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Rules for helping families in need

1. Charitable Foundation "Happy Child" provides assistance to the following categories of families, mainly in the Zaporozhye region:

• families with many children, low-income families or those in difficult life circumstances;

• families in which parents or children have disabilities or serious chronic diseases;

• foster families, family-type orphanages, families of guardians and adoptive parents

If assistance is needed for persons over 18, please contact the Helpus adult assistance project

If you need help treating your child, please read rules for providing assistance to sick children

2. The Foundation tries to provide assistance in the following cases:

- the family cannot cope with problems on its own;

- the family needs the support of volunteers.

3. The Fund considers all applications, but due to limited resources, it does not guarantee assistance to all applicants.

4. The Foundation can provide assistance in the form of:

- material assistance in the presence of free funds and by decision of the fund council;

- information assistance (posting a request on the website www.deti.zp.ua);

- volunteer assistance.

When placing a request on the site, an agreement is concluded with the fund and funds are collected to the fund's accounts. In this case, the Fund does not guarantee the result, but only organizes and accompanies the fundraising process. The Fund provides full reporting on all incoming funds, and upon completion of the collection transfers funds to the family for the purposes specified in the contract.

5. To provide assistance, the family must send to the address info@deti.zp.ua or transfer personally the following information:

• Photocopies of the passport and identification code of the mother/father, birth certificate of the child/children, certificate of a large family, other documents confirming the status of the family;

• Digital photographs of the family (children, parents from different angles), housing and other photographs that reflect the difficulties faced by the family;

• Home address, parents' home and mobile phone numbers, email address. mail (if any);

• Statement from the district center of social services for children, families and youth, confirming the status and problem of the family (in wartime - confirmation from local deputies, elders, teachers, etc.);

• Full bank account details (including iban code);

• If the request is posted on the site, then a signed application requesting the posting of information is required.

6. The person in whose name the accounts for the transfer of donations are opened is obliged to submit to the Fund at least once a month a report on the funds received through bank transfers, hand-to-hand transfers and other means, as well as a report on the expenditure of the funds received.

7. In case of refusal to provide a report on the use of funds, the request for assistance will be moved to the section of irrelevant requests, and the fund has the right to terminate cooperation with the family.

8. If the amount of donations exceeds the level of expenses for the reporting period, the request will be moved to the section of irrelevant requests.

9. The Fund has the right to refuse to place a request on the website and to provide assistance in the following cases:

- non-fulfillment by parents or guardians of the cooperation agreement;

- the presence at the time of the appeal of a large number of higher priority requests for assistance;

- lack of free funds in the fund;

- the family has not issued all the state subsidies and payments required by law;

- parents take a dependent position, and do not make efforts to get out of the situation;

- parents are not adequate, abuse alcohol or drugs;

- impossibility for organizational reasons to prepare and place the request in the required time.

10. Although the foundation makes every effort to ensure that donations received by families are accountable, the family remains legally responsible for the proper use of funds.

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004

They need help:
Ivan Babich
Ivan Babich

Sensorineural deafness ІV degree

Help now

You donated in 2024

$ 45 841

Our expenses in 2024
To 45 sick children $18 048
Medical equipment: $1 355
Humanitarian help: $18 475
To disabled children: $32 866
To children's village: $1 036
To orphans and poor children: $1 303
"Helpus" - help to adults: $10 774
Service expenses: $9 208
Total sum of expenses: $94 483

$6 811 489

donated since 2007