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Andrii Levadnyi

January 13, 2025, 23:00 50 Author: Lobanok Yana deti.zp.ua The boy urgently needs a cerebrospinal fluid shunting system costing 28,500 UAH (approximately 700 USD).

Andrii Levadnyi

Andrii Levadnyi, born in 04.12.2020

Diagnosis: Hydrocephalus, spastic hemiparesis, symptomatic epilepsy.

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At birth, Andrii was completely healthy, but on the 25th day of life, he was admitted to intensive care due to severe diagnoses—pneumonia and sepsis. Later, he developed meningitis, an inflammation of the brain's membranes. After lengthy treatment, the disease was overcome, but serious consequences remained: hydrocephalus, spastic left-sided hemiparesis, and symptomatic epilepsy.

To manage hydrocephalus, doctors installed a cerebrospinal fluid shunting system for Andrii, which diverts excess cerebrospinal fluid from the brain's ventricles to the abdominal cavity. At that time, we helped acquire the shunt. However, after nearly three years, the system failed, causing damage to the boy's intestines. Andrii underwent surgery, which resulted in postoperative peritonitis, an inflammation of the abdominal cavity. Following extended treatment, a new cerebrospinal fluid shunting system was installed, which we also helped procure.

Andrii Levadnyi

At the end of December, Andrii was hospitalized again due to severe abdominal pain and high fever. He was once again diagnosed with peritonitis and is currently undergoing treatment. Once his condition stabilizes, a replacement of the cerebrospinal fluid shunting system will be necessary.

Andrii’s family are internally displaced persons from Vasylivka District who have been living in Zaporizhzhia since July 2023. Due to their challenging financial situation, they cannot afford to purchase the cerebrospinal fluid shunting system, which will be required in the coming days. The shunt has already been provided thanks to an agreement with the supplier for deferred payment. This gives us one month to raise the necessary funds—28,500 UAH (approximately 700 USD).

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Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

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