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Dikopolov Andrej – Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

March 19, 2011, 10:00 2881 Author: Grigor'eva Inna, translated by Darina Sukach www.deti.zp.ua Andrej’s family is appealing to all of you to help their son to conquer leukemia! The family needs 1, 500 hryvnyas (188 $) to cover the check-up expenses as well as to buy a personal tonometer.

Andrej was born on the 27th of April 2005.

The principle diagnosis: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, relapse; rheumatic carditis and rhythm disturbance.

Discharge from the hospital

Adrej Dikopolov’s up-to-date treatment news

The report of the donations received and spent for the treatment of Andrej Dikopolov

How you can help

The recent donations report

The contact information of the parents and volunteers

One may say that little Andrej is “a veteran” of the Hematological Department of the Zaporizhia regional hospital. Two years ago the boy was diagnosed with leukemia. The little patient completed his first treatment course and thus, spent a year within the hospital walls. When Andrej was finally discharged from the hospital he hoped to come back to his normal boy’s life…But his dreams were dashed by relapse. The disease would not abate. And everything: chemotherapy, blood transfusion, injections and dropper procedures started all over again…God knows how this five-year-old boy can endure such ordeals.

Andrej loves assembling construction toys, and outdoor games. He is really keen on playing with his toy cars and trains. You can only imagine what it means for such a little fireball to stay for almost a year in the hospital ward again where you cannot run, jump or just have some fun…

On top of that the chemotherapy resulted in several complications: there is some fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity and heart rhythm disturbances. Andrej and his mother are fearfully waiting for the test results for hepatitis.

Now the little boy has to undergo different checkups – some inoculations and a series of blood tests for different viruses and hepatitis types. These procedures will enable to define whether the boy has got any causative agent and will help doctors to tackle leukemia in the most effective ways.

Andrej’s mother Alexandra Michajlovna is asking all warm-hearted people to help her son to beat the serious disease. The little boy also constantly has to control his arterial pressure, so he needs a personal tonometer. Besides, the boy’s family has to pay for the blood tests which can be taken only in private laboratories since it’s not possible in state ones. Andrej’s family is already financially exhausted. All the family income goes for purchasing medicine and additional nourishment for their son.

Now Andrej needs around 1,500 hryvnyas (188$) to buy a tonometer and pay for all the checkups. Support this lovely little boy, please! Even your smallest donation can ease Andrej’s treatment process and brighten his hospital stay.

The telephone number of Andrej’s mother Alexandra: +38-067-34-51-911

Andrej’s family lives in Zaporizhia.

Details for transferring your donations for Dikopolov Andrej:

(Please let the Foundation members know about your donations)

You can help by using convenient ways of donation (PayPal, MoneyGram, Western Union, Webmoney, etc.)

For further information contact the volunteers of the Happy Child Charity Foundation.

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004

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