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A pine forest was laid in the children's eco-village in Ukrainka

November 4, 2021, 15:55 848 Author: Albert Pavlov Thanks to the support of the Social Business Initiatives Foundation, 1,000 pine trees have been planted near family-type orphanages.

A pine forest was laid in the children's eco-village in Ukrainka

The other day in the project Children's eco-village Ukrainka we are seriously engaged in planting a real coniferous forest! Thanks to the support of the fund Social Initiatives Business within the eco-initiative Greening of the Plane we were provided with 1000 Crimean pine seedlings. There has never been such a large-scale planting in the history of the eco-village, it was necessary to acquire additional tools and delve into the theory of forest planting. It would be unrealistic to plant such a number of trees by the usual methods "as in the country". The situation was complicated by the terribly dry land due to drought, each hole had to be watered. Nevertheless, within a few days we managed to cope with the task. It turns out that 1000 seedlings is a very small area for planting, in comparison with the scale of meadows in Ukrainka.

Planting a tree in the south of Ukraine is only one tenth of the job, now they need to be grown. In principle, pines are quite unpretentious plants, but in the first two years, watering and protection from weeds will still be required. All this, in addition to labor costs, also requires water and tools costs. But the result will be the transformation of a desolate abandoned area into a beautiful, sheltered from the winds. The pines, planted 8 years ago, already reach a height of 4-6 meters.

In this autumn season, we need to plant about 30 more trees, for which pits have already been prepared. We assume that these will be plants with root protection (in pots) - thuja, junipers, already 2-3 year old pines and spruces, lindens, plane trees, oaks, roses and other ornamental trees. Everyone can help in purchasing plants.

You can also buy plants and plant them yourself by coming to visit us.

Special thanks to Yulia Semakova and volunteer children for help with the landing!

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

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To 19 sick children $4 748
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Humanitarian help: $565
To disabled children: $1 298
To children's village: $47
To orphans and poor children: $210
"Helpus" - help to adults: $1 950
Service expenses: $2 129
Total sum of expenses: $10 986

$7 057 668

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