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Alyona Suschinskii, 5 years old – Swelling of the brain stem

March 3, 2016, 11:30 3798 Author: Alina Senyuk, translated by Andrei Vernon deti.zp.ua Fundraising is closed! At the moment, the family cope alone

Alyona Suschinskii, born 17 March 2011

Diagnosis: Swelling of the brain stem.

News about Alyona Suschinskii’s treatment

Doctor’s report: page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4.

MRI results: page 1, page 2.

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Contact Information

ATTENTION! AS AT 10/06/2016 city: Fundraising closed!!

At the moment, the family cope alone


Oksana is the mother of five wonderful children. Life has its difficulties and since February 2015, she has been raising them all on her own. In September 2015, her youngest daughter Alyona started to complain about headaches. In the beginning they treated it like a common cold, then poisoning and on the night of October 6th, she had a epileptic attack.

On October 8th, Alyona was admitted to the Zaprozhye Regional Children’s Hospital. While there, she underwent a MRI scan and she was given an unfortunate diagnosis: posterior fossa tumor and compression of the cerebellum. A week later she underwent surgery, but the doctors said that due to the location of the tumor it would be impossible to completely remove.

Another week went by and she started to get worse – she had difficulty speaking, swallowing, sitting on her own, her face was asymmetrical and cross-eyed. She then had a CT scan and it showed that the tumor had grown. The next treatment will take place in Kyiv at the Ramodanov Institute of Neurosurgery, and the treatment cost at Zaprozhye Regional Children’s Hospital will be 25,000 hryvnia.

A council of specialists in Kiev concluded that there are two methods of treatments. The first – go home and slowly watch their child die. Or two – go through with the risky operation, not knowing whether she will survive.

Oksana was so worried during the operation and, still to this day, worries about her daughter. Oksana has been diagnosed with hepatitis C and will have to go under long-term treatments. Alyonka isn’t the only person that needs Oksana, she also has children at home waiting for her. Unfortunately, the Suschinskii family has no money and we are asking for your help.

As we stated above, Alyonka will need a long and expensive treatment of Temodal.

“We decided the second option because there is nothing scarier than looking into the eyes of a dying child knowing that you cannot do anything. The operation was a grueling eight and half hours, but seemed like eternity to me and I wasn’t discouraged. God answered my prayers and my little girl survived the operation. But that was only the beginning – the next four days she was under the intensive care and supervision of the hospital staff. She was attached to the hospital machinery to assist with breathing. On the third day, my little sunshine was with me and her health started to improve. Despite the fact that she still needed to be under the supervision of hospital staff, it was a huge relief. In the end, we received a document stating her diagnosis and the bill. In the end, we spent

$5650. A month later after an additional consultation at a cancer center, we returned to Zaprozhye Regional Children’s Hospital to undergo chemotherapy and radiation treatment.” Alyona’s mother, Oksana, shared this information with us.

The family lives in the village of Balky, Zaporozhye region.

Oksana’a phone number: +38 067 938 37 48 (mother)

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

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