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Shmychakova Violetta 7 years old - Hormonal failure

March 11, 2016, 11:00 4342 Author: Alina Senyuk, translated by Mariya Onishchenko deti.zp.ua Fundraising is closed! For a few months, Violetta provided with the necessary medicine , thanks to you , our dear contributors.

Shmychakova Violetta born May 11, 2008

Diagnosis: Hormonal failure.

News about the treatment Shmychakova Violetta

Reference: page 1, page 2.


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ATTENTION! ON ON 11/05/2016 AS of: Fundraising is closed!!

For a few months, Violetta provided with the necessary medicine , thanks to you , our dear contributors.


Violetta is only seven years old. she is a cheerful child; a smile never leaves her face. Dolls, games and all kinds of entertainment have not been of interest to her since childhood; she spends her free time with a book in her hands.

In October 2015, Violetta was diagnosed with hormonal failure. Hormones regulate the work of the whole body, and effect the functioning of the digestive system, immune system, and overall health.

Violetta is a clever and inquisitive child, and she often asks her mother what would happen if she does not take the expensive medicine "Diferelin" prescribed to her- will she will grow ‘big’, or continue to have stunted growth?

Unfortunately, Violletas mother is the sole provider for her daughter. Violetta requires treatment every 90 days, at a cost of $260 each time, and it is not possible for her mother to raise these funds alone.

As soon as Violettas mother learned of her daughters illness, many surveys and costly analysis were conducted in Zaporozhye, and in other cities.

Violettas first course of "Diferelin" was made in December in a clinic in Kharkov. Her next course is needed at the end of March 2016, and Viola is expected to require this expensive treatment for a further 12 years.

If intensive therapy is started in a timely manner, it is possible to resolve the hormonal imbalance of this young girl, and avoid serious health complications. We are kindly asking for help to give Violetta the best change at a healthy and fulfilling life - this all depends on whether we are able to raise the necessary costs for Violetta to continure to receive the necessary medication. Again, it is urgent that we can raise $260 before the end of March 2016, and a further $1040 before the end of the year - Thank you!

The family lives in the city of Zaporozhye.

Phone mother Juliana: +38 066 296 10 00

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