Makar Volobuyev, born on 28.06.2014
Diagnosis: Embryonal carcinoma.
News about the treatment of Makar Volobuyev
Telephone numbers of parents and volunteers
ATTENTION! ON ON 10/05/2016 AS of: Fundraising is closed!!
We express our gratitude to all the sympathetic and kind people, for helping the kid. The collected funds are sufficient for the final two chemotherapy blocks. We expect good news from the doctors.
I am the mother of a little cheerful boy Makar, and I would like to ask all people with kind hearts for their help. Makar is just one year seven months old, but instead of playing with other children and enjoying his new toys, he has to face quite adult challenges in hospitals.
My dear boy was diagnosed with a malignant tumor, which was growing very fast, I don’t know if it’s the right thing to say, but fortunately it was diagnosed at an early stage. In the four months of our treatment, Makar had to go through two surgeries and two chemo rounds. There is no money left in the family. I am a single mother and raise my son alone. My only hope is that kind-hearted people will help us.
When Makar appeared in my life, it was a real miracle! The fact is that five years ago doctors told me I will never be able to have children. But God still gave me a chance to feel the joy of being a mother! My pregnancy was complicated, and the delivery was not easy – my son was born before the expected term, his weight was 2.390 kg and his height – 45 cm, he was so tiny and very weak. But I just felt so happy and thanked God for such a joy every day.
My only and wanted son was very active and cheerful and we had no problems until September last year. While Makar was taking his bath, I noticed a strange induration in his body. So we went to see a doctor. First, in our local clinic in Akimovka doctors diagnosed Makar with all kinds of things and treated the boy from various illnesses. They could not understand what was happening to him. Only after the surgery in Zaporozhye, the pathology test showed that it was a malignant tumor. So now, instead of enjoying his games and playing outside with his friends, my dear boy has to spend his time in hospitals, waiting for the next chemo round.
As I already told, I am a single mother. There are no family members who could help us, and my mother is sick and needs help herself. I have no money left so I really need your help. According to the preliminary estimates, we have four more chemo rounds and two CT scans ahead. Makar has a chance to live a perfectly healthy life if we go through all the challenges now! Please help my boy win the battle for his life.
The family lives in Akimovka, Zaporozhye oblast.
To get more detailed information, you can contact The Happy Child Foundation