In her family, Kira is called “Thumbelina” because she was born weighing only one and a half kilograms. Even now, at the age of nine, she weighs just twenty kilograms. Due to her premature birth, Kira has health problems, and recently doctors also discovered hearing impairment. To fully communicate and study, Kira needs hearing aids.
Artem was also born prematurely. At the age of one, he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and later vision and hearing impairments were identified. Artem studies at a school with an inclusive program, loves listening to music, and enjoys singing. For speech development and better connection with the world, he also needs hearing aids. Recently, Artem received a hearing aid for one ear funded by the government, but the second one needed to be purchased privately.
Both families are displaced persons from the Zaporizhzhia region. Each of them has their own heartbreaking story of losing their home, work, and normal life. Now, Kira’s and Artem’s families are barely making ends meet and cannot afford to buy hearing aids.
However, miracles happen during the Christmas holidays! Thanks to the help of a kind-hearted benefactor, we were able to purchase hearing aids for Kira and Artem, with a total cost of 130,000 hryvnias (approximately 3150 US dollars). This is a true miracle for the children and their parents!
Miracles happen when we come together for good deeds!