Violetta dreams of sledding in the park and freedom. From the window of her little room, she watches as one season succeeds another. For the way people are in a hurry to go about their business. There, outside the perimeter of the hospital walls, adults and children are completely different - cheerful and busy. Violetta's whole life passes within the hospital walls, only the cities in which she undergoes treatment, hospital wards and occasionally new neighbors appear.
Now the baby is watching the world from the window of the toxicology department in Kiev. The OKHMATDET clinic is now her home, and she can only be discharged after an unrelated kidney transplant. Peritoneal dialysis performs daily the function of her native kidneys.
Even 4 months ago, doctors doubted that the transplant was possible. Too low indicators of all body functions, critically low weight, an extremely serious condition. Lack of vital drugs and specialized nutrition in the department. Such a serious condition was caused by chronic renal failure of the 5th degree, and the lack of drug support.
During our acquaintance with the staff of the department and family, we managed to accomplish a real miracle! All of us, donors and medical staff, put Violettochka on her feet! Now the baby can not only walk on her own, but also dance, she began to communicate with others! Thanks to the financial support of kind people, we managed to buy medicines and food for the sum of more than UAH 30,000!
Despite the stabilization of the baby's condition, she still needs a lot of drugs. Every month the head of the toxicology department sends a letter to our fund with a list of necessary drugs that are not available in the department. In order for Viola to be included in the waiting list for an unrelated transplant, she needs to raise her hemoglobin and gain weight. At the beginning of February, a council was appointed at the Institute. Shalimov. It is important not to delay this process, because the longer the patient lives with hemodialysis, the more difficult it will be for the body to accept a new organ.
In order for Violetta's future to become a reality, our financial support is still very necessary! Now the task is to raise 60,000 hryvnia for maintenance therapy and treatment in a hospital. The family has no relatives, my mother is an orphan. Except you and me, no one will support them!
Report on received donations and expenses