads or hears about this story to please help! We have the opportunity to help another child, to save another life…
The family lives in the city of Berdyansk in the Zaporozhe region.
Contact information for the family: +38 066 828 84 45 Anastasia’s mother Yulia Geogrievna.
For additional information, please contact The Happy Child Foundation