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Zaporozhye Sanatorium boarding school #7 for the children with the recovering forms of tuberculosis

December 17, 2007, 0:05 15420 Author: Albert Pavlov (translated by Natalia Guzenko) www.deti.zp.ua There are about 320 children in this institution, and about 24 of them are orphans

Publications about this boarding school

What are the orphanage’s needs?

At this moment there are 323 pupils of the age range 7-17 y.o.

Most of them come home on the weekends to visit the parents. But there are pupils that are constantly present in the orphanage - those are the orphans and children, whose parents were deprived of the parental rights, there are 24 such children.

Besides, there are several dozens children, whose parents «forget» to take them home. Such kids are really sensitive to the lack of communication and they constantly need attention and care. The orphans are not ill with tuberculosis, some of these kids just have relatives that are ill with tuberculosis, and some have just the worsen Mantoux test results.

We didn't notice any severe precautions from the staff of the orphanage as well as them being afraid of catching tuberculosis from the kids. Some people from the staff work in this orphanage for about 40 years and thanks God their health is just fine. In the orphanage there is a computer class that has 5 PCs, that can be used, as well as some really ancient PCs of the soviet period. Children study at the computer class and will be happy to spend there more time. This problem is especially noticeable when the post-school classes need to be organized at the weekends, when about 70 kids stay at the orphanage.

One can visit the pupils of the orphanage at the workdays from 14-00 to 19-00, at the weekends from 9-00 to 21-00.

The orphanage needs:

- Vitamins «Vitrum Junior» or similar to those;

- Toys (fluffy toys, educational toys, erectors, board games)

- Sports goods (balls, badminton, tennis and gym appliances);

- Stationery (white paper, copybooks, pens and pencils);

- Computers (Pentium 3 1,3 GHz or more advanced, RAM 256 MB or more advanced.), printer, scanner or multifunctional printer devices.

- Furniture (single beds-15 items, side bed tables - 15 items, computer tables - 10 items, furniture for classrooms, wardrobes);

- Fan heater;

- Electric kettles;

- Bactericidal lamp for nasal pharynx cavity - 1 item.;

- Fridges – 2 items;

- Clothes and footwear.

You can also send your donations to the “Happy Child” fund that was created by the volunteers of the site www.deti.zp.ua Indicate Orphanage# 7 in the details of payment.

The address of the orphanage #7:

Ukraine, Zaporozhye city, 69096, Lenskaya str. 1A (Украина, г. Запорожье, 69096, ул. Ленская, 1а)

Bus station “7th orphanage”, bus route “Mettalurgov – Vladimirovka village” ("Металлургов - с.Владимировка")

If you have any questions, contact Rezantseva Zinaida Anatolyevna, the director, or Burlachko Lyudmila Alekseyevna, social teacher:

+3 8 0612 286-97-58, 286-97-45, 286-97-36 (fax)

If you noticed any inaccuracy in this information, or you have some additional information – please tell about that to the administer of the site – detizp@mail.ru

There are several hobby groups, but they can't support all of those who would wish to take part in it. The reason to that is weak financial situation and lack of teachers.

The children would like to go in for dances, vocal, scenic activity, embroider activity, knitting, handicraft. In the past there were 2 choir groups in the orphanage and an orchestra group. The children would be happy to receive the musical instruments and of course would be very glad to have the music lessons. The orphanage managed to bring the sports hall in order that’s why children are waiting for the volunteers that would be able to organize different sports classes. You can just come to the orphanage and communicate with the kids at any topics.

On the 24th of October the kids received 4 computers from Rathiopharm representation in Kiev.

Translated by Natalia Guzenko from Kherson

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

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You donated in 2025

$ 33 455

Our expenses in 2025
To 33 sick children $8 703
Medical equipment: $0
Humanitarian help: $1 047
To disabled children: $1 710
To children's village: $1 006
To orphans and poor children: $2 015
"Helpus" - help to adults: $2 715
Service expenses: $2 304
Total sum of expenses: $19 540

$7 084 665

donated since 2007